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The Secrets of Accelerated Healing

Calling Down - the First Secret of Accelerated Healing

When you call for something, such as "Hey kids! Come for dinner!" you call from high to low, loud to soft and fast to slow. It works! Why?

Your health is not governed by your conscious mind. If I ask you to raise your blood sugar right now, consciously, you don't know how to do it. 

It's done by your unconscious mind. You cannot speak to your unconscious mind and make it do anything.


But it loves music. When you first hear a tune from far away, your conscious mind is engaged in something else and your unconscious mind picks up that beautiful, soulful saxophone sound first. 

So to get your unconscious mind to pay attention and change your health or allow it to be changed, you need to call to it. How?

By calling down into it - from high to low, loud to soft and fast to slow. It will then follow whatever you suggest for 14 breaths. After that it will go back to focusing on its normal function - regulating posture, blood pressure, blood sugar and so on. 

Right now, if you want your unconscious mind to be open to healing, consciously CALL out using their names, like this:

"Neck and shoulders relax rapidly now!"

Feel how they continue to relax until you have completed 14 breaths, and then the process of relaxation stops.  Your unconscious mind focuses elsewhere. You do not sustain the effect.

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Sustaining Affirmations - the Second Secret of Accelerated Healing

How do you get your unconscious mind to remain focused on the affirmation longer than 14 breaths? There are many ways that you can DO to make sure that you sustain the affirmation.

How to Sustain

Firstly, you can cross your ankles, usually left over right. This holds your unconscious mind focused on centre. But once you uncross, it's gone. Try this now. Cross your left ankle over your right and Call Down 

"Neck and shoulders relax rapidly now."

Yes, the process of relaxation will continue for 14 breaths. But because you have crossed your ankles, it will continue beyond 14 breaths - in fact, as long as you have your ankles crossed. 

So uncross your ankles after you have experienced this, and experience that the process of relaxation once again stops. 

Secondly, you can do the same with crossing your left wrist over your right. Once again, cross your wrists and Call Down the prayer, and feel how the process sustains until you uncross your wrists.

Thirdly, rub a little oil that you are not allergic to on your body while at the same time Calling Down the prayer. Take the time, then wait for about half an hour and at the end of that time you will notice that the process of relaxation stops. Yes, it takes about half an hour for the oil to be fully absorbed into your body. 

You can put a drop into your navel if you are lying down, or a drop onto the centre dip of your forehead. 

Can you imagine that if you do this once every 40 minutes you will sustain the affirmation for most of the day? The problem is simply convenience - stopping every 40 minutes to do the prayer with oil.

And what of the night? You need your sleep. How can you sustain the affirmation for 24 hours a day when you need to sleep?

So fourthly, you wear the BLUE (-) face of your Singing Angel in your navel. Sit on the edge of your bed and tape it in with the BLUE (-) dot facing your skin. Then Call Down the prayer. Then lie down and go to sleep.

You could use other affirmations than neck and shoulder relaxation. The more specific you get the better your results. For example, Back pain releases rapidly now" is not as specific as or "I call for realignment of L3-L4 intervertebral disc". How specific you get depends on how much you know about your condition. 

Obviously, the more you know about your condition, the better it will work for you. So write down the affirmation first, to get the best wording. Test using the 14 breath method to discover which affirmation will work best. 

Then, when you are ready, tape the Singing Amplifier into your navel, Call Down the prayer ONCE ONLY, lie down and go to sleep. You will receive 6-8 hours of healing every night, which is over 40 hours of healing a week, which is worth over $4,000 if you were to get that many hours from a professional, healing practitioner.

AND sleep is the best time to heal!

Why is it called a Singing Amplifier? Not only can you use it to sustain the focus of your unconscious mind on an affirmation that you Call Down, but you can also sustain an affirmation to sing better! To do this, simply tape it into your navel and Sing Down

I sing better rapidly now.

Then lie down, go to sleep, and when you wake up, drink two glasses of water, clear your throat and sing for the glory of it!

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Laughing Down, Calling Down, Toning Down, Singing Down, Humming Down

Laughing Down is an exercise that you can do every day to strengthen your Healing Mechanism, which is your Breathing Mechanism. It's moderate exercise, so you can do it for 90 minutes a day, with a maximum of 2 hours a day. You do 14 outbursts of sound on one out breath. 

It trains your unconscious mind in the sound, directing it to focus on the part of the body that you want to heal. For example, the sound of "w" activates healing in your trapezius muscles, relaxing them.

You cannot, however, cross your ankles to sustain the laughing sound, because doing so causes over energy in the related, unconscious, neurological circuitry and long term short-circuiting.  

Toning Down - making one tone such as "air" downwards - can be sustained, so try it on the sound of "ee" and feel how the apex of your upper belly relaxes. This is very useful for those with diabetes, because the pancreas sits right under that apex. It activates healing in your diaphragm, relaxing it.

Humming Down can be sustained too. Place your hands in the Lower Belly Hand Position, Hum Down once only, then feel how, even if you relax your hands out of that position, you continue to breathe in the lower belly.

Singing Down or Calling Down can be sustained too. You have already discovered this by relaxing your neck and shoulders.

You can Sing Down an affirmation, such as "Neck and shoulders relax rapidly now" or a prayer. The difference is in the result that you get. The prayer gets twice the speed of result, so you get the healing in half the time. That's because you have friends helping you - Jesus Christ and God.

If, however, you have friends or family who are atheists and feel uncomfortable praying, you can still help them with affirmations. My father was a confirmed atheist until his death, even though he had strong, spiritual experiences before his death. But he would accept affirmations, so I gave him those.

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14 Outbursts in one Outbreath

A "meridian" or "line of energy" has 14 flows. For example, the liver has a flow from the corner of the big toe nail to the joint where the big to joins the foot. Its second flow is along the instep. Its third flow is up the lower leg. Its fourth flow is along the thigh. And so on. 

Eventually it gets to the 13th flow, which flows through your eyes, and the 14th flow, which flows into your brain. So if you Laugh Down on "zher" for 13 outbursts on one out breath, your eyesight will improve if your eyes are under energised. 

Alternatively, if there is too much energy in your eyes - over energy - then your eyesight will worsen. You will get more eye pressure, glaucoma and blindness. In this case 14 out breaths is better for your eyes because it moves the stagnant energy (Qi) through your eyes and out.

In this case you might need "zher" once only to release the over energy, so Tone Down on "zher" and sustain it - for example, with your left ankle crossed over your right - beforehand.

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Sound Psychotherapy

"In the beginning was the Word". This means that sound is creative. This means that with the right sounds, correctly used, you can grow body parts - such as skin, to get rid of scarring. 

Your simplest, most basic, monkey sounds are pure vowels, like "oo oo, ah ah". When combined with a consonant - such as "ver" for your lungs - they are called Mantras.

We make 14 loud, highly expressive sounds. Each one releases a withheld emotion or other State of Consciousness. 

For example, laughing releases physically held states of consciousness, in which your physical body is held in stasis. Laughing is, therefore, the quickest way to heal cancer tumours, pimples, boils, cysts, varicosities, warts, moles, hardness (like knotty muscles), muscle tension, callouses, dry skin (like cracked heels) and other growths (coagulations like blood clots and cataracts, or limestone calcifications on the walls of the prostate or gall or kidney stones). 

Singing releases emotionally states of consciousness such as hatred (long-held anger)

Crying releases mentally held states of consciousness, such as anxiety (the psychological cause of diabetes).

Wailing releases held states of unfulfilled desires - motivationally held states of consciousness.

Yelling releases held states of unfulfilled expression.

Shouting releases held states of unreleased intuitions or knowings. It releases "old karma" - the consequences of actions long since forgotten - thus preventing unforeseen accidents.

Howling releases held states of constriction, freeing you to move and act willingly - by choice.

Speaking releases unfulfilled responsibilities, rights and obligations of roles that you have played.

Grunting releases incongruences.

Snorting releases incapabilities.

Squealing releases unfulfilled promises, agreements and commitments.

Humming releases held states of unfulfilled injustices, resulting in hatred and vengeance.

Chuckling releases held states of unreleased shame, which need absolution.

Sighing releases old states of guilt, which can only be released by grace, by allowing God to lift them off you to lighten your burden.

Call Down in each of the 14 ways to release held states of consciousness three times a day, or more for the ones that your Breath Testing shows you are necessary. To learn more, go BANANA.

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