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Sing for the Glory of God

To sing best, please download the tracks from the previous page, called Sing Better in Half an Hour, and practise them for 2 hours a day for 2 years. Then, or concurrently, practise the breathing from this book, called How to Sing for the Glory of God. 

How to Sing for the Glory of God

When you sing in church do you want your tone of voice to be harsh, like a lot of screaming songs are these days, or sweet. You are singing for the glorification of God, so perhaps the sweeter the better.

And you can change your voice. Try singing like Jimmy Barnes and make it harsh! Now try singing like Patsy Kline or George Jones and make it sweet! 

How do you develop consistent, strong sweetness in the voice, whether or not it's mellow, soft or powerful? It's simple. 

Firstly, Laugh Down on the sound of "chair". Do it with 14 outbursts on one out breath. Repeat this 14 times. The sound itself sweetens your voice!

Notice as you do it that your breathing comes from your pubic belly, just above your pubic bones. In other words, you are using your abs muscle - your rectus abdominis, which runs from your pubic bone to your ribcage up the centre of your body and has your abs in it - at its lowest part to push the air out of your chest. When you do that it sweetens your voice.

Yes, you still breathe in with your diaphragm, which pulls down fully, displacing your belly all the way to your pubic bone. And then, to get sweetness, you push out from your pubic belly.

So practise walking and Laughing Down like this for 21 days consecutively. Then you will be trained in it.

Your Sweet Voice Hand Position

Now add a Hand Position. You can interlace your fingers or you can interlace them inwardly, with your fingertips pointing towards your body. 

Make sure that your left fingers are on top of your right corresponding fingers. For example, your left index finger should be on top of your right index finger, and your left thumb on top of your right. 

And make sure that they are interlaced at the first bones - the ones with the nails on them. Then point your Hand Position downwards so that your fingertips face upwards. This guides your rectus abdominis to move from its lowest part, giving you sweetness of voice.

Go for your walk each day with your Hand Position in front of you, Laughing Down on the syllable "chair" and, after half an hour, sing! Notice how sweet your voice has become, both on soft and loud singing. Do it for 21 days to develop your sweetness powerfully. When you have maximum sweetness your audience will get goosebumps.

Goosebump Singing

Some voices give you goosebumps as soon as you hear them - Patsy Kline, George Jones, Marty Robbins and Barbara Streisand for example. You can do it too. Simply add this breathing technique to those in the book "Singing for the Glory of God - Goosebump Singing" by Elvis Pavarotti. 

This book is for you if you want to

sing better 

sing sharper, so that you don't sing flat

sing flatter, so that you don't sing sharp

sing with more vibrato

sing with less vibrato

sing with more resonance

sing with more warmth

sing with more sweetness

sing with more power

sing with more joy, enthusiasm and love

express your love of God

sing in a choir

sing solo or lead in a choir

How to Sing for the Glory of God

Goosebump Singing

How to sing better in seven minutes

How to sing to give your audience goosebumps

Superscripts Movement

Write how your voice moves so that you can learn it well and do it best.


Superscript your words to remember what works best in each song, so that you get the fullest expression of the song beautifully performed to give your audience goosebumps.

God Sings You

If you sing in a choir you might like to wear this, along with your friends. Revelations 22:4 says to wear the name of God on your forehead, and this is one way to do it. Just get a local seamstress to make the headband out of red material and paint the words on with non-toxic paint from your local craft shop.

Fear Not, for God is with YOU!

Do not be scared to sing! Hopefully, the story of my long, singing career and my armchair critics will both amuse you and encourage you to sing too. Let go of your fear and express yourself with your beautiful voice.


God made it, so it’s perfect. You simply need to learn how to use it, and that’s given to you in this website.

We all have vocal cords, so if you can speak you can sing. We all have a diaphragm and tummy muscles, which you need to breathe with. Breathing is the basis of singing, laughing and natural health and healing.

Faced with this biological reality, I decided to sing. I was told to shut up and sing only in the bathroom - so I did, at the top of my voice!

I was told that my voice was gravelly. It was! I was told that my singing was flat. It was! So I went to a Western-style singing teacher. She made it worse.


So I tried natural health. It worked! I did mid lobe breathing to strengthen my voice and raise it out of flatness. I ate a vegan diet and fasted to purify my voice. It worked!

In 1980 I busked with voice and guitar at the famous Eumundi markets - before they were famous! There were six stalls and me, the busker.

As I was singing one of my own songs in 1982, at those markets, called “Multiple Orgasm for Men” a nun threw coins into my hat. I realised then that the listeners don’t necessarily hear the words! They just want the melody, metre and rhythm.

My voice purified and strengthened remarkably after two years of fasting for a few days a month and practising breathing exercises. So I wrote and sang my own concert. It went well! I met my wife there!

I proposed to her on the same night that I met her!. She said “I’m thinking of becoming a nun!” I thought that was sooo funny, I was impressed. A few months later we got married. 

In 1987 I sang on radio for the first time. The audience loved it - one even gushed when she called the station to talk to me! 

In the next three decades I toured Australia and New Zealand, with thousands listening in and coming to my performances afterwards.

In 1995 I appeared on the TV show “3,4,5 Live!” in Auckland. It was a teen talent type of show, so I taught a singing technique and sang to them.

After the show the techy guys approached me and said “We looked at the recording and you sang perfectly on pitch with no deviations. You were very, very smooth. We’ve never seen that before! How did you do that?”

Yes, the computer had given them its verdict on my singing! Computers LOVE my voice!


I sang to a woman when we were standing on the sidewalk in a group circle, and she fell over backwards, flat on the pavement. Music can move you!

I have serenaded hundreds of women, who loved it. Sometimes their husbands would give me $20 to sing to them for the husband, because he was too scared of singing and it was their dream to be properly serenaded.

I learned business. In business, they say that you have “A”, “B” and “C” class customers. “A” class customers love you, give you 80% of your money and bring “A” class friends. I’ve had thousands of those.

“B” class customers buy your product and walk away satisfied. I’ve had hundreds of thousands of those.

“C” class customers whine and complain, take 80% of your time and give you 20% of your money. Drop them!


Armchair Critics

Armchair Critics think like this: “Good. Bad. Like this. Don’t like this.” It’s stinking thinking.

Mature lovers of music think like this: “Vibrato doesn’t work in choral or barbershop. Use it for your solo performances. Use it in this song here, here and here, use tremolo here, keep it straight here."

Sing “What would you do if I sang out of tune” which is a Beatles’ song, with the “sang out of tune” words flat, for humour.” Sounds have meaning, and the way you interpret a song may feel very meaningful to some, and do nothing for others. 

Armchair Critics don’t feel, so they don’t actually know what I have just said. Use computers for your feedback on technicalities instead.

I have had five “C” class customers for my singing, out of millions! The first was my mother. She didn’t like my voice and said so. In particular, she didn’t like my vibrato. Eventually, in my 40s, she liked my voice on one of my songs!

So whatever she said was bad, I did, and everybody else loved it! For example, I did vibrato to other women, who loved it!

Then I have a business friend who is an armchair critic. She hates my voice, although she respects my natural health teaching. 

Then there’s my natural health friend, who says that I “strain”. I agree that sometimes I do, so I learned to relax and ease off a bit.

Then there’s the computer guy who suggested that I “get a professional”. I have made a living from my singing for 30-40 years, so I am already a professional. I phoned up radio and TV stations, sang down the phone to the announcer or producer, and they asked me if I would like to sing on their programs!

He even said “I think you need to have a professional singer” because it would be “smoother”. Firstly, professionals do it for money, so I have been professional since 1979. I have sung professionally for over 40 years! Now I like to sing for big gorillas and little monkeys, and they LOVE it!

What he really meant was that he liked the smoothness of autotuning. Michael Buble uses it, so he’s always smooth. Taylor Swift doesn’t use it, so she’s authentic.

 Authenticity rates highly with teenage girls, which is her main market. Authenticity also rates highly with the those who love a natural lifestyle, which is my main market.

He also doesn’t like my vibrato, which is gentle undulation. How would he go with tremolo, which is faster waves of undulation, or trillo, which is very fast waves of undulation, which Eartha Kitt does all the time? 

I love Eartha Kitt’s voice, as do many listeners, and some hate it - the same voice, the same song. We all have different perceptions.

I remember playing in a restaurant in Noosa once. I was the regular artist three or four times a week.

One table asked me to sing louder, because they loved my singing. Another table asked me to keep it down because they wanted to talk. And an intimate table smiled at me, then gave me $5 to “play another one just like that”. 

Then there was the night, again at Noosa, when I played to an appreciative audience of 37 in another Noosa restaurant. Two listeners, who said nothing to me, didn’t like it because they wanted to talk. So they complained to the management and I got the sack, even though many had said they would come again next week to hear me.


So I told my friend that “millions” love my voice. He said “Prove it”. I said “I’ve been on the Sunrise Program on Channel 7, half way through the show, which has, on average, 520,000 viewers each day. They called me back at the end of the show to do another verse and chorus because the positive response from their listeners was so strong. 

Then on Christmas eve they called me on again, did a pre-record of the whole song and called me on at the end of that show again. And on Christmas night they played the pre-record, which was done, a capella (with no backing), on the street. That’s five times in the space of a month. 

If you include all of the radio and TV shows I’ve been on, when the switchboard has been jammed with callers, such as three hours on Pacific Radio, New Zealand, which goes out to 400,000 nationwide, THAT’S millions who love my voice.

So take heart. If some armchair critics don’t like your singing, don’t listen to armchair critics. Sing to the best of your ability. Let God be the judge of your sincerity, because that’s what matters - authenticity. 

You see, according to the technicians on the “3, 4, 5 Live!” show for teen talent, I have one of the smoothest, pitch-perfect voices they have ever “seen” (not “heard”, it’s the graph on their computer that impressed them). In other words, their computer LOVED my vocal smoothness!

That’s because I wasn’t wanting vibrato on that performance at the time. I was demonstrating the ability to sing well without vibrato for barbershop, boy band, girl band and choral performances. With solo performances I use vibrato because it’s well-loved, but not with choral. 

The computer guy said “algorithms decide these days”. That works for me, because computers LOVE my voice! He suggested that, at the age of 70, I was losing my vocal appeal because I was “getting older”.

The computer guy said “You need a better product”. He just doesn’t realise that it’s not the product that counts, it’s the marketing of the product. That’s why some beginning songwriter/singers go viral with videos of them singing a newly written song on guitar. It’s authentic. So it’s how you market that that gives you the success. 

The computer guy said “You’re getting too old”. Does “aging” cause voice loss? No, toxicity and poor breathing do. You can detoxify and breathe better to reverse “aging” and recover your vocal ability whenever you want to. 

So I sang Nessun Dorma by Puccini and compared it to the same song that I sang over 20 years ago when, according to music myth, my voice was at its peak (in my 50s). The 70 year old version was better! Here are the two so that you can hear the difference. 


That was from my Tiger Woman album, released in 2003. I was in my 50s. Singing voices are supposed to peak in your 50s, but if you listen closely you will hear that my singing voice is better at 70, over 20 years later.


That was recorded on 14th April, just after my 70th birthday. Clearly, it’s better singing. So I get better the less toxic I become as I recover from life’s stresses (such as 13 friends and family members dying in 13 months, a snake bite and so on), and rejuvenate my body.

Lack of Connection

So I sent my computer guy the recording of Nessun Dorma from 2003, when I was in my 50s, and the new one from 2004 at the age of 70. I didn't tell him which was from which year.

I met him at a concert in the street a week later and asked him which was which. His reply shocked me.

He said "I figured it out from the references with it." He didn't say "I listened to both of them" to make the decision! In other words, he had to go to his Conscious Mind to appreciate music, not his Subconscious Mind. So he cannot appreciate quality of tone. 

That's why he cannot sing. I have heard him try, and although he gets the notes on pitch he sings from his throat, which is completely wrong. It's like speaking. There is no Connection in it.

That's because he's a chest breather, so he only gets 25% of his oxygen. His Conscious Mind is sharp but his Subconscious and Unconscious are not being utilised. He cannot connect with his senses. 

Having known him for some time I already knew that he had no connection with feeling, with touch. This disconnect on the sensory level will make his love life very sad, because although he wants a woman and has a good heart, women want connection on a feeling and hearing level, and he cannot do that. 

To overcome this he needs to practise Laugh Downs on "e" as in "bed" but I doubt that he will because the need for them doesn't make any sense to him. He doesn't realise that enlivening his senses is a necessary part of relating well.


He's a good man with a loving heart but his disconnection and disengagement sensorily is a barrier to his love. I hope he practises Lower Belly and Upper Belly Breathing until this condition reverses. 

Armchair critics don't

Please realise that my armchair critics don’t sing. They don’t know how to breathe well and don’t practise breathwork. They just know what they like and don’t like, which is fine for them, but not a reflection of how good your singing is, so you pay no heed to their criticisms. 

Now here’s the story of my greatest critic, who hated my voice and said so loudly. She was a woman journalist at a country newspaper in New Zealand. 

As soon as I walked into her office and announced myself, she raised her voice and said “Don’t sing! My editor has asked me to do this job, so I will write it up, but please don’t sing because I hate Elvis.”


She hated my voice without even hearing it! Needless to say I got a very small write up.

So even Elvis Presley, the king of rock and roll, had listeners who hated his voice. Yes, this limited his market to those who loved or liked his voice, but that market remains sizable even today. So yes, you will get a few who don’t like your voice either, but you also have millions who love it, as I do.

Now here is the story of a radio station who loved my voice. Radio 4BC in Brisbane had an announcer called Greg Carey. He was interviewing me once a month. 

At the end of one interview he said “Sing I Can’t Help Falling in Love with You” off -mike. Then he stopped an advertisement and I began to sing. As I did so he brought up Elvis Presley with the same song at the same time as I was singing it.


Then he motioned me to stop and off-mike again he said “Now get out of here quickly.” I gathered my things and went, quickly. As I closed the door he said, on-mike “Elvis is leaving the building”. It was sooo funny!

At the next interview he gave me another announcer’s phone number. He said that Anthony Frangi had just left the radio station for a job promoting a Mind, Body, Spirit Expo, and would probably love my help.

So I rang Anthony and sang down the phone to him, and he said “Get a large, rubber latex mask of Pavarotti, and one of Elvis, wear a suit and sing down the streets of West End (a suburb in Brisbane) and I will get the media out.

I did. He did. The promotions got 22,000 through the doors of Southbank, the large exhibition hall in Brisbane. They were lined up in double lines down the corridor!

Because of this background experience, in December of 2021 I sang “live” on air, acapella (without backing instruments), on the street, on Channel 7’s Sunrise Program. They loved it so much they asked me to do it again to close the program.

Then on Christmas eve they invited me to sing the Christmas Light carol. They loved it so much that they made a pre-record of the whole song and played it on Christmas night.


So I outgrew my Armchair Critics and placed all of my wonderful songs on this website. I hope you enjoy them.

And I hope you practise the songs and the Laugh Downs in these Healing Choirs. They will help the healing process.

George Klein said "If you are an Elvis fan, no explanation is necessary. If you are not an Elvis fan, no explanation is possible."

Boc Ca Nessun DormaElvis Pavarottti
00:00 / 02:51
Nessun DormaElvis Pavarotti
00:00 / 03:01

The Rainbow Healing Choir
with Elvis Pavarotti and Cheeky Monkey

invites you to a FREE


Come for the fun! Come for the healing! Come to hear and participate in (if you wish, no pressure) a choir that loves the amazing grace, love, joy and peacefulness that you can enjoy while singing healing songs. 

Song List

1 The Vine

  • Conditions for healing well, using the Laws of Nature

  • Laugh Down on "wer" for relaxing the trapezius muscle between your neck and shoulders


2 Laughter Party

  • Laugh Downs 

  • on "er" -  for relief of pain, ache and discomfort in neck and shoulders, back, cramps, spasm, asthma, angina, migraine, lower back, mid back, upper back, back traction and contraction (relaxation) 

  • on "thaw" (as in "this, then, there") for inflammation - pain, redness, swelling, itch, lower mobility and function

  • on "wha" (as in "hat") - for skin smoothing

  • on "shee" for face lift - firming under cheeks, jaw and eyebrows

  • on "chah" for endothelium (blood vessels) - varicose veins, spider veins, blood blisters, purpura (purple patches on skin, usually indicating deficiency in Vitamin B3 or Vitamin C)

3 Shake! Shake! Shake! 

  • Shake Downs to boost your energy!

  •  for active (+) organs (small intestine, stomach, large intestine, urinary bladder, gall bladder, submucosa, lamina propria)

  •  for passive (-) organs (heart, spleen, lungs, kidneys, liver, pericardium, peritoneum)

4 No Added Sugar

  • Call Downs to release addictions, including food addictions, gluttony, drug addictions

5 Pecan and Olive Beetroot Stew (to boost your iron levels)

  • Breath Testing for selenium to boost your energy (plus Selenium Rich Ice Cream)

  • Breath Testing for iron to boost your energy and strength (plus Iron Rich Ice Cream)

  • Laughing Vibrations Plank for your Core Muscles (demonstration only, by teacher)

6 Sing up a Storm

  • Sing Downs to boost your vitamins, enzymes, sleep time herbs and hormones

  • Affirmation Sustain to digest better throughout your meal

  • Bloat Busting

  • Sleep Sustain to heal while you sleep and strengthen muscle faster

  • Active Sustain to perform better - to play sports, sing, dance and act better

7 Hug Song

  • Hug Downs to boost your love

  • Hum Downs on "m" to sleep well

  • Chuckle Downs for different parts of your nervous system

8 Holy Spirit Activate!

  • Pray Downs to boost your healing speed

  • Word Healing - Astragalus to extend your years of healthy life

  • Telomerase to lengthen your DNA and rejuvenate all of your cells

9 Toilet Music for Constipated Kids

  • Wer Downs for constipation. What comes in must go out, so if you have 3 meals per day you need to have 3 bowel motions per day. Less is constipation, more is diarrhea. Check your children, as many of their conditions stem from poor eating habits which give them constipation or diarrhea.


10 Christmas Light

The Lord put it upon my Heart to bring this song - which is Christianity in a nutshell - out to billions this year.

  • Divine Sandwiches for protection

11 Abide in Me

  • Walk Downs to straighten your whole spine

12 Amazing Grace

  • Humming songs of grace for mental health

13 Oh Mother Dear

  • The Breath of Happiness

  • Cry Downs to release grief

14 Mother Angel

  • Toning songs with feeling to release emotional stress, using all nine pure vowels

15 Sing for the Glory

Afterwards: Healing Ice Creams, Soups and/or Herbal Teas, such as Super Memory Ice Cream, Wrinkle Reducing Ice Cream, Iron Rich Ice Cream, Pecan and Olive Beetroot Stew and Peppermint, Ginger and Lime tea.

God Heals You

And then says "Go your way and sin no more". A sin is a mistake. For example, it is a mistake not to drink enough pure water each day. The result of making this mistake is dry cells, loss of energy and a multitude of symptoms - over 150!

So it's important for your continued health to follow the Laws of Nature, which are given to you freely in the song called The Vine. When you follow them your road to recovery will be much smoother, quicker and easier.

The Vine 

by international singer/songwriter and retired celebrity naturopath,

Elvis Pavarotti

The Vine (John 15:5)


              Em                       Am

I am the vine; you are the branches.

                Am                        Em    D

And I will heal you with every answer.

              Em                      Am

I am the vine; you are the branches,

              Am           G

And I will love you true.


         G                      Em

1 The Laws of Healing are Natural Laws

           G              D7       G

To support your God's design.

         G                 Em

Your body temple has its ways.

    D7                   G

Obey them to be fine.

           G                      Em

2 The Law of Moving says exercise

    G              D7       G

Is light, medium or strong.

       G                   Em

Do High Intensity Shivering

      D7                       G

To move your body along.


           G                   Em

3 The Law of Breathing says to put 

         G                       D7             G

Your tongue forward from your throat. 

             G                            Em

Then when you breathe in - belly out.

              D7                                         G

Breathe out from the pockets in your coat.

           G                    Em

4 The Law of Water says one litre

         G               D7    G

Per twenty three kilograms 

      G                      Em

Of body weight is what you need

      D7                          G

To take your health in hand.


           G                     Em

5 The Law of Eating says that you need

   G             D7        G

Food that's not too dry.

       G                                Em

So drink what you eat and eat what you drink

               D7                     G

So your health can really fly.

           G                 Em

6 The Law of Sunlight says to go

        G                    D7           G

To sleep when the sun goes down

       G                        Em

And get up when the sun gets up

      D7                                        G

To wear a smile not a wrinkled frown.


           G                Em

7 The Law of Resting says to me-

   G              D7       G

ditate  in the early morn. 

            G                    Em

Then pray to God for healing grace,

        D7                  G

His wonders to perform.

           G                      Em

8 The Law of Abiding says rest your mind

     G      D7        G

in Jesus all day long.

         G               Em

Keep effortlessly focused on God

          D7                              G

With prayers you created in song. 




Laughter Party 

Sing the song, then do Laugh Downs for relief of pain, ache and discomfort in neck and shoulders, back, cramps, spasm, asthma, angina, migraine, lower back, mid back, upper back, back traction and contraction (relaxation) 

Laughter Party Sneak PeekCheeky Monkey
00:00 / 00:48

Shake! Shake! Shake!

Sing the song, then do Buzz Downs for relief of pain, ache and discomfort in neck and shoulders, back, cramps, spasm, asthma, angina, migraine, lower back, mid back, upper back, back traction and contraction (relaxation) 

Shake, Shake, Shake Sneak PeekElvis Pavarotti
00:00 / 00:42

Sing up a Storm

Sing the song, then do Sing Downs with affirmations for the relief of pain, ache and discomfort in neck and shoulders, back, cramps, spasm, asthma, angina, migraine, lower back, mid back, upper back, back traction and contraction (relaxation) 

Sing up a Storm Sneak PeekElvis Pavarotti
00:00 / 00:34

The Hug Song

Sing the song, then do Hug Downs, hugging yourself (and others, if you both want and need it) for relief of stress and tension. 

Happy Just to Hug Sneak PeekCheeky Monkey
00:00 / 00:41

No Added Sugar

Sing the song, then do Crave Downs for relief of pain, ache and discomfort in neck and shoulders, back, cramps, spasm, asthma, angina, migraine, lower back, mid back, upper back, back traction and contraction (relaxation) 

No Added Sugar Sneak PeekElvis Pavarotti
00:00 / 01:00

Holy Spirit, Activate!

Sing the song, then do Pray Downs for relief of pain, ache and discomfort in neck and shoulders, back, cramps, spasm, asthma, angina, migraine, lower back, mid back, upper back, back traction and contraction (relaxation) 

Track NameArtist Name
00:00 / 01:04

No product

Toilet Music for Constipated Kids

Sing the song, then do Wer Downs for relief of pain, ache and discomfort in neck and shoulders, back, cramps, spasm, asthma, angina, migraine, lower back, mid back, upper back, back traction and contraction (relaxation) 

Christmas Light 

Sing the song, then do Divine Sandwich Prayers for the healing of others - family, friends, animals - for relief of a variety of sufferings.

Track NameArtist Name
00:00 / 01:04

Abide in Me

Sing the song as you do Walk Downs for straightening your spine, balancing your hip and shoulders, restructuring your feet and strengthening your ankles.

Amazing Grace

Hum the song to attract grace and a smooth journey into your life.

Track NameArtist Name
00:00 / 01:04

No product

Oh Mother Dear

Tone the song on the sound of "a" as in "hat" for relief of itching and to promote better skin conditions, including smoother skin and lighter wrinkles.

Demo Version of Oh, Mother DearElvis Pavarotti
00:00 / 04:12

No product

Mother Angel

Sing the song, then do gratitude prayers to nourish your nervous system.

Track NameArtist Name
00:00 / 01:04

No product

Sing for the Glory

Welcome visitors to your site with a short, engaging introduction. 

Double click to edit and add your own text.

Track NameArtist Name
00:00 / 01:04

No product

The Twelve Steps of Word Healing

Many people have heard of the 12 steps to recovery. They were created by Alcoholics Anonymous, but they can be used by anyone who is fighting addiction or looking for recovery from any other metabolic dis-ease. Many different addiction support groups use these 12 steps, even those that address things such as shopping or over-eating.


If one of your loved ones is in drug rehab, they may be working through the 12 steps themselves. Aside from knowing about rehab centers, it can help to know what these steps are so you can support them.

Step 1: Admit your life has become unmanageable

Recognize that you’re powerless to deal with your addiction on your own. It has taken over your life, and you no longer have any control over anything.

Step 2: Accept that you need God to become sober

Because you have no control over your life, you need to accept that you need God to step in and help you become sober. Without Him, you cannot succeed.


Step 3: Decide to turn over your life to God

Now that you have accepted that you need God to help you, consciously made the decision to turn over your life to Him.


Step 4: Honestly take stock of your life

Take a long, hard, honest look at your life. Where have you done wrong? What mistakes have you made?


Step 5: Admit your wrongs to yourself, God, and others

Fully admit and take responsibility for the mistakes and wrongs you’ve made. Share these wrongs with others and openly admit the mistakes you made.


Step 6: Be ready to have God remove your character defects

Open yourself up to change. Now that you admit your wrongs, be prepared to change those behaviors that led to these mistakes.


Step 7: Ask God to remove your shortcomings

Pray for God to remove these defects and shortcomings so you can change your life for the better.


Step 8: Write down everyone you’ve harmed during your addictions and be ready to make amends

Identify those you’ve hurt during your addiction. Depending on how long you were an addict, this list could be fairly long.


Step 9: Make amends to those you’ve harmed

Note that there is one caveat with this step: if you know reaching out to someone you’ve hurt will only upset them further, don’t do it. This step isn’t to make you feel better—it’s to sincerely apologize to others for the pain you’ve caused. Don’t cause additional pain just to try to make amends.


Step 10: Continue to honestly look at your actions and admit when you’re wrong

Continually self-monitor to determine if you’re doing the right thing. If you’re not, admit it and make changes.


Step 11: Pray to God for direction and the power to follow those directions

Pray for direction from God to continue living a sober life.


Step 12: Put into practice what you’ve learned and carry the message of faith and recovery to other addicts.

The final step is to continue to practice the 12 steps throughout the rest of your life. Addiction doesn’t end just because you’ve completed the program or any substance abuse treatment. It’s something you’ll battle for the rest of your life, so you must continue to work to remain sober. You also need to share the message of sobriety and faith with others you know are battling addiction. Let them know that they can live a clean life if they dedicated themselves to sobriety and to God.


If you have a loved one who is struggling with metabolic dis-ease, Good Laughing is here to help them reclaim their life. Contact us today to learn more about our programs.

The Twelve Traditions of Word Healing, Short Form

1. Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends upon A.A. unity.

2. For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority — a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern.

3. The only requirement for A.A. membership is a desire to stop drinking.

4. Each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or A.A. as a whole.

5. Each group has but one primary purpose — to carry its message to the alcoholic who still suffers.

6. An A.A. group ought never endorse, finance, or lend the A.A. name to any related facility or outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property, and prestige divert us from our primary purpose.

7. Every A.A. group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.

8. Alcoholics Anonymous should remain forever non-professional, but our service centers may employ special workers.

9. A.A., as such, ought never be organized; but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve.

10. Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the A.A. name ought never be drawn into public controversy.

11. Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films.

12. Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.

The 12 Traditions, Long Form

1. Each member of Alcoholics Anonymous is but a small part of a great whole. A.A. must continue to live or most of us will surely die. Hence our common welfare comes first. But individual welfare follows close afterward.

2. For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority–a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience.

3. Our membership ought to include all who suffer from alcoholism. Hence we may refuse none who wish to recover. Nor ought A.A. membership ever depend upon money or conformity. Any two or three alcoholics gathered together for sobriety may call themselves an A.A. group, provided that, as a group, they have no other affiliation.

4. With respect to its own affairs, each A.A. group should be responsible to no other authority than its own conscience. But when its plans concern the welfare of neighboring groups also, those groups ought to be consulted. And no group, regional committee, or individual should ever take any action that might greatly affect A.A. as a whole without conferring with the Trustees of the General Service Board. On such issues our common welfare is paramount.

5. Each Alcoholics Anonymous group ought to be a spiritual entity having but one primary purpose–that of carrying its message to the alcoholic who still suffers.

6. Problems of money, property, and authority may easily divert us from our primary spiritual aim. We think, therefore, that any considerable property of genuine use to A.A. should be separately incorporated and managed, thus dividing the material from the spiritual. An A.A. group, as such, should never go into business. Secondary aids to A.A., such as clubs or hospitals which require much property or administration, ought to be incorporated and so set apart that, if necessary, they can be freely discarded by the groups. Hence such facilities ought not to use the A.A. name. Their management should be the sole responsibility of those people who financially support them. For clubs, A.A. managers are usually preferred. But hospitals, as well as other places of recuperation, ought to be well outside A.A.- and medically supervised. While an A.A. group may cooperate with anyone, such cooperation ought never go so far as affiliation or endorsement, actual or implied. An A.A. group can bind itself to no one.

7. The A.A. groups themselves ought to be fully supported by the voluntary contributions of their own members. We think that each group should soon achieve this ideal; that any public solicitation of funds using the name of Alcoholics Anonymous is highly dangerous, whether by groups, clubs, hospitals, or other outside agencies; that acceptance of large gifts from any source, or of contributions carrying any obligation whatever, is unwise. Then too, we view with much concern those A.A. treasuries which continue, beyond prudent reserves, to accumulate funds for no stated A.A. purpose. Experience has often warned us that nothing can so surely destroy our spiritual heritage as futile disputes over property, money, and authority.

8. Alcoholics Anonymous should remain forever non-professional. We define professionalism as the occupation of counseling alcoholics for fees or hire. But we may employ alcoholics where they are going to perform those services for which we may otherwise have to engage nonalcoholics. Such special services may be well recompensed. But our usual A.A. "12th Step" work is never to be paid for.

9. Each A.A. group needs the least possible organization. Rotating leadership is the best. The small group may elect its secretary, the large group its rotating committee, and the groups of a large metropolitan area their central or intergroup committee, which often employs a full-time secretary. The trustees of the General Service Board are, in effect, our A.A. General Service Committee. They are the custodians of our A.A. Tradition and the receivers of voluntary A.A. contributions by which we maintain our A.A. General Service Office at New York. They are authorized by the groups to handle our over-all public relations and they guarantee the integrity of our principle newspaper, the A.A. Grapevine. All such representatives are to be guided in the spirit of service, for true leaders in A.A. are but trusted and experienced servants of the whole. They derive no real authority from their titles; they do not govern. Universal respect is the key to their usefulness.

10. No A.A. group or member should ever, in such a way as to implicate A.A., express any opinion on outside controversial issues–particularly those of politics, alcohol reform, or sectarian religion. The Alcoholics Anonymous groups oppose no one. Concerning such matters they can express no views whatever.

11. Our relations with the general public should be characterized by personal anonymity. We think A.A. ought to avoid sensational advertising. Our names and pictures as A.A. members ought not be broadcast, filmed, or publicly printed. Our public relations should be guided by the principle of attraction rather than promotion. There is never need to praise ourselves. We feel it better to let our friends recommend us.

12. And finally, we of Alcoholics Anonymous believe that the principle of anonymity has an immense spiritual significance. It reminds us that we are to place principles before personalities; that we are actually to practice a genuine humility. This to the end that our great blessings may never spoil us; that we shall forever live in thankful contemplation of Him who presides over us all.

The Twelve Concepts of Word Healing

What are the 12 principles of AA concepts?

The 12 spiritual principles of recovery are as follows: acceptance, hope, faith, courage, honesty, patience, humility, willingness, brotherly love, integrity, self-discipline, and service.

Practicing the Spiritual Principles of the 12 Steps

Regardless of whether you subscribe to a monotheistic religion like Judaism, Christianity, or Islam, or you take part in a non-theistic religion like Buddhism and Taoism, spirituality is a vital part of your recovery experience. The same goes if people who fall into an agnostic or atheistic line of thinking.


That being said, most individuals have a difficult time prioritizing their spiritual health and their attention easily strays away from spiritual maintenance as life’s distractions preoccupy their time.


In case you are struggling with your spiritual well-being, here are 12 ways you can practice the spiritual principles of recovery every day:


Acceptance in Recovery

Multiple times throughout the day, things may not go as planned. Practice acceptance when you’ve just missed the bus for work, or when they run out of coffee in the office. Acceptance is by far one of the most useful principles to practice.


Hope for Change

Hope can lend itself to you in any time of need, distress, or unhappiness. Sit down for a couple of minutes quietly, and express your hope that things will work out how they should. If things don’t work out, have hope that you will be okay either way.


Faith in a Higher Power

Practicing faith can look like praying, meditating, speaking to your higher power, etc. Putting hope into a power greater than yourself is faith.


Courage to Keep Going

Be courageous by standing up for what you believe in today, whether that be setting a boundary or telling your boss about an idea you have. Practicing courage can be scary, but it is also rewarding.


Honesty in Relationships

Practicing honesty is pretty straightforward. Practice honesty today by not lying, covering up the truth, without sugar-coating or leaving anything out. Did you show up to work five minutes late? Admit it. Do you really like your friend’s outfit? Tell them the truth. Honestly, honesty is easier the longer you practice it.


Patience for Others

Instead of honking your horn at the car in front of you; take a deep, deep breath and exhale. Practice patience.


Humility in place of Stubbornness

Instead of arguing about how you’re right (even when you know you’re wrong), practice humility by apologizing for your wrongs. It can feel like a defeat, but afterward, you will feel good about yourself and how you treat others.


Willingness to Change

Practice willingness by saying yes to that after-work yoga class with your co-worker. Oftentimes, we are quick to say that we want something— but we are unwilling to make changes to receive that thing. Practice willingness by showing that you will do something for positive results!


Brotherly Love for Strangers

Practicing brotherly love can be as easy as helping your neighbor carry the grocery bags. Practice brotherly love by doing anything from holding the door for someone, to supporting someone in need.


Integrity in Life

Integrity is honesty with a strong set of morals. Practice integrity by not compromising your values in any situation today. Did the cashier accidentally give you $10 extra? Practice integrity by saying something. Is your co-worker asking you to take an extra 20 minutes on your lunch break? Say no, because you should only be making decisions that fit within your personal values.


Self-discipline as Relapse Prevention

Practice self-discipline by being a good person when no one is looking. Did you have a long day at work, and want to cancel plans with sober support so that you can veg out on the couch for the night? Have the discipline to do what’s right for you and your recovery despite what you feel like doing. Do you have the opportunity to be lazy at work because your boss is gone for the day? Practice self-discipline by doing the work despite who is there to oversee you.


Service to Give Back

Service is one of the spiritual principles of recovery that many people in recovery cite as the principle that keeps them sober. You can practice service by talking to someone who is struggling, helping your old neighborhood sort through their pictures, or offering advice to someone that is having a hard time.


Practicing service in AA or NA can be accomplished by setting up the chairs for a meeting, making the coffee, or helping to clean up. You can also go old school and do community service to show your gratitude for the town you live in. Service opportunities are everywhere!

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