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Press Testing and your Circle of Wholeness

You can feel fulfilled at 14 levels - 7 Active (+) and 7 Passive (-). You can test each level by pressing the centre of its related, broad dip in your lower back or abdomen with your middle finger.

Seven Elements of Emotions and Sounds

You have seven Yang (+) emotions and seven Yin (-). For example, Yang anger is biffy anger, in which you want to kick the shit out of the computer. It often arises from frustration. Yin anger is seething anger, in which you stew over what someone has done to you. Both can be released, through sounds which are similar but not the same. For example, "z" is for biffy anger and "zh" is for seething anger.

To release embarrassment about mistakes you've made Laugh Down on "t".

To release embarrassment about mistakes made against you laugh down on "ch".


To release apprehension, anxiety and worry about misplacing others Laugh Down on "g".

To release apprehension, anxiety and worry about being misplaced by others Laugh Down on "gh". Yes, it is the guttural "gh" as heard from speakers of German or Dutch.


To release grief about losing Laugh Down on "w". Feel your trapezius muscle beforehand - it sits between your neck and your shoulders. Then Laugh Down, then feel it again. It's less tense, more relaxed. That's because the Large Intestine Meridian, which is activated by the sound of "w", flows through that area of your body.

To release grief about being abandoned Laugh Down on "wh".


To release fear about rejecting others Laugh Down on "d".

To release fear about being rejected by others Laugh Down on "j".


To release anger about hurting others, including hatred, Laugh Down on "z".

To release anger about being hurt by others, including resentment, bitterness and vengeance, Laugh Down on "zh".


To release shame about disloyalty Laugh Down on "s".

To release shame about betrayal Laugh Down on "sh".


To release guilt about sabotage Laugh Down on "th" as in "this, then and there".

To release guilt about being sabotaged Laugh Down on "th" as in "thimble".

Seven Elements of Muscles & Sounds

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The Broad Dips in your Lower Back (and one in your neck, between C6 & C7)

Download these posters to discover what level of wholeness you need. Once you know where the real blocks to your wholeness lie you can remove them by Laughing Down daily and, as you do so, changing your attitude to the impressions that arise from the Laughing Down exercise. 

1 Nervous System

Press into the centre of the broad dip under the top of your lower back. There's one on the right and one on the left. 

Find them by placing your fingers on the sides of your waist and pressing your thumbs up into the soft part of your lower back. Can you go ??? finger bones (phalanges) deep without pain, discomfort or tension? 

If not, you feel under-nourished in relation to your self-esteem - you embarrass easily from small mistakes, which may feel like huge sins to you but not to others. That's because you break or have broken the Natural Code of self-care on the basic level of ??? , which is to accept yourself as a fully loved child of God. 

Remember that He creates you with every breath that you take and could have snuffed  you out at any breath if you weren't lovable. So if you wake up alive enjoy and celebrate his love and thank him for his gifts of forgiveness, detachment and repentance - forgive yourself, detach from the mistakes by learning from them and repent for having made them! Then, because you have learned, you will do better next time.

You have 14 Meridians - lines of electromagnetic energy that relate to this, each one of them with 14 flows. So you can change your consciousness around any mistake (sin) by Laughing Down with 14 outbursts on one out breath, on the sound of "t". That's because God communicates to  you on the Natural Level using the sounds of these points. 

The sound of "t" heals the Small Intestine Meridian and all of its nine branches - "tair" for its Sensory Organ branch, "tah" for its Connecting Branch (for Sphincters, Duct and Vessels) and so on. Unlike acupuncture with needles, this includes its deep pathways and points inside your body which you cannot needle.

So when you have mastered the sounds for self-healing (Sonopuncture) you can use them for healing yourself, your family and your friends quickly and easily for most maladies - especially if you follow the full program of natural healing for recovery from those maladies, as given by the books on this website.

2 Mucosal System

Press into the centre of the broad dip in the middle of your lower back. There's one on the right and one on the left. 

Find them by placing your fingers on the sides of your waist and pressing your thumbs level with them into the soft part of your lower back. Can you go ??? finger bones (phalanges) deep without pain, discomfort or tension? 

If not, you feel under-nourished in relation to your self-esteem - you embarrass easily from small mistakes, which may feel like huge sins to you but not to others. That's because you break or have broken the Natural Code of self-care on the basic level of ??? , which is to understand yourself as a fully loved child of God. 

Understand that He creates you with every breath that you take and could have snuffed  you out at any breath if you weren't lovable. So if you wake up alive enjoy and celebrate his love and thank him for his gifts of forgiveness, detachment and repentance - forgive yourself, detach from the mistakes by understanding  them and repent for having made them! Then, because you have understood, you will do better next time.

You have 14 Meridians - lines of electromagnetic energy that relate to this, each one of them with 14 flows. So you can change your consciousness around any mistake (sin) by Laughing Down with 14 outbursts on one out breath, on the sound of "g". That's because God communicates to  you on the Natural Level using the sounds of these points. 

The sound of "g" heals the Small Intestine Meridian and all of its nine branches - "gair" for its Sensory Organ branch, "gah" for its Connecting Branch (for Sphincters, Duct and Vessels) and so on. Unlike acupuncture with needles, this includes its deep pathways and points inside your body which you cannot needle.

So when you have mastered the sounds for self-healing (Sonopuncture) you can use them for healing yourself, your family and your friends quickly and easily for most maladies - especially if you follow the full program of natural healing for recovery from those maladies, as given by the books on this website.

3 Lymphatic System

Press into the centre of the broad dip at the bottom of your lower back. There's one on the right and one on the left. 

Find them by placing your fingers on the sides of your waist and pressing your thumbs down into the soft part of your lower back. Can you go ??? finger bones (phalanges) deep without pain, discomfort or tension? 

If not, you feel under-nourished in relation to your self -love - you lose easily from small mistakes, which may feel like huge sins to you but not to others. That's because you break or have broken the Natural Code of self-care on the basic level of love, which is to love yourself as a fully loved child of God. 

Realise that He creates you with every breath that you take and could have snuffed you out at any breath if you weren't lovable. So if you wake up alive enjoy and celebrate his love and thank him for his gifts of forgiveness, detachment and repentance - forgive yourself, detach from the mistakes by learning from them and repent for having made them! Then, because you have learned, you will do better next time.

You have 14 Meridians - lines of electromagnetic energy that relate to this, each one of them with 14 flows. So you can change your consciousness around any mistake (sin) by Laughing Down with 14 outbursts on one out breath, on the sound of "w". That's because God communicates to  you on the Natural Level using the sounds of these points. 

The sound of "w" heals the Small Intestine Meridian and all of its nine branches - "wair" for its Sensory Organ branch, "wah" for its Connecting Branch (for Sphincters, Duct and Vessels) and so on. Unlike acupuncture with needles, this includes its deep pathways and points inside your body which you cannot needle.

So when you have mastered the sounds for self-healing (Sonopuncture) you can use them for healing yourself, your family and your friends quickly and easily for most maladies - especially if you follow the full program of natural healing for recovery from those maladies, as given by the books on this website.

4 Urinary System

Press into the centre of the broad dip at the bottom of your right lower back. There's one on the right and one on the left. 

Find them by placing your fingers on the sides of your waist and pressing your thumbs down into the soft part of your lower back. Can you go ??? finger bones (phalanges) deep without pain, discomfort or tension? 

If not, you feel under-nourished in relation to your self-encouragement- you reject easily from small mistakes, which may feel like huge sins to you but not to others. That's because you break or have broken the Natural Code of self-care on the basic level of rejection, which is to accept yourself as a fully loved child of God. 

Remember that He creates you with every breath that you take and could have snuffed  you out at any breath if you weren't lovable. So if you wake up alive enjoy and celebrate his love and thank him for his gifts of forgiveness, detachment and repentance - forgive yourself, detach from the mistakes by learning from them and repent for having made them! Then, because you have accepted, you will do better next time.

You have 14 Meridians - lines of electromagnetic energy that relate to this, each one of them with 14 flows. So you can change your consciousness around any mistake (sin) by Laughing Down with 14 outbursts on one out breath, on the sound of "d". That's because God communicates to  you on the Natural Level using the sounds of these points. 

The sound of "d" heals the Small Intestine Meridian and all of its nine branches - "dair" for its Sensory Organ branch, "dah" for its Connecting Branch (for Sphincters, Duct and Vessels) and so on. Unlike acupuncture with needles, this includes its deep pathways and points inside your body which you cannot needle.

So when you have mastered the sounds for self-healing (Sonopuncture) you can use them for healing yourself, your family and your friends quickly and easily for most maladies - especially if you follow the full program of natural healing for recovery from those maladies, as given by the books on this website.

5 Buffering System

Press into the centre of the broad dip in the middle of your right lower back. There's one on the right and one on the left. 

Find them by placing your fingers on the sides of your waist and pressing your thumbs level with them into the soft part of your lower back. Can you go ??? finger bones (phalanges) deep without pain, discomfort or tension? 

If not, you feel under-nourished in relation to your self-forgiveness- you anger easily from small mistakes, which may feel like huge sins to you but not to others. That's because you break or have broken the Natural Code of self-care on the basic level of expansion, which is to grow yourself as a fully loved child of God. 

Remember that He creates you with every breath that you take and could have snuffed  you out at any breath if you weren't lovable. So if you wake up alive enjoy and celebrate his love and thank him for his gifts of forgiveness, detachment and repentance - forgive yourself, detach from the mistakes by growing from them and repent for having made them! Then, because you have grown, you will do better next time.

You have 14 Meridians - lines of electromagnetic energy that relate to this, each one of them with 14 flows. So you can change your consciousness around any mistake (sin) by Laughing Down with 14 outbursts on one out breath, on the sound of "z". That's because God communicates to  you on the Natural Level using the sounds of these points. 

The sound of "z" heals the Small Intestine Meridian and all of its nine branches - "zair" for its Sensory Organ branch, "zah" for its Connecting Branch (for Sphincters, Duct and Vessels) and so on. Unlike acupuncture with needles, this includes its deep pathways and points inside your body which you cannot needle.

So when you have mastered the sounds for self-healing (Sonopuncture) you can use them for healing yourself, your family and your friends quickly and easily for most maladies - especially if you follow the full program of natural healing for recovery from those maladies, as given by the books on this website.

6 Digestive System

Press into the centre of the broad dip under the top of your right lower back. There's one on the right and one on the left. 

Find them by placing your fingers on the sides of your waist and pressing your thumbs up into the soft part of your lower back. Can you go ??? finger bones (phalanges) deep without pain, discomfort or tension? 

If not, you feel under-nourished in relation to your self-???- you panic easily from small mistakes, which may feel like huge sins to you but not to others. That's because you break or have broken the Natural Code of self-care on the basic level of ??? , which is to ??? yourself as a fully loved child of God. 

Remember that He creates you with every breath that you take and could have snuffed  you out at any breath if you weren't lovable. So if you wake up alive enjoy and celebrate his love and thank him for his gifts of forgiveness, detachment and repentance - forgive yourself, detach from the mistakes by ??? from them and repent for having made them! Then, because you have ???, you will do better next time.

You have 14 Meridians - lines of electromagnetic energy that relate to this, each one of them with 14 flows. So you can change your consciousness around any mistake (sin) by Laughing Down with 14 outbursts on one out breath, on the sound of "s". That's because God communicates to  you on the Natural Level using the sounds of these points. 

The sound of "s" heals the Small Intestine Meridian and all of its nine branches - "sair" for its Sensory Organ branch, "sah" for its Connecting Branch (for Sphincters, Duct and Vessels) and so on. Unlike acupuncture with needles, this includes its deep pathways and points inside your body which you cannot needle.

So when you have mastered the sounds for self-healing (Sonopuncture) you can use them for healing yourself, your family and your friends quickly and easily for most maladies - especially if you follow the full program of natural healing for recovery from those maladies, as given by the books on this website.

7 Immune System

Press into the centre of the broad dip at the base of your neck, between C6 and C7 (cervical vertebrae 6 & 7). Can you go ??? finger bones (phalanges) deep without pain, discomfort or tension? 

If not, you feel under-nourished in relation to your self-protection- you put yourself in harm's way easily from small mistakes, which may feel like huge sins to you but not to others. That's because you break or have broken the Natural Code of self-care on the basic level of protection, which is to protect yourself as a fully loved child of God. 

Remember that He creates you with every breath that you take and could have snuffed  you out at any breath if you weren't lovable. So if you wake up alive enjoy and celebrate his love and thank him for his gifts of forgiveness, detachment and repentance - forgive yourself, detach from the mistakes by protecting from them and repent for having made them! Then, because you have protected, you will do better next time.

You have 14 Meridians - lines of electromagnetic energy that relate to this, each one of them with 14 flows. So you can change your consciousness around any mistake (sin) by Laughing Down with 14 outbursts on one out breath, on the sound of "th". That's because God communicates to  you on the Natural Level using the sounds of these points. 

The sound of "th" heals the Small Intestine Meridian and all of its nine branches - "thair" for its Sensory Organ branch, "thah" for its Connecting Branch (for Sphincters, Duct and Vessels) and so on. Unlike acupuncture with needles, this includes its deep pathways and points inside your body which you cannot needle.

So when you have mastered the sounds for self-healing (Sonopuncture) you can use them for healing yourself, your family and your friends quickly and easily for most maladies - especially if you follow the full program of natural healing for recovery from those maladies, as given by the books on this website.

Active (+) and Passive (-)

Some organs are more active and some more passive in comparison. In traditional healing this comparative relationship has been called Yang (+) and Yin (-). For example, your urinary bladder is more active than you kidneys. It expresses urine. It also stores urine to express, so it's a hollow organ whereas the kidneys are dense.

The Broad Dips in Your Abdomen

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8 Cardiovascular System

Press into the centre of the broad dip under the top of your left upper abdomen. There's one on the right and one on the left. 

Find them by feeling under your ribcage. Can you go ??? finger bones (phalanges) deep without pain, discomfort or tension? 

If not, you feel under-nourished in relation to your self-heart - you get heart-broken easily from small mistakes, which may feel like huge sins to you but not to others. That's because you break or have broken the Natural Code of self-care on the basic level of status , which is to accept yourself as a fully loved child of God. 

Remember that He creates you with every breath that you take and could have snuffed  you out at any breath if you weren't lovable. So if you wake up alive enjoy and celebrate his love and thank him for his gifts of forgiveness, detachment and repentance - forgive yourself, detach from the mistakes by learning from them and repent for having made them! Then, because you have learned, you will do better next time.

You have 14 Meridians - lines of electromagnetic energy that relate to this, each one of them with 14 flows. So you can change your consciousness around any mistake (sin) by Laughing Down with 14 outbursts on one out breath, on the sound of "ch". That's because God communicates to  you on the Natural Level using the sounds of these points. 

The sound of "ch" heals the Heart Meridian and all of its nine branches - "chair" for its Sensory Organ branch, "chah" for its Connecting Branch (for Sphincters, Duct and Vessels) and so on. Unlike acupuncture with needles, this includes its deep pathways and points inside your body which you cannot needle.

So when you have mastered the sounds for self-healing (Sonopuncture) you can use them for healing yourself, your family and your friends quickly and easily for most maladies - especially if you follow the full program of natural healing for recovery from those maladies, as given by the books on this website.

9 Muscular System

Press into the centre of the broad dip at the side of your left abdomen. There's one on the right and one on the left. 

Find them by feeling your abdomen in line with your navel. Can you go ??? finger bones (phalanges) deep without pain, discomfort or tension? 

If not, you feel under-nourished in relation to your self-certainty- you get anxious easily from small mistakes, which may feel like huge sins to you but not to others. That's because you break or have broken the Natural Code of self-care on the basic level of ???, which is to ground yourself as a fully loved child of God. 

Remember that He creates you with every breath that you take and could have snuffed  you out at any breath if you weren't lovable. So if you wake up alive enjoy and celebrate his love and thank him for his gifts of forgiveness, detachment and repentance - forgive yourself, detach from the mistakes by grounding after them and repent for having made them! Then, because you have grounded, you will do better next time.

You have 14 Meridians - lines of electromagnetic energy that relate to this, each one of them with 14 flows. So you can change your consciousness around any mistake (sin) by Laughing Down with 14 outbursts on one out breath, on the sound of "gh". That's because God communicates to  you on the Natural Level using the sounds of these points. 

The sound of "gh" heals the Spleen Meridian and all of its nine branches - "ghair" for its Sensory Organ branch, "ghah" for its Connecting Branch (for Sphincters, Duct and Vessels) and so on. Unlike acupuncture with needles, this includes its deep pathways and points inside your body which you cannot needle.

So when you have mastered the sounds for self-healing (Sonopuncture) you can use them for healing yourself, your family and your friends quickly and easily for most maladies - especially if you follow the full program of natural healing for recovery from those maladies, as given by the books on this website.

10 Respiratory System

Press into the centre of the broad dip at the bottom of your left upper abdomen. There's one on the right and one on the left. 

Find them by feeling under your ribcage. Can you go ??? finger bones (phalanges) deep without pain, discomfort or tension? 

If not, you feel under-nourished in relation to your self-heart - you feel abandoned easily from small mistakes, which may feel like huge sins to you but not to others. That's because you break or have broken the Natural Code of self-care on the basic level of ???, which is to love yourself as a fully loved child of God. 

Remember that He creates you with every breath that you take and could have snuffed  you out at any breath if you weren't lovable. So if you wake up alive enjoy and celebrate his love and thank him for his gifts of forgiveness, detachment and repentance - forgive yourself, detach from the mistakes by loving after them and repent for having made them! Then, because you have loved, you will do better next time.

You have 14 Meridians - lines of electromagnetic energy that relate to this, each one of them with 14 flows. So you can change your consciousness around any mistake (sin) by Laughing Down with 14 outbursts on one out breath, on the sound of "wh". That's because God communicates to  you on the Natural Level using the sounds of these points. 

The sound of "wh" heals the Heart Meridian and all of its nine branches - "whair" for its Sensory Organ branch, "whah" for its Connecting Branch (for Sphincters, Duct and Vessels) and so on. Unlike acupuncture with needles, this includes its deep pathways and points inside your body which you cannot needle.

So when you have mastered the sounds for self-healing (Sonopuncture) you can use them for healing yourself, your family and your friends quickly and easily for most maladies - especially if you follow the full program of natural healing for recovery from those maladies, as given by the books on this website.

11 Skeletal System

Press into the centre of the broad dip at the bottom of your right abdomen. There's one on the right and one on the left. 

Find them by feeling under your ribcage. Can you go ??? finger bones (phalanges) deep without pain, discomfort or tension? 

If not, you feel under-nourished in relation to your self-rejection- you feel rejection easily from small mistakes, which may feel like huge sins to you but not to others. That's because you break or have broken the Natural Code of self-care on the basic level of status , which is to accept yourself as a fully loved child of God. 

Recall that He creates you with every breath that you take and could have snuffed  you out at any breath if you weren't lovable. So if you wake up alive enjoy and celebrate his love and thank him for his gifts of forgiveness, detachment and repentance - forgive yourself, detach from the mistakes by learning from them and repent for having made them! Then, because you have learned, you will do better next time.

You have 14 Meridians - lines of electromagnetic energy that relate to this, each one of them with 14 flows. So you can change your consciousness around any mistake (sin) by Laughing Down with 14 outbursts on one out breath, on the sound of "j". That's because God communicates to  you on the Natural Level using the sounds of these points. 

The sound of "j" heals the Heart Meridian and all of its nine branches - "jair" for its Sensory Organ branch, "jah" for its Connecting Branch (for Sphincters, Duct and Vessels) and so on. Unlike acupuncture with needles, this includes its deep pathways and points inside your body which you cannot needle.

So when you have mastered the sounds for self-healing (Sonopuncture) you can use them for healing yourself, your family and your friends quickly and easily for most maladies - especially if you follow the full program of natural healing for recovery from those maladies, as given by the books on this website.

12 Detoxifying System

Press into the centre of the broad dip in the right side of your right abdomen, in line with your navel. There's one on the right and one on the left. 

Find them by feeling under your ribcage. Can you go ??? finger bones (phalanges) deep without pain, discomfort or tension? 

If not, you feel under-nourished in relation to your self-compassion- you feel seething anger easily from small mistakes, which may feel like huge sins to you but not to others. That's because you break or have broken the Natural Code of self-care on the basic level of status , which is to accept yourself as a fully loved child of God. 

Remember that He creates you with every breath that you take and could have snuffed  you out at any breath if you weren't lovable. So if you wake up alive enjoy and celebrate his love and thank him for his gifts of forgiveness, detachment and repentance - forgive yourself, detach from the mistakes by learning from them and repent for having made them! Then, because you have learned, you will do better next time.

You have 14 Meridians - lines of electromagnetic energy that relate to this, each one of them with 14 flows. So you can change your consciousness around any mistake (sin) by Laughing Down with 14 outbursts on one out breath, on the sound of "zh". That's because God communicates to  you on the Natural Level using the sounds of these points. 

The sound of "zh" heals the Heart Meridian and all of its nine branches - "zhair" for its Sensory Organ branch, "chah" for its Connecting Branch (for Sphincters, Duct and Vessels) and so on. Unlike acupuncture with needles, this includes its deep pathways and points inside your body which you cannot needle.

So when you have mastered the sounds for self-healing (Sonopuncture) you can use them for healing yourself, your family and your friends quickly and easily for most maladies - especially if you follow the full program of natural healing for recovery from those maladies, as given by the books on this website.

13 Reproductive System

Press into the centre of the broad dip under the top of your right upper abdomen. There's one on the right and one on the left. 

Find them by feeling under your ribcage. Can you go ??? finger bones (phalanges) deep without pain, discomfort or tension? 

If not, you feel under-nourished in relation to your self-protection on the heart level - you get your heart broken easily from small mistakes, which may feel like huge sins to you but not to others. That's because you break or have broken the Natural Code of self-care on the basic level of status , which is to accept yourself as a fully loved child of God. 

Remember that He creates you with every breath that you take and could have snuffed  you out at any breath if you weren't lovable. So if you wake up alive enjoy and celebrate his love and thank him for his gifts of forgiveness, detachment and repentance - forgive yourself, detach from the mistakes by learning from them and repent for having made them! Then, because you have learned, you will do better next time.

You have 14 Meridians - lines of electromagnetic energy that relate to this, each one of them with 14 flows. So you can change your consciousness around any mistake (sin) by Laughing Down with 14 outbursts on one out breath, on the sound of "sh". That's because God communicates to  you on the Natural Level using the sounds of these points. 

The sound of "sh" heals the Pericardium Meridian and all of its nine branches - "shair" for its Sensory Organ branch, "shah" for its Connecting Branch (for Sphincters, Duct and Vessels) and so on. Unlike acupuncture with needles, this includes its deep pathways and points inside your body which you cannot needle.

So when you have mastered the sounds for self-healing (Sonopuncture) you can use them for healing yourself, your family and your friends quickly and easily for most maladies - especially if you follow the full program of natural healing for recovery from those maladies, as given by the books on this website.

14 Adipose System

Press into the centre of the broad dip in the middle of your upper abdomen, halfway between your navel and the bottom of your breastbone (xyphoid process). 

Find it by feeling about a hand width under your xyphoid process, and about a hand width above your navel. Can you go ??? finger bones (phalanges) deep without pain, discomfort or tension? 

If not, you feel under-nourished in relation to your self-heart - you get heart-broken easily from small mistakes, which may feel like huge sins to you but not to others. That's because you break or have broken the Natural Code of self-care on the basic level of relaxation, which is to relax yourself as a fully loved child of God. 

Remember that He creates you with every breath that you take and could have snuffed  you out at any breath if you weren't lovable. So if you wake up alive enjoy and celebrate his love and thank him for his gifts of forgiveness, detachment and repentance - forgive yourself, detach from the mistakes by learning from them and repent for having made them! Then, because you have learned, you will do better next time.

You have 14 Meridians - lines of electromagnetic energy that relate to this, each one of them with 14 flows. So you can change your consciousness around any mistake (sin) by Laughing Down with 14 outbursts on one out breath, on the sound of "th" as in "thimble". That's because God communicates to  you on the Natural Level using the sounds of these points. 

The sound of "th" heals the Heart Meridian and all of its nine branches - "thair" for its Sensory Organ branch, "thah" for its Connecting Branch (for Sphincters, Duct and Vessels) and so on. Unlike acupuncture with needles, this includes its deep pathways and points inside your body which you cannot needle.

So when you have mastered the sounds for self-healing (Sonopuncture) you can use them for healing yourself, your family and your friends quickly and easily for most maladies - especially if you follow the full program of natural healing for recovery from those maladies, as given by the books on this website.

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