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LMM 3 Sensory Reflexology Chart for your Sensory Organs

Updated: Feb 15, 2023

You have sensory organs such as eyes, ears and your tongue. That's how you get communication control - light, sound and taste are messengers that coordinate the biochemical responses of your body.

You can massage the 84 wrinkles or lines on your toes to boost, balance or release your sensory organs. For example, if you have too little sight you might wish to massage your big toe wrinkle to improve clarity.

Or, for example, your pain receptors are overloaded when you have excess acidity or other toxicity in your body. When you massage the little toe wrinkle you relieve your pain, although you do not get rid of the causal problem - the acidity or toxic overload. This takes change in diet, to alkaline food and alkaline lifestyle.

So study the following charts to discover the positions on your toes that you need to massage to boost your sensory organs. Then massage the point correctly using Laughing Monkey Massage.

Do it for seven minutes, three times per day, until your sensory organ returns to 100%. In this way your sensory organs rejuvenate.


The line for Pain includes muscular pain, external pain. It's for reducing tension in your neck and shoulders.

The line for Intestinal pain reduces a big tummy from over stretching. It's for internal pain.

The line for Nerve pain may help with neuropathy and "working it out".


The line for Stillness proprioception is so that you can close your eyes and stand, knowing where you are in space.

The line for Movement proprioception is for knowing where one muscle is in relation to another, or your bones or tendons. It gives you the ability to perceive diaphragm breathing and where it is as it moves.

The line for Relational proprioception is for knowing each body part in relation to another.


Muscular kinesthesia gives you muscular awareness.

Breathing kinesthesia gives you awareness inside your airways. It can help you to cough excess mucous out of your lungs.

The line for Skeletal alignment helps you to re-align your own body, so that you stand more upright and regain perfect posture. Massage it to move your bones and ease back pain.


There are two balance systems. Many problems of balance may be eased by massaging the line for Tonic Neck Receptors.


EHS is rampant in our community. It comes from electrical equipment surrounding us, including mobile phones, microwave ovens, power lines, wiring in your walls, computers, television sets, watches, electric vehicles and much more. You need to earth yourself by discharging the excess electricity into the sea or natural swimming hole, or lying on the ground.


Love yourself by touching your body all over. The sense of touch is vital to survival.

You may need to touch more, lightly. Or you may need to tap yourself all over, or drum or pound yourself gently all over. Or knead your muscles all over, to get more Pressure stimulation.


Massaging the line for the cornea may help to clear your sight. The Lens line relates to blur in your lens, called cataract. There is no such thing as a cataract. It is simply excess protein clouding the lens, so you need both the massage and a change in diet - to a Vitarian diet - to clear the lens on a long term basis.

Remember to massage while doing deep, relaxed breathing, which empowers the massage. You don't need to press hard and give yourself pain - simply deep breathing, or better still, laughing 14 times as you gently massage the point, will do the job best.


You are electromagnetic. Each cell has a North and a South pole. You can ground yourself with the Gravity line or lighten your burdens with the Levity line.


You turn on your hormones by hugging for 14 breaths. Holding a baby soothes and comforts it, and holding and hugging yourself does that too. Try it, especially when you are emotionally upset.

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