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Press Testing and                         Your Pathway of Happiness

You can be happy at nine levels - physical, emotional, mental, motivational, expressive, intuitive, freeing, roles and congruence. You can test each level by Press Testing its related hollow with your middle finger.

You become unhappy because you break the Moral Code. You stop sharing the good news and good things, and lose gratitude for the simple joys of life. 


So returning to happiness is easy - forgive, detach and repent for what you have done, and vow to do better next time. Then do better next time - not necessarily in terms of results, but in terms of outcomes - otherwise you will become more unhappy.


Results are the score. Outcomes are the love.

Press Testing and your Pathway of Sharing

Have you heard of the concept of Passing it Forwards? It means that when someone does something for you, instead of paying that person back directly, you pass it on to another person instead. 

When you feel grateful for another's kindness you want to give back, or if that's not practical, pass it forwards.

There are nine hollows that relate to sharing - the centre of your left shoulder triangle, the centre of your left palm, the centre of your left sole, the centre of your right sole, the centre of your right palm, the centre of your right shoulder triangle, C2-C3 (Cervical 2 - Cervical 3), the dip behind and below your right ear and the dip behind and below your left ear. They relate to plexuses of your Peripheral Nervous System (PNS).

Submucosal Plexus

Your submucosal plexus is a network of neurons that lies in the submucosa of the intestinal wall. It regulates the configuration of the luminal surface, controls glandular secretions, alters electrolyte and water transport, and regulates local blood flow.


It regulates peristaltic activity by innervating the muscularis mucosae. It modulates blood flow (vasomotor supply to submucosal blood vessels) and Increases digestive secretion of water and electrolytes.

The damage of this plexus results in disorders of peristaltic movement, which can be a life-threatening condition, such as achalasia, Hirschsprung disease and gastroparesis.

Myenteric Plexus

The myenteric plexus lies in between the outer longitudinal and inner circular smooth muscle layers of the intestines. By stimulating these muscles, it controls motility along the gastrointestinal tract.

The myenteric plexus (Auerbach's plexus) located between the longitudinal and circular muscular layers is for the most part responsible for coordination of intrinsic (entero-enteric) and extrinsic (under the influence of the central nervous system [CNS]) information and subsequent regulation of GI motility.

The myenteric plexus is located between the longitudinal and circular muscle layers of the esophagus, stomach, and small and large intestine.

Lumbosacral Plexus

From the lumbar network of nerves you may get muscle weakness in hip flexion, knee extension, or adduction. This suggests a possible injury to the lumbar plexus. Sensory loss may be present in a dermatomal pattern in cases of proximal Lumbosacral plexopathy involving the roots, or in the nerve distribution.


Sacral nerve pain can be caused by a physical injury, especially if the sacral nerve roots are harmed. This injury can cause symptoms such as bladder or bowel problems, lower back pain, pain in the sides and back of the legs, and sensory issues affecting the groin and buttocks.

The main symptom of tailbone (coccyx) pain is pain and tenderness at the base of your spine, near the top of your bottom. It may feel dull and achy most of the time, with occasional sharp pains. The pain may be worse while you're sitting down.


Pain is usually the most prominent symptom of the Coccygeal Plexus, radiating into the lumbar fossa, hip and buttocks, and legs. 

Solar (Coeliac) Plexus

The pain coming from the coeliac plexus is found in the upper abdomen, just under the ribs, and you may describe the pain as shooting, stabbing or sharp. 

  • Indigestion.

  • Irritable bowel syndrome.

  • Eating disorders.

  • Excessive weight gain.

  • Ulcers.

  • Diabetes.

  • Issues with the pancreas, liver, and colon.

  • Heartburn.

Brachial Plexus

Common symptoms of brachial plexus injuries are numbness or loss of feeling in the hand or arm. Inability to control or move the shoulder, arm, wrist or hand, or an arm that hangs limply.

Minor damage often occurs during contact sports, such as football or wrestling, when the brachial plexus nerves get stretched or compressed. These are called stingers or burners, and can produce the following symptoms:

  • A feeling like an electric shock or a burning sensation shooting down the arm

  • Numbness and weakness in the arm

These symptoms usually last only a few seconds or minutes, but in some people the symptoms may linger for days or longer.

More-severe symptoms result from injuries that seriously hurt or even tear or rupture the nerves. The most serious brachial plexus injury occurs when the nerve root is torn from the spinal cord.

Signs and symptoms of more-severe injuries can include:

  • Weakness or inability to use certain muscles in the hand, arm or shoulder

  • Complete lack of movement and feeling in the arm, including the shoulder and hand

  • Severe pain

Brachial plexus injuries can cause permanent weakness or disability. 

  • Recurrent burners and stingers

  • Weakness in the hand or arm

  • Neck pain

  • Symptoms in both arms

Cervical Plexus

The cervical plexus is a nerve plexus of the anterior rami of the first (i.e. upper-most) four cervical spinal nerves C1-C4. The cervical plexus provides motor innervation to some muscles of the neck, and the diaphragm; it provides sensory innervation to parts of the head, neck, and chest.

The cervical plexus is a group of nerves located in the neck. It is one of the most complex structures in the body, providing sensory and motor nerve supply to parts of the neck, upper back, and arms. Branches from the cervical plexus also supply nerve impulses to the diaphragm, a large muscle that powers breathing.

Branches of the cervical plexus include motor branches supplying muscles, and cutaneous branches innervating the skin of the anterolateral neck, the superior part of the thorax (superolateral thoracic wall) and scalp between the auricle (pinna) and the external occipital protuberance.

The muscular branches pass deeply from the plexus to supply the rhomboids, the serratus anterior, the sternocleidomastoid, the trapezius, levator scapulae, and the scalenus medius.

A c5-c6 herniated disc can affect the nerves that control the muscles in the arms, neck, shoulders, hands as well as the head, eyes, ears, or thyroid gland. Symptoms in these areas in addition to pain in the neck is very common with c5-c6 disc herniations.


Patients with metastases of the cervical plexus typically complain of pain within the submandibular and subglottic area, posterior or lateral neck, or around the shoulder. Coughing, neck movement, or assuming a recumbent position exacerbates the pain.

Cranial Nerves

Cranial nerve issues can affect a motor nerve, called cranial nerve palsy, or affect a sensory nerve, causing pain or diminished sensation. Individuals with a cranial nerve disorder may suffer from symptoms that include intense pain, vertigo, hearing loss, weakness or paralysis.

Sympathetic Nerves

  • Heart rhythm issues (including arrhythmias).

  • Constipation.

  • Dizziness or passing out when standing up.

  • Eyelid droop (ptosis).

  • Fast heart rate (tachycardia), even when resting.

  • Sexual dysfunction, including priapism.

Parasympathetic Nerves

  • Constipation.

  • Fast heart rate (tachycardia) even when resting.

  • Heart rhythm problems (including arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation).

  • Sexual dysfunction.

  • Trouble digesting food (including gastroparesis).

Happiness and Gratitude

The key to happiness is gratitude at each of the nine levels, giving your nervous system rest at each of the nine levels.

There are nine Happiness Hollows, all of which relate to gratitude at nine, different levels.

1 Physical - navel

2 Emotional - apex

3 Mental - hollow

4 Desire - floor

5 Expressive - dip

6 Intuitive - T6-T7

7 Freeing - L5-S1

8 Roles - dome

9 Congruence - ceiling

Learn all nine so that you can connect with which level of your being is suffering from unhappiness as soon as you feel it. Press with your middle finger. Reflect on what it is that you are not grateful for, and practise gratitude on that level.

1 Physical navel - press in, without pain, ache, discomfort or tension, one, two or three bones deep

2 Emotional apex of your upper belly - press in, without pain, ache, discomfort or tension - one or two bones deep

3 Mental hollow at the top of your breastbone - press down (not in), without pain, ache, discomfort or tension, one or two bones deep

4 Desire floor of your jaw - press up into the floor of your mouth, without pain, ache, discomfort or tension, one bone deep

5 Expressive dip under the back of your head (at the top of your neck) - press up at a 45 degree angle, without pain, ache, discomfort or tension, one bone deep

6 Intuitive dip between T6 & T7 - that is, your sixth and seventh thoracic vertebrae - press in forwards.

7 Freeing dip between L5 & S1 - that is, your lowest lumbar vertebra and your sacrum - press in forwards.

8 Intuitive dome between your anus and your coccyx (tailbone) -press up into the dome, without pain, ache, discomfort or tension, one bone deep

9 Freeing ceiling of your perineum, that is, between your anus and your scrotum/vagina -  press up iwithout pain, ache, discomfort or tension, one bone deep

The central nervous system (defined as the brain and spinal cord) is usually considered to have seven basic parts:

  •  the spinal cord,

  • the medulla,

  • the pons,

  • the midbrain,

  • the subthalamus and hypothalamus,

  • the thalamus and epithalamus, 

  • the basal ganglia,

  • the cerebral hemispheres, and

  • the cerebellum

Chuckle Downs

There are nine Chuckle Downs, each for a part of your Central Nervous System (brain and spinal cord). A Chuckle Down on "m" sounds like an interrupted hum.


The others sound like chuckles interrupted by consonants. Each one, when used appropriately, can be used to increase gratitude, which is essential to receiving good health physically, emotionally, mentally and on all levels.

1 "r" is for your spinal cord

2 "l" is for your medulla oblongata (just at the top of your spinal cord, the lower part of your brainstem)

3 "k" is for your pons (the middle of your brainstem)

4 "n" is for your midbrain (the top of your brainstem)

5 "m" is for your subthalamus and hypothalamus

6 "b" is for your thalamus and epithalamus

7 "p" is for your basal ganglia

8 "f" is for your cerebral hemispheres

9 "v" is for your cerebellum

Your Nine Happiness Hollows

Download these posters to discover what level of happiness - physical, emotional, mental, motivational, expressive, intuitive, freeing, role or congruence - you need. Once you know where the real blocks to your happiness lie you can remove them by Laughing Down daily and, as you do so, changing your attitude to the impressions that arise from the Laughing Down exercise. 

Physical Gratitude

Press into your navel. Can you go three finger bones (phalanges) deep without pain, discomfort or tension? If not, you are not physically happy. That's because you break or have broken the Moral Code on the physical level, which is "Focus on God". 

This includes worshipping idols such as Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber or Paul McCartney. Is Paul McCartney an amazing singer/songwriter? Possibly the best in history. Is he worth worshipping? No, only God is.

The Christian Holy Bible has three commandments about this.

1 You shall have no other Gods before me.

2 You shall not make any graven images.

3 You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.

All three can be summarised in one word - Idolatry. So switch your focus to God. Laugh Down, Call Down or Tone Down on the word "God" and feel how all the tensions in your navel dissolve.

Alternatively, Laugh Down, Call Down or Tone Down on the sound of "r" and feel how all of the tensions in your navel dissolve.

That's because God communicates to you on the physical level using the sound of "r". So that sound heals all physical conditions.

When you combine it with the nine, pure vowels of the Pathway of Love and the Acitve (+) and Passive (-) sounds of the Circle of Wholeness, you learn to love God through these nine levels of Love on the physical level. For example, the sound "zhair" is for your loving your sense of sight, but "zhairr" is for your physical sight and boosts your physical vision.

Symptoms of your spinal cord

  • Numbness, tingling, or a loss of or changes in sensation in hands and feet.

  • Paralysis that may happen immediately or develop over time as swelling and bleeding affects the spinal cord.

  • Pain or pressure in your head, neck, or back.

  • Loss of movement.

Emotional Gratitude

Press into the apex of your upper abdomen. Can you go three finger bones (phalanges) deep without pain, discomfort or tension? If not, you are not emotionally happy. That's because you break or have broken the Moral Code on the emotional level, which is "Do not kill". 

Whenever I ask friends "Do you love your mother?" they say yes. Then I ask "Would you kill your mother?" They say no. They are happy about that.

Then I ask them "Do you love animals?" They say yes. Then I ask "Would you kill an animal?" They say no.


Then I tell them that they pay for the killing of an animal every day, because when they buy meat they are demanding that another animal be killed so that the murderer can be paid to kill another animal for your further consumption in a couple of weeks when you come back to buy more meat. You are paying a hit man, and just as paying a hit man to kill your mother would make you unhappy, paying a hit man to murder an animal in a slaughterhouse ("slaughter" means "mass murder") also makes you unhappy.

So if you wish to be happy stop paying for animals to be murdered. Stop buying animal products including leather. You will save the lives of many animals when you do so, and feel better about yourself emotionally.

Alternatively, Laugh Down, Call Down or Tone Down on the sound of "k" and feel how all of the tensions in the apex of your upper abdomen dissolve.

That's because God communicates to you on the physical level using the sound of "k". So that sound heals all physical conditions.

When you combine it with the nine, pure vowels of the Pathway of Love and the Active (+) and Passive (-) sounds of the Circle of Wholeness, you learn to love God through these nine levels of Love on the emotional level. For example, the sound "zhah" is for your emotions around your sense of sight, but "zhahk" is for your sphincters of sight and boosts your emotional vision.

Symptoms of your medulla

  • Stroke symptoms.

  • Clumsiness or lack of coordination (symptoms of ataxia).

  • Headaches.

  • Hoarseness (dysphonia).

  • Inability to feel temperature or pain in part of your body or face.

  • Jerky or uncontrolled eye movements (nystagmus).

  • Nausea and vomiting.

Mental Gratitude

Press down (not back) into your suprasternal hollow - the big dip above your breastbone. Can you go three finger bones (phalanges) deep without pain, discomfort or tension? If not, you are not physically happy. That's because you break or have broken the Moral Code on the mental level, which is "Do not lie". 

This includes big lies and small, white lies. How can you appear congruent and honest when you say that you have faith in God but you have more faith in the Channel 7 weatherman? God controls the weather, not the weatherman, who simply reports on it, so why not ask God?

One pastor, for example, told me three times that he was holding a church service in the park at 11am on Saturday, but when Saturday came it rained until 11am, when God stopped the rain. The pastor did not show up, because he did not have the faith that God would do that. I did, I showed up, but nobody came. Ouch!

So learn the truth and how to tell it by Breath Testing. The more you do it the more congruent you become, the less you lie.  Laugh Down, Call Down or Tone Down on the word "Useful" and feel how all the tensions in your navel dissolve. That's because their is wrong, right and usefulness.

Alternatively, Laugh Down, Call Down or Tone Down on the sound of "y" and feel how all of the tensions in your navel dissolve.

That's because God communicates to you on the physical level using the sound of "y". So that sound heals all mental conditions.

When you combine it with the nine, pure vowels of the Pathway of Love and the Active (+) and Passive (-) sounds of the Circle of Wholeness, you learn to love God through these nine levels of Love on the mentallevel. For example, the sound "zhaw" is for your loving your ???t, but "zhairy" is for your mental sight and boosts your mental vision.

Symptoms of your pons

  • Ataxia (lack of coordination).

  • Deafness.

  • Double vision (diplopia).

  • Loss of sense of touch (including the ability to feel vibration, temperature or pain).

  • Nystagmus.

  • Nausea and vomiting.

Motivational Gratitude

Press into your navel. Can you go three finger bones (phalanges) deep without pain, discomfort or tension? If not, you are not physically happy. That's because you break or have broken the Moral Code on the physical level, which is "Focus on God". 

This includes worshipping idols such as Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber or Paul McCartney. Is Paul McCartney an amazing singer/songwriter? Possibly the best in history. Is he worth worshipping? No, only God is.

The Christian Holy Bible has three commandments about this.

1 You shall have no other Gods before me.

2 You shall not make any graven images.

3 You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.

All three can be summarised in one word - Idolatry. So switch your focus to God. Laugh Down, Call Down or Tone Down on the word "God" and feel how all the tensions in your navel dissolve.

Alternatively, Laugh Down, Call Down or Tone Down on the sound of "r" and feel how alll of the tensions in your navel dissolve.

That's because God communicates to you on the physical level using the sound of "r". So that sound heals all physical conditions.

When you combine it with the nine, pure vowels of the Pathway of Love and the Acitve (+) and Passive (-) sounds of the Circle of Wholeness, you learn to love God through these nine levels of Love on the physical level. For example, the sound "zhair" is for your loving your sense of sight, but "zhairr" is for your physical sight and boosts your physical vision.

Symptoms of your midbrain

  • vestibulocerebellar symptoms such as vertigo,

  • falling toward the side of the lesion,

  • diplopia,

  • multidirectional nystagmus,

  • ipsilateral Horner syndrome,

  • hiccups,

  • contralateral body loss of pain and temperature sensation,

  • hoarseness,

  • dysphonia,

  • dysphagia,

  • dysarthria, and

  • decreased gag reflex.

Expressive Gratitude

Press into your navel. Can you go three finger bones (phalanges) deep without pain, discomfort or tension? If not, you are not physically happy. That's because you break or have broken the Moral Code on the physical level, which is "Focus on God". 

This includes worshipping idols such as Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber or Paul McCartney. Is Paul McCartney an amazing singer/songwriter? Possibly the best in history. Is he worth worshipping? No, only God is.

The Christian Holy Bible has three commandments about this.

1 You shall have no other Gods before me.

2 You shall not make any graven images.

3 You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.

All three can be summarised in one word - Idolatry. So switch your focus to God. Laugh Down, Call Down or Tone Down on the word "God" and feel how all the tensions in your navel dissolve.

Alternatively, Laugh Down, Call Down or Tone Down on the sound of "r" and feel how alll of the tensions in your navel dissolve.

That's because God communicates to you on the physical level using the sound of "r". So that sound heals all physical conditions.

When you combine it with the nine, pure vowels of the Pathway of Love and the Acitve (+) and Passive (-) sounds of the Circle of Wholeness, you learn to love God through these nine levels of Love on the physical level. For example, the sound "zhair" is for your loving your sense of sight, but "zhairr" is for your physical sight and boosts your physical vision.

Symptoms of your DIENCEPHALON

The diencephalon includes the subthalamus, epithalamus, hypothalamus and thalamus. This condition is usually found in infants and young children and may result in symptoms including

  • failure to gain weight and grow normally (failure to thrive),

  • progressive thinness and weakness (emaciation), and

  • hyperactivity and restlessness (hyperkinesia).

Symptoms of your subthalamus

The subthalamic nucleus is composed entirely of neural tissue. It does not directly influence any muscles, but it does play a role in modulating movement with the other components of the basal ganglia. Damage to the subthalamic nucleus can result in a disorder of movement called hemiballismus.

The subthalamus contains nuclei and gray matter like the zona incerta, reticular nucleus, and the perigeniculate nucleus. General functions the subthalamus are responsible for include sexuality, food and water intake and maintenance of hydration, and cardiovascular activity.

The subthalamus is the most ventral part of the diencephalon. It lies in between the thalamus and the midbrain. The largest division of the subthalamus is the subthalamic nucleus that is involved with integration of somatic motor function. The epithalamus is the most dorsal and posterior part of the diencephalon.

Significance. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) in the subthalamic nucleus (STN) is highly effective for treating the motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD). However, the neural mechanisms by which DBS acts are unknown. PD symptoms are tied to altered brain rhythms in basal ganglia (BG) and particularly the striatum.

The subthalamus and hypothalamus are both located ventral to the thalamus. The subthalamus is involved in movement regulation, while the hypothalamus controls vital functions such as hunger and thirst

Symptoms of your hypothalamus

  • High blood pressure or low blood pressure.

  • Water retention or dehydration.

  • Weight loss or weight gain with or without changes in appetite.

  • Infertility.

  • Poor bone health.

  • Delayed puberty.

  • Muscle loss and weakness.

  • Body temperature fluctuations.

Intuitive Gratitude

Press into your navel. Can you go three finger bones (phalanges) deep without pain, discomfort or tension? If not, you are not physically happy. That's because you break or have broken the Moral Code on the physical level, which is "Focus on God". 

This includes worshipping idols such as Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber or Paul McCartney. Is Paul McCartney an amazing singer/songwriter? Possibly the best in history. Is he worth worshipping? No, only God is.

The Christian Holy Bible has three commandments about this.

1 You shall have no other Gods before me.

2 You shall not make any graven images.

3 You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.

All three can be summarised in one word - Idolatry. So switch your focus to God. Laugh Down, Call Down or Tone Down on the word "God" and feel how all the tensions in your navel dissolve.

Alternatively, Laugh Down, Call Down or Tone Down on the sound of "r" and feel how alll of the tensions in your navel dissolve.

That's because God communicates to you on the physical level using the sound of "r". So that sound heals all physical conditions.

When you combine it with the nine, pure vowels of the Pathway of Love and the Acitve (+) and Passive (-) sounds of the Circle of Wholeness, you learn to love God through these nine levels of Love on the physical level. For example, the sound "zhair" is for your loving your sense of sight, but "zhairr" is for your physical sight and boosts your physical vision.

Symptoms of your thalamus

Lack of interest or enthusiasm, changes in attention span, memory loss, thalamic pain, also called central pain syndrome, which involves burning or freezing sensations in addition to intense pain, usually in the head, arms, or legs.

Disorders of the centrally located thalamus, which integrates a wide range of cortical and subcortical information include sensory loss, MOVEMENT DISORDERS, ATAXIA, pain syndromes, visual disorders, a variety of neuropsychological conditions, and COMA.

The thalamus has reciprocal connections with the amygdala and medial prefrontal cortex, and is thus believed to be involved in the production and regulation of anxiety and fear.

Thalamic pain syndrome or central post-stroke pain can occur when there are disruptions of one of the pathways of the brain that affects the sensation of temperature. There can be burning or tingling pain. Also, significant discomfort with temperature changes is a concern for thalamic pain syndrome following a stroke.

Thalamic stroke can lead to hemiparesis. Hemiparesis is one-sided muscle weakness. 

Other thalamic symptoms include

  • Memory loss (amnesia).

  • Lack of interest or enthusiasm (apathy).

  • Loss of ability to understand language or speak (aphasia).

  • Trouble with attention, loss of alertness.

  • Trouble processing sensory information.

  • Impaired movement.

  • Sleepiness.

  • Chronic pain.

Symptoms of your epithalamus

The epithalamus is a tiny structure that comprises the habenular trigone, the pineal gland, and the habenular commissure. It is wired with the limbic system and basal ganglia.

Species that possess a photoreceptive parapineal organ show asymmetry in the epithalamus at the habenula, to the left (dorsal).

Dysfunction of the epithalamus can be related to mood disorders (such as major depression), schizophrenia, and sleeping disorders. Low levels of melatonin will typically give rise to mood disorders.

Calcification of the epithalamus can be linked to periventricular lesions near the limbic system, and lesions of cortico-subcortical pathways that are involved with schizophrenia.

The epithalamus is associated with sleep disorders like insomnia revolving around circadian rhythms of sleep wake cycles. The close connection of the epithalamus with the limbic system regulates the secretion of melatonin by the pineal gland and the regulation of motor pathways and emotions. 


The secretion of melatonin happens in a cycle. Secretion is high at night or in the absence of light and low during the day. The suprachiasmatic nucleus in the hypothalamus is responsible for this cycle of secretion from the epithalamus, specifically from the pineal gland. 


The Circadian timekeeping is driven in cells by the cyclical activity of core clock genes and proteins such as per2/PER2. Gamma-aminobutyric acid and several peptide factors, including cytokines, growth hormone-releasing hormone and prolactin, are related to sleep promotion.

Freeing Gratitude

Press into your navel. Can you go three finger bones (phalanges) deep without pain, discomfort or tension? If not, you are not physically happy. That's because you break or have broken the Moral Code on the physical level, which is "Focus on God". 

This includes worshipping idols such as Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber or Paul McCartney. Is Paul McCartney an amazing singer/songwriter? Possibly the best in history. Is he worth worshipping? No, only God is.

The Christian Holy Bible has three commandments about this.

1 You shall have no other Gods before me.

2 You shall not make any graven images.

3 You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.

All three can be summarised in one word - Idolatry. So switch your focus to God. Laugh Down, Call Down or Tone Down on the word "God" and feel how all the tensions in your navel dissolve.

Alternatively, Laugh Down, Call Down or Tone Down on the sound of "r" and feel how alll of the tensions in your navel dissolve.

That's because God communicates to you on the physical level using the sound of "r". So that sound heals all physical conditions.

When you combine it with the nine, pure vowels of the Pathway of Love and the Active (+) and Passive (-) sounds of the Circle of Wholeness, you learn to love God through these nine levels of Love on the physical level. For example, the sound "zhair" is for your loving your sense of sight, but "zhairr" is for your physical sight and boosts your physical vision.

Symptoms of your basal ganglia

The basal ganglia refers to a group of subcortical nuclei within the brain responsible primarily for motor control, as well as other roles such as motor learning, executive functions and emotional behaviours. They play an important role in reward and reinforcement, addictive behaviours and habit formation. Symptoms include

  • Movement changes, such as involuntary or slowed movements.

  • Increased muscle tone.

  • Muscle spasms and muscle rigidity.

  • Problems finding words.

  • Tremor.

  • Uncontrollable, repeated movements, speech, or cries (tics)

  • Walking difficulty.

Symptoms of a basal ganglia stroke include sudden weakness on one side of the body, a loss of balance and coordination, confusion, headache, and difficulty speaking. Other, more unusual symptoms that may occur with a basal ganglia stroke include flattened emotions, apathy, and slow or delayed movements.


Autoimmune basal ganglia encephalitis (BGE) is characterized by the relatively rapid development of symptoms of parkinsonism such as akinesia, rigidity, and tremors. It occurs due to autoimmune inflammation of the basal ganglia structures.

Role, Responsibility and Relationship Gratitude

Symptoms of your cerebral hemispheres

  • Impulsivity.

  • Memory loss.

  • Concentration problems.

  • Aphasia.

  • Behavioral and personality changes.

  • Poor problem-solving and initiative.

Congruence Gratitude

Symptoms of your cerebellum

  • Cerebellar dysfunction causes

  • balance problems and gait disorders along with

  • difficulties in coordination resulting in ataxia,

  • uncoordinated movements, imbalance, speech problems (dysarthria),

  • visual problems (nystagmus) and

  • vertigo as a part of the vestibulocerebellar system.

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