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Monkey Mudra Medicine

Go "Ha!". That's one laugh.


Now go "Ha! Ha!" That's two laughs.


Now go "Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!" That's two times two laughs - four laughs altogether.


Now repeat the four laughs.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!"


That's eight laughs.


Now do it three times.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!"


That's 12 laughs. Do them all on one out breath.


Now do 14 laughs on one out breath.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Ha! Ha!"


Each four laughs takes one second, so altogether 14 laughs will take you four seconds.

Now repeat each set of 14, 9 times. That's 36 seconds altogether - less than a minute.


Count and Clap

To train yourself, chant ONE two three four, ONE two three four, ONE two three four, ONE two, several times and clap along so that you get the rhythm of it.


The whole idea is to get yourself a beat and a rhythm going so that counting the 14 claps is easy to do. Do it all on one out breath.


Now notice that when you breathe in - preferably through your nose - you do so from your lower belly. This makes you a good breather - instantly!


You see, your diaphragm is a dome shaped muscle that sits above your abdomen and below your chest cavity. It's the largest, most powerful muscle in your body. When it tenses, all of the muscles in your body feel tension. When it relaxes, all of the muscles in your body relax.


When you laugh out on 14 bursts of breath it massages your lungs and heart. You breathe better because your lungs expel 70% of the toxins in your body - CO2. To see more go BANANA.


That's right. Your large intestine releases 4% of your toxins each day, your kidneys and bladder 6%, your skin glands 20% and your lungs 70%.


Wake up to the reality of fat release. You don't release fat - CHO. You reduce it to water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2). 14% of your fat is released as water and 86% is released as CO2.


So laughing is the best way to release toxins, one of which - in excess - is fat.

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Applied Biology

You can change any body part by regrowing or reducing it. Please look at the before and after photos on this website to realise that it's easy to do. 

As a beginner you need to realise that there are four elements in traditional North African medicine, called Unani-Tib. This was the basis for traditional European medicine, which used the four "temperaments" or personality types - Sanguine, Choleric, Phlegmatic and Melancholic.


You can change your personality  easily by changing your level of breathing. Sanguine relates to Lower Belly Breathing, Choleric to Upper Belly, Phlegmatic to Lower Chest and Melancholic to Upper Chest. Try it. 

Four Part Breathing Chart

This chart summarises the correlations between body structures, vocal qualities, muscle sets and more, allowing you to see the amazing benefits of breathing with Hand Positions and Tongue Positions that will transform your life. To download this chart go BANANA.

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Your Four Body Shapes

The female body appears in a range of shapes, generally made up of your hip, waist, and bust size. Most scientists recognize four different body types for females: Apple, Pear, Banana and Hourglass.


The Apple shape, which is where you have broad shoulders compared to narrow hips. Apple shaped forms tend to have slim legs/thighs, while the abdomen and chest look out of proportion compared to the rest of the body. Fat is mainly distributed in the abdomen, chest, and face.

The Pear or Spoon shape, which is where the hip measurement is greater than the bust measurement. The distribution of fat varies, with fat tending to deposit first in the buttocks, hips, and thighs. As body fat percentage increases, the proportion of body fat distributed around the waist and upper abdomen increases. This body type tend to have a relatively larger rear, robust thighs, and smaller breasts.

The Banana or Ruler shape, which is where the waist measurement is less than 9 inches smaller than the hip or bust measurement. Body fat is distributed predominantly in the abdomen, buttocks, chest, and face. This overall fat distribution creates the typical ruler or straight shape.

The Hourglass shape, which is where the hips and bust are almost of equal size with a narrow waist. Body fat distribution tends to be around both the upper body and lower body. This body type enlarges the arms, chest, hips, and rear before other parts, such as the waist and upper abdomen.

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How to Activate your Four Main Structures of Breathing

Stand up. Lift one heel, then the other. Do it rapidly. This shivers your legs and activates Lower Belly Breathing. Place your left hand on your upper belly and your right hand on your lower belly to feel how your lower belly is more activated - your breathing expands and contracts your lower belly more

Now still vibrate your heels in an alternate fashion, but focus on shivering your hips. Place your right hand on your upper belly and your left on your lower chest. Feel how your upper belly expands and contracts more.

Feel how your diaphragm pulls down on your in breath and relaxes up on your out breath. Feel how your abdomen is pushed out by your diaphragm on your in breath and then your abdominal muscles push up and in on your out breath to push your diaphragm back up.

Now, still vibrating your heels alternately, focus on shivering your lower chest. Place your forearms horizontally and your elbows next to your chest and pump them back and forth. Feel how your lower chest expands and contracts more. This activates your intercostal muscles.



Now, still vibrating your heels alternately, focus on shivering your upper chest. Clasp your hands behind your back, alternating your fingers in the clasp, and notice how this may pull your shoulders back so that you stand with an erect posture. Notice how your upper chest expands and contracts more. 

Especially, notice how your back expands and contracts with this full, deep breathing, which should rise from your lower belly all the way through your upper belly and lower chest. This activates your back muscles, helping to ease back pain.

Two Hand Breathing

Your lungs have three lobes on the right and two on the left. The left, lower lobe is larger than the right, so we include this in Lower Lobe Breathing.


As well, there is a tendon that crosses from your thigh to your torso (body). It crosses at your groin line. Feel your groin line in line with and underneath your nipples, while you are seated. Above that tendon is a hollow called the inguinal hollow. You place the correct fingers in that hollow when breathing for the Lower, Mid and Upper Lobes of your lungs. To see more go BANANA.

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Lower Lobe Breathing               (Lower Belly Breathing)

Place your hands in the Lower Lobe Breathing Position. Laugh 14 x 14 and feel how the lower lobes of your lungs are activated so that your lower belly breathes maximally. To see more go BANANA.

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Mid Lobe Breathing                 (Upper Belly Breathing)

Place your hands in the Mid Lobe Breathing Position. Laugh 14 x 14 and feel how the mid lobes of your lungs are activated so that your upper belly breathes maximally. To see more go BANANA.

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Upper Lobe Breathing              (Lower Chest Breathing)

Place your hands in the Upper Lobe Breathing Position. Laugh 14 x 14 and feel how the upper lobes of your lungs are activated so that your upper belly breathes maximally. To see more go BANANA.

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Upper Respiratory Breathing
(Upper Chest Breathing)

Place your hands in the Upper Respiratory  Breathing Position. Laugh 14 x 14 and feel how your whole torso is activated so that your whole torso breathes maximally.


Yes, it begins in your lower belly, goes up to your upper belly and finishes in your upper chest on the out breath as well as the in breath. And it clears your Upper Respiratory Tract so that your nose, sinuses, ears and throat feel free. This helps to freshen your face. and lift your cheeks. To see more go BANANA.

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One Minute 
Fat Release

There are two types of fat - visceral, which is around your organs, and subcutaneous, which is under your skin. Visceral fat is white, whereas subcutaneous is white, grey or brown.


Subcutaneous means under your skin, but you also have it in your muscles and other places. The important type for your health is the visceral fat. It produces hormones which upset your metabolism when they are in excess - which is when your belly is too fat.


Feel your belly roll. It's easy to pinch. While you are pinching it feel the hardness underneath it. If you have too much visceral fat it may well be that hardness.


Now place your hands in the Subcutaneous Fat Breathing Position. Laugh 14 x 14 and feel the fat roll reduce. To see more press the BANANA button.


Now place your hands for the Visceral Fat Breathing Position. Laugh 14 x 14 and feel the hardness under the fat roll reduce. To see more press the BANANA button.

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Four Part Breathing

Place the tip of your tongue so that it touches the air. Sandwich it between your lips. Rest your teeth around it. Place your left hand on your upper belly and your right hand on your lower belly. Close your eyes, relax and breathe 14 times. Feel how this gives you Lower Belly Breathing. 

Now place the tip of your tongue behind both lips - so that it's surrounded by your teeth. Place your left hand on your lower chest and your right hand on your upper belly. Feel how this gives you upper belly breathing SUPPORTED by Lower Belly Breathing. 

Place the tip of your tongue so that it sits between the backs of both teeth. Place your left hand on your upper chest and your right hand on your lower chest. Feel how this gives you Lower Chest Breathing SUPPORTED by Upper Belly and Lower Belly Breathing. 

Now place your tongue so that its tip is on the bottom ridge of your mouth - between your lower shelf and lower wall (both of which are behind your back teeth). And place the middle of your tongue up so that it touches your top ridge - between your upper ceiling and your upper arch). Thus, your tongue is sandwiched between your two ridges in a curve. Place your left hand on your throat and your right hand on your upper chest. This gives you Upper Chest Breathing SUPPORTED by Lower Belly, Upper Belly and Lower Chest Breathing. 

Lower Belly Breathing relates to the Lower Lobes of your lungs. Upper Belly Breathing relates to the Mid Lobes of your lungs. Lower Chest Breathing relates to the Upper Lobes of your lungs. And Upper Chest Breathing relates to your Upper Respiratory Tract - windpipe (trachea) and voice box (larynx), pharynx, mouth, nose and sinuses.

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Back Pain Reflexology

If these major muscle groups don't help, and your seven, front breathing muscles haven't helped, divide your back into right and left halves and four horizontal sections and Laugh Down for them. 

For your right half use the sound "a" as in "hat".

For your left half use the sound "o" as in "hot".

For your hips and legs use the sound "m".

For your lower back use the sound "k".

For your mid back (ribs) use the sound "l".

For your shoulders and arms (including neck and back of head) use the sound "n".

For example, Sing Down "no" and feel your right shoulder and arm relax down.

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Waves of the Mind

Biofeedback machines show that you have four, basic, states of consciousness. They produce four, different wavelengths emanating from your brain - beta, alpha, theta and delta. 

Beta is your Conscious Mind working.

Alpha is your Subconscious Mind (perceptive mind) working.

Theta is your Unconscious Mind working.

Delta is your Superconscious Mind working.

Each wavelength relates to your breathing.

Beta relates to Upper Chest breathing.

Alpha relates to Lower Chest breathing.

Theta relates to Upper Belly breathing.

Delta relates to Lower Belly breathing.

In 1978 I went to a Down to Earth Festival in Mount Oak. They hooked me up to a biofeedback machine. I meditated.

When I came out they told me that I was not in any of the four states of consciousness. I had a different pattern which they had never seen. "How long have you been meditating?" they asked.

"14 years," I replied. I began enjoying profound silence in Quaker Meeting at the age of 10.

"You must be in some state of enlightenment that we don't know about," they said. In other words, you have a Universal Mind. This relates to breathing centres above your chest - your throat hollow, underchin nook, nasion (between your eyes) and forehead dip.

There are four parts to the Universal Mind - the Holy Spirit, the Soul, Jesus Christ and God. In other words, each Universal Mind Centre relates to a level of consciousness beyond the four, basic waves. You could think about it this way.

You communicate with God through your Superconscious Mind (Lower Belly Breathing).

You communicate with Jesus Christ through your Unconscious Mind (Upper Belly Breathing).

You communicate with your Soul through your Subconscious Mind (Lower Chest Breathing).

You communicate with the Holy Spirit through your Conscious Mind (Upper Belly Breathing).

So to get more Consciously active simply say or sing these words, as some children do.

Holy Spirit Activate! Holy Spirit Activate! Holy Spirit Activate! Holy Activate!

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Internal Breathing

Lower Belly Breathing activates (+) and relaxes (-) the lower lobes of your lungs.

Upper Belly Breathing activates (+) and relaxes(-) the mid lobes of your lungs.

Lower Chest Breathing activates(+) and relaxes(-) the upper lobes of your lungs.

Upper Chest breathing activates (+) and relaxes(-) your upper respiratory system.

For example, sit on a chair and place your hands just above your knees in those shallow dips. Now turn this hand position so that your knuckles face outwards. You will feel more air flowing through your windpipe (trachea) and voicebox (larynx), as well as your pharynx and middle ear.

Now turn your knuckles so that they face upwards. You will feel a clearing of your nose. 

Now turn your knuckles so that they face downwards. You will feel a clearing of your sinuses and a lifting of your face so that it clears your congestion. 

Now turn your knuckles inwards. Feel how your upper chest narrows, as do your upper respiratory passages. Turn your knuckles outwards again, and feel how your upper chest and upper respiratory passages broaden. 

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The Meaning of Breathing

Lower Lobe Breathing activates your eliminative organs - your lungs, skin glands, kidneys and bladder and large intestine.


Mid Lobe Breathing activates your digestive organs - stomach, spleen and pancreas, gall bladder and liver.


Upper Lobe Breathing activates your small intestine, heart, submucosa and reproductive organs.


Upper Respiratory Breathing lifts and tones your face by clearing your nose and sinuses. Turn your knuckles forwards to clear your nose and turn your knuckles backwards to clear your sinuses and the middles of your ears. Turn your knuckles outwards to clear your throat (pharynx and trachea - your windpipe) and inwards to narrow all of your Upper Respiratory Tract, leading eventually to congestion.

This Hand Position activates your two types of fat - Visceral and Subcutaneous- and the two parts of your immune system - Adaptive and Innate.


The key is that lower belly relates to God and your relationship to the universe, like the weather, such as lightning bolts, and that upper belly relates to Jesus and your relationship to people - and therefore money, because money doesn't grow on trees, it grows on people.


Lower Chest breathing relates to me, myself, I. It's where I store my embarrassment, anxiety, grief, fear, anger, shame and guilt.


In panic, I chest breathe without it being related to belly breathing - both upper and lower belly. In calm, I breathe in from my lower belly to my upper belly to my chest, then out from my lower belly to my upper belly to my chest. That tells me that I'm going in the right direction - it's a good decision for me.


If, on the other hand, I get shallow, tight, constricted lower chest breathing without lower and upper belly starting the breath I am in my head, my ego, unrelated to reality.


You see, lower belly relates to things, upper belly to relationships and llower chest to ideas. Lower Chest breathing without belly breathing is ungrounded and impractical.


My ideas will not bear fruit in my relationships and my physical universe. God controls the physical universe, Jesus Christ helps us with our relationships and we need to help ourselves with our ideas - we need to check them with others and the physical universe.


For example, if your Breath Testing says YES to going Vitarian, try it for 3-6 weeks. And if it says YES to meeting a partner, try it and check potential partners with your Breath Testing. And if it says YES to writing a book, start writing - set aside a little time each day to write.

Upper Respiratory Breathing relates to flow. When there is block in your flow of life you may experience back pain, so practise this breathing AND reflect on your blocks to the flow of your daily, weekly or monthly lifestyle needs and surrender those blocks.

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Laughing Monkey Medicine

Laughing is the best medicine. Now that you know and have practised Laughing Monkey Medicine you are ready to put them together. You combine tongue positions with hand positions to get more specific. The more specific you get the quicker the healing.


It's like dropping a pebble into the ocean - a little splash and that's it. Then, in a bathtub, you get splash and waves. Then, in a cup, you get a big splash!


So the more specific you get the stronger the effect. For example, if you combine the Pain Relief Breathing Technique with Hand Breathing for your Visceral Fat you can very quickly reduce inflammation in your belly, which is the originating centre of many hormonal imbalances and major dis-eases such as diabetes, cardiovascular dis-ease and cancer.


Try this for stiffness in your neck and shoulders, muscular aches and pains and many back pain conditions. Combine your Pain Relieving Breathing Technique with your Muscular System Breathing Technique. If that doesn't work at speed try combining the Cramps Relieving Breathing Technique with your Muscular System Breathing Technique. Discover for yourself which combination works best for you.


Yes, of course, do the laughing with it, 14 times 14. It accelerates the healing speed sooo much. Remember that you laugh on "air" for Pain Relieving and "er" for Cramps Relieving. If your memory is poor, click here to see it on video.


Now here are the facts. One molecule of glucose creates two molecules of energy - ATP or Adenosine TriPhosphate. In the presence of oxygen on molecule of glucose creates 38 molecules of energy (ATP). So full oxygenation of each cell boosts its energy by 19 times! THAT'S why laughing is the best medicine!


To make combining easy you need two charts, which you can stick onto the toilet wall above the toilet roll. In this way, each time you sit on the toilet you can learn another combination, until you can do it yourself anywhere at any time. It's your own, carry-around medicine chest for you and your family for the rest of your life! Click here to see and download them.

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Bad Baboon Breathing          (Reverse Breathing)

Interlace your fingers. Point them down. Notice how, when you breathe in, your belly goes out. Do this interlacing with the third bones of your fingers. You get Lower Chest Breathing. 

Now do it with the second bones of your fingers. You get Upper Belly Breathing.

Now do it with the first bones of your fingers. You get Lower Belly Breathing. 

Now reverse the interlacing, so that your fingers point inwards and upwards. On the third bones your get Reverse Breathing - when you breathe in your belly goes in. This means that you are only using your intercostal muscles to breathe with, so that you are only getting 25% of your normal oxygen.

Now interlace your fingers at the third bones again, to feel how correct breathing feels like. Think opposites - your lower chest goes out as you breathe in because your diaphragm pulls down, displacing your lower chest. 

Now interlace your fingers at the second bones again, to feel how correct breathing feels like. Think opposites - your upper belly goes out as you breathe in because your diaphragm pulls down, displacing your upper belly. 

Now interlace your fingers at the first bones again, to feel how correct breathing feels like. Think opposites - your lower belly goes out as you breathe in because your diaphragm pulls down, displacing your lower belly. 

Now place the centre of your palms on your navel, with your right palm on top of your left. You get Correct Breathing - when you breathe in your belly goes out. To accentuate this spread your fingers on the in breath and close them  together - side by side - on the out breath. Now you are doing slow, deep, relaxed, belly-started breathing, also called the Full Yoga Breath, 

Now place the centre of your palms on your navel, with your right palm on top of your left. You get Reverse Breathing - when you breathe in your belly goes in. BAD BABOON!!!

Bad Baboon Breathing,               Heaven and Hell

Place your tongue just outside your lips and surround it with your lips and teeth. It's SUPPORTED.  You get Lower Belly Breathing. 

Now take away your lips and teeth. It's UNSUPPORTED. You get Perverse Lower Belly Breathing - when you breathe in your belly goes in and when you breathe out your belly goes out. Ouch!

Your breathing gets more and more shallow, tight, high and constricted. Your shoulders rise in tension. 

Now, keeping your tongue in the same, Perverse Breathing Tongue Position, switch your hands around. Feel how this makes the Perverse Breathing even more pronounced. 

For Lower Belly Reverse Breathing, place your left hand on your lower belly and your right hand on your upper belly. 

For Upper Belly Perverse Breathing place your left hand on your upper belly and your right hand on your upper belly.

For Lower Chest Perverse Breathing place your left hand on your lower chest and your right hand on your upper chest.

For Upper Chest Perverse Breathing place your left had on your upper chest and your right hand on your throat.

Now place your lips and teeth around your tongue again. Once again, it's SUPPORTED and your breathing is good - breathe in, belly out and breathe out, belly in. 

Perverse Breathing shows that your thoughts, decisions or plans are UNSUPPORTED. They have an element of Ego in them. Sing Down "Ego Breathing optimises now". Perverse Breathing!

Now Sing Down "Satan Breathing" or "Lucifer Breathing". Same result! This gives you dis-eases of the lower abdomen, including your genitals, lower abdomen, hips, legs, feet, urinary bladder and prostate. 

Now Sing Down "Devil Breathing". You get Perverse Upper Belly Breathing. This gives you dis-eases of your upper abdomen, including your small intestine, spleen, pancreas and kidneys.

Now Sing Down "Sinner Breathing". You get Reverse Lower Chest Breathing. This gives you dis-eases of your lower chest including your stomach, gall bladder and liver. 

Now Sing Down "Hell Breathing". You get Perverse Upper Chest Breathing. This gives you dis-eases of your upper chest, including your thymus gland, heart, pericardium, lungs and pleurae.

Perverse Breathing causes acidity, dis-ease and death through metabolic deterioration. To reverse Perverse Breathing practise breathing with tongue support and your hands in the correct polarity (left above right).

You create acidity, pain, inflammation, chronic metabolic dis-ease and death with every Perverse Breath that you take. So check your breathing regularly throughout the day to recover from dis-ease and rebuild your health. 

Now  try "Ego Breathing". Notice how it gives you Perverse Breathing in all four parts - lower belly, upper belly, lower chest and upper chest. It's a full Perverse Breath. Make sure that your Breath Testing is NOT done on Perverse Breathing. Check "The Bullshitometer" again - it's the article that comes with the song "No Balls but it's Cricket".

Now try "Heaven Breathing". It reverses "Hell Breathing" - Perverse , Upper Chest Breathing. 

Now try "Saint Breathing". It reverses "Sinner Breathing" - Perverse , Lower Chest Breathing. 

Now try "Jesus Christ Breathing". It reverses "Devil Breathing" - Perverse , Upper Belly Breathing. 

Now try "God Breathing". It reverses "Satan Breathing" - Perverse , Lower Belly Breathing.

Now try "Atheism Breathing". You get Perverse , Lower Belly Breathing. Go back to "God Breathing" to feel the difference.

Now try "Non-believer Breathing". Non-believers may believe in a Higher Power, but not in everything that goes with it, such as Jesus Christ. You get Reverse, Upper Belly Breathing. Go back to "Jesus Christ Breathing" to feel the difference.

Now try "Soul Breathing". It reverses "Sinner Breathing - Perverse , Lower Chest Breathing.

Thousands of Hand Positions

Since 1981 I have been aware of the power of hand positions to direct energy. To heal, you simply need to close your eyes and relax, breathe with your airway open and direct the energy to the body part that needs it.


Each body part needs one of nine ways to handle it - relieve inflammation, reduce or raise blood sugar and so on. For example, place your right hand in the hand position for your Innate Immune System and cover it with your left hand. This is the size of your brain.


Hold it in front of you and do Pain Relief Laughing. Feel how the brain reduces in inflammation. Now do Blood Sugar raising. Feel how your mind picks up in energy. To see more, click here now.


You now know how to use hand positions to heal your own body. The direction of energy comes from the hand position, the power comes from the laughing and the relaxation comes from closing your eyes.


Laughing Monkey Hand Positions

You are smaller than a gorilla, who eats greens, and larger than a monkey, who eats fruit. You are human, so you eat greens and fruit. That's called a Vitarian diet, and it's best for health and healing.


Combine this with 1 litre of purified water per 23kgs of body weight, Buzzing (the best exercise for recovery and rebuilding), sunshine and rest (sleep and meditation) and you have the basis for a healthy, regenerative life. Into this basic, health program add Gorilla Monkey Self Healing and you can accelerate your recovery and rebuilding massively. Here are some of the most useful hand positions that I have taught my classes since 1981.


Spine Straightening

Do the Thumbs Up Breathing Hand Position with your left hand. Do the same with your right hand and place the right fingers around the left so that both thumbs are up and the third bones of the fingers align. To see more, click here now.


Back Balancing

Do the same as for Spine Straightening, but align the backs of the hands. To see more, click here now.



Place the tips of your thumbs against the sides of the bones of your index fingers. Curl the other fingers so that when your arms are down they face upwards. Now walk. Feel the spring in your step.


Now turn your knuckles forwards. Notice how you walk on the balls of your feet.


Now turn your knuckles backwards. Notice how you walk on your heels.


Now turn your hands around so that your palms face outwards. Notice how you walk with your feet splayed outwards.


You can walk much further with your hands in this position and your tongue in the Fat Burning Tongue Position. Click here to see more.



Place all four fingers around your thumb. Do this on both hands. Point your knuckles forwards and run. Notice how it makes your legs speed up.


Now turn your knuckles backwards and notice how you slow down. Click here to see more.




Do the Time Hand Position. Now push a pencil between your thumb and fingers, then pull it out. This leaves a space in the middle, so that the thumb and fingers form a circle. This is the Space Hand Position.


Now leap with the Space Hand Position, keeping your knuckles forwards. Feel how you float more. Do it several times to get it.


Then leap with the Space Hand Position keeping your knuckles backwards. Feel how you float less and land flat! To see more, click here now.


Intimacy = In To Me See

Curl your left fingers with your palms up. Curl your right fingers with your palms down. Hold the hands of your partner, who takes the same hand position.


Notice the closeness between you. Then place your tongue in the Trauma Turning Tongue Position - the tip of your tongue touches the air, connecting you with what is outside of you. This releases the trauma between you and your partner, bringing you closer and into an intimate relationship without needing sex to do it. To see more, press the BANANA button now.


Notice that the more you do it the deeper your connection gets, until you are both breathing from the Lower Belly, deeply relaxed in each other's presence. To see more, go BANANA now.


Now get intimate with yourself - without sex. That's right, clasp your hands in the same way, with your left fingers curled up and your right fingers curled down. To see more, go BANANA now.


Then place your hands under your knees. The most comfortable way to do this is sitting on your bed with your back supported by a wall or the headboard. This gives you intimacy with your physical body. You tune into your physical body so that you know better what it is doing. It's a good one for eggheads, who lose connection to their physicality due to over thinking.


Then do it in front of your lower legs, to tune into your emotional body. To see more, go BANANA now.


Then do it behind your back, to tune into your thoughts, to watch them. To see more, go BANANA now.


Then do it in front of your groin, to tune into your desires, your motivations, to observe them. To see more, go BANANA now.


Then do it in front of your belly, to tune into your expressions. To see more, go BANANA now.


Then do it in front of your chest, to tune into your consequences, what's coming your way due to actions in your past. To see more, go BANANA now.


Then do it in front of your throat, to tune into your freedom, the freedom you have inside yourself to act without fetters of the past. To see more, go BANANA now.


Then do it above your head, to tune into the lower half of your body and your fat, so that your unconscious mind can recognise it and release it. To see more, go BANANA now.


Then do it at the back of your head, to tune into the upper half of your body and your self-sabotage, which may be the cause of your cancer. To see more, go BANANA now.

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Sing "Holy Spirit Activate!" over and over again. Use Lower Lobe Breathing and notice how it flattens your voice. 

Use Mid Lobe Breathing and notice how it sharpens your voice.

Use Upper Lobe Breathing and notice how it waves your voice, giving your more vibrato, tremolo or trillo. This is great for solo or lead singing, but not in barbershop, because the vibrational waves don't blend.

So relax your tongue onto the bottom of your mouth when doing barbershop. Alternatively, because all of you are breathing in time with each other, if all of you use this Hand Position at the same time the waves will blend so that the harmonies will sound amazing!

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