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About Sects ... and CUS (Computer User's Syndrome)                     ADULTS ONLY PAGE

May your day be dogged with laughter!

Laughter is truly the best medicine, so Cheeky Monkey loves sharing comedy, comedy songs and ways of laughing for relieving pain, ache, discomfort, cramps, stress, tension, sag, tiredness and fatigue and boosting energy through natural health methods that you can do at home, for yourself and your family, for the rest of your life.

Laughing Monkey Medicine

Laughing is boosted breathing. Breathing is 14,000 times more powerful than food when it comes to health and healing, recovery and rejuvenation. 

So laugh with your tongue forward and in 14 short out bursts in one out breath. That's right, place the tip of your tongue over your bottom teeth and down into the front gutter between your bottom lip and bottom gum.


This reflex point, when touched (you don't need to press hard, just touch it or the "string" that runs across there) helps to relieve cramps such as asthma, angina, stitch, leg cramps, back spasm, muscular aches and pains, stiff neck and shoulders, high blood pressure, birthing cramps (about 50% of birthing pain), migraines (cramping of the muscles around the blood vessels in the brain) and much more. The root of your tongue sits on your airway, so it's lifted and you can breathe more freely.

Listen closely to discover sooo much more!

If you want more laughs, press the play button now.


In 2014 I was bitten by a small, brown snake. It's the second deadliest land snake in the world. 

It was not aggressive - I was standing on it. It just nipped me and slid away. 

Afterwards  I had no urge for sex - no thoughties, no naughties. I went months with almost nothing. No sex.

Over the next seven years I gradually regained desire and urge, until (ED or Erectile Dysfunction).

Then my club got a new computer with a mouse and keyboard that had no wire. It used Bluetooth.

That night my right testicle swelled up. I used the Testosterone/DHT Hormone point to reduce the swelling a bit and the Hormone Receptor point for Testosterone/DHT to reduce the swelling a lot. 

But I needed more than a few hours of work to recover my interest and urge, having spent a few hours in Bluetooth radiation.


Even though I jumped in the sea and discharged after my hours in the Bluetooth field, of radiation, the effect lasted a longer. I was still needing to discharge the following day. 


How does this work?

Radio waves (radiation) excite the atoms and molecules in your cells, including your nerve cells and hormone producing cells. They can switch them on or off, because all cells are electromagnetic - they have a positive and negative pole.

Thus, insulin resistance (lack of insulin sensitivity), which is the cause of diabetes 2, comes from switching receptors on or off. As well, leptin resistance (lack of leptin sensitivity), which is the cause of overeating, overweight, oversize and obesity, comes from switching receptors on of off. 

In the same way, you can switch receptors for testosterone and DHT (DiHydroTestosterone, the OOMPH hormone from your prostate), on or off, and you can switch the production of these hormones on or off. It's all about the receptors on the walls of your cells, not about nerves that receive (such as your rods and cones, which receive visual input). it's about all cells, not just sensory nerves. 

Neuropathy (nerve pain) is about receptors on the walls of nerve cells. Mine were damaged by the snake bite, and took 7-8 years to recover. 

Will I choose to use Bluetooth now and choose to switch off the receptors on the walls of my sex cells and in my brain? No, I will use a mouse with a wire attached.

My Dog SectsCheeky Monkey
00:00 / 02:38


Laughing Monkey Medicine

The Tird Tree

Remember to keep your tongue forward and laugh with 14, short out bursts on one out breath.

The Tird TreeCheeky Monkey & Paddy, the Proboscis Monkey
00:00 / 02:03

if you want more laughs, go BANANA now.


You will see the reflex point for Testosterone/DHT, and for its receptors, in my Blogs called Hormone Reflexology and Hormone Receptor Reflexology.

7 Cancers Conquered in 7 Hours

7 Cancers Conquered in 7 Hours

In January of 2021 I had 19 skin cancers. I used one reflex point and 7 of them on the backs of my hands disappeared in 7 hours.

The next day I went to the shopping mall. The skin cancers grew back! Wi-Fi!

I tried it again. It worked the same way.

At the shopping mall I bought some vegan meat - mock meat. It had a high protein content. After the skin cancers went down - flat to the skin - I ate the vegan meat for lunch. They grew again!


Wi-Fi stimulates the growth of skin cancers in me. So does excess protein. Bluetooth stimulates inflammation of my testicles and reduces my sexual interest and urge.


Turn your mobile phone onto aeroplane mode most of the time, or simply don't have one. And discharge by earthing yourself every day.

How to Rip off a Rapist

Mama Monkey was asleep in her Tree House. Suddenly she woke up to see a big baboon at her door, with a knife. 

She immediately took off her top and said "Oh wow! I'm sooo horny! Thank you for coming."

This changed the baboon's mindset - from power to sex. Rape is a power trip, using force. Sex is a love trip, using gentleness.

"Aren't you going to take off your trousers?" asked Mama. The big baboon put down his knife, undid his pants and dropped them, as Mama got out of bed, dropped her pants and walked over to him.


She was now in control of the conversation. She did that by asking a question to which he responded willingly and positively.


"Oh my, that's a beauty!" purred Mama. "Can I feel it?" She squatted down and gently took him in her hands, then RIPPED his balls down hard.


He cried out in pain, and she walked out into Forest Lane shouting for help. A neighbour wrapped her in a blanket. The community rallied around her. 


No rape. No pain. Community support. Mama Monkey did well.


if you want more laughs, go BANANA now.

Laughing Monkey Medicine

Remember to keep your tongue forward and laugh with 14, short out bursts on one out breath.

Cramps Tongue Position.png

How to Roast your Husband's Coconuts

And turn on the Bluetooth on his mobile phone.

How to Roast your Husband's CoconutsMama Monkey
00:00 / 02:00

How to Roast your Husband's Coconuts (video)

This comedy video is just for laughs! Show it to your lover and laugh together!

How to Discharge Excess Electricity from your Body

Remove all synthetic clothing. Natural cotton or hemp is fine.


Remove all metal that you possibly can, including rings, watches, earrings, piercing rings, buckles, eyelets in your shoes and mobile phones.

Place your bare hands and feet on the earth. Breathe with your tongue forward for 14 breaths. You can also place the tip of a leaf - that is attached to a tree that connects to the earth - into your navel.

Even better, jump into the sea or a lake, river or dam. The water earths you all over. 

Shake, Shake, Shake your Coconut Tree (song)

A great song to sing with your lover.

Your FREE, Double Supernutrient Food 

Yes, with the knowledge from this recipe you can make your own super yogurt or kefir (non-dairy) from nut or seed milk, such as coconut cream. Tastes waaay better than cow juice yogurt and is muuuch healthier for you.

Laughing Monkey Medicine

Remember to keep your tongue forward and laugh with 14, short out bursts on one out breath.

How to Blend your Husband's Banana

And turn on the Bluetooth on his mobile phone.

How to Blend your Husband's BananaMama Monkey
00:00 / 00:59

How to release the long term accumulation of electrical charge from your body

You have over 50,000 nerve endings in your hands. Each nerve ending relates to a functional area in your brain. 

Thus, each hand position that you use to direct the energy in your body matters. You will see many hand positions in this website. The ones for discharging electricity are those in an X shape using your right thumb and fingers over your left.

There are three bones in each finger. The distal bone or phalanx is used for excess accumulation of electricity from physical sources, such as computer user overdose. This relates to any devices that you use, including computers, tablets and mobile phones. To learn more, including the exact hand positions, go BANANA.

The medial phalanx is used for emotional blocks to discharging excess electricity. To learn more, including the exact hand positions, go BANANA.

The proximal phalanges are useful for mental blocks to discharging excess electricity. To learn more, including the exact hand positions, go BANANA.

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