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Before and After Photos

Here is photographic proof of what a full program of Laughing Monkey Medicine can do using self-healing methods that you can do at home, for FREE, for the rest of your life, once you've learned how. At first glance it may look strange because we are using an unusual cousin of monkey - from the genus Hughmankind - because they are excellent photographic models due to their hirsute deficiency. None of the photographs were photoshopped or touched up in any way.


You can learn how to handle the A-Z of ailments using body regrowth, restoration, rejuvenation, realignment and much, much more. Please look carefully at the following photos, especially the ones with dates and times, many of which were done in two days.

Back Pain Relief

“I have had remarkable recovery from the back pain that I was suffering.” Judith Mama Monkey, Forest Park.

Neck & shoulders relax

The stiffness in the neck and shoulders took 40 minutes.

Hump straightens

Stiff neck and shoulders, scoliosis and a hump from Scheuermann's disease - a genetic malformation of the spine - all reduced dramatically. The hump flattening that you see above took 7 minutes.


The scoliosis (twisted spine) took 10 minutes to relieve the pain and two days (from the Saturday morning of the seminar to the Sunday afternoon of the seminar) to straighten


This 87 year old man got out of his wheelchair with diet, exercise and massage, and began pottering around the house.

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Wrinkles Reduce in 2 Days

“His work empowers others in simple but very effective ways – that’s what I like about it.” Sister Mama Monkey, Natural Therapies Clinic, Mater Hospital, Forest Park.

Notice that  the wrinkle in the first photo has disappeared in the second, in two days.
























Wrinkles down cheek ... and after 2 days.








Wrinkles on forehead and beside eyes ... and after 2 days..


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Wrinkles Beside Eye             and Bag under Eye       Reduced in 2 Days


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Depth of Scarring Lightened in 20 Minutes, 2 Months and 18 Months

Look at the times on the first photo.

Depth of scarring before ... and after 20 minutes.

Scar before ... and after 2 months. 40% of this body was burned in a fire, and all of the scarring changed like this.



















60% of this body was burned in a fire. After 17 months, this is the change in his back, including some muscle growth on his right side. 

Skin on thigh regrows as scar fades in 20 minutes?
Scarring on wrist reduces
Scarring on back reduces

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Arthritis, Joints

“As a person who has suffered pain from osteoarthritis for many years … the results were amazing.” Matron Mama Monkey, State-Registered, Double-Certificated Nursing Sister, Matron and Administrator of a Private, Church-Supported, State-Registered Nursing Home, Forest Park.

  • The first picture shows the extra mobility gained in one minute.

  • The second picture shows that even large nodules can be reduced and mobility regained.

  • The third picture shows that you can release frozen shoulders in 4 hours.

Hand closes further
More mobile hand
Frozen shoulders gain mobility

To learn more, press the BANANA button.

Growing Younger


Again, please notice the dates and times. Yes, the difference took one day, from the Saturday morning to the Sunday afternoon.

To learn more, press the BANANA button.

Looked Younger Overnight


Wrinkle on Top of Upper Eyelid - Before ... and After 10 Minutes of Face Lift Massage


How can you massage over an eyelid? Using the Thumbs Up Hand Position with its base resting on the bony structure around the eye, and breathing or laughing away the stress! You don't even have to touch the eyelid for it to be effective, just funnel the tension away through the thumb that points away from the eyelid. 

Look Better, Sound Better,
Feel Better

“It really helped my broken finger.” Mack Male Monkey, previous director of the Academy of Natural Therapies, Forest Park

If it can help a broken finger, how easy is it to help dark circle under your eyes so that you look younger, feel younger and grow younger?! All of these pictures were taken on the morning of the Saturday and the afternoon of the Sunday of a weekend seminar.

Please look at the dates and times.

Notice how she looked younger in 2 days.















Notice how the dark circles around the eyes faded and the wrinkles between the eyebrows disappeared.








Notice how the wrinkles around her eyes disappeared.


To learn more, press the BANANA button.

Natural Face Lift

“Doing a natural facelift in 45 minutes was an exciting concept … and when I got home and looked in the mirror … wow!” Gaia Singer, Massage Practitioner, Forest Park

Undereye brow sag lifted in 7 minutes, under eye sag (two views) in two days - Sunday afternoon to Tuesday afternoon.


To learn more, press the BANANA button.

Under Eyebrow Lift in 3 Minutes!


Rejuvenate while you Sleep

“I know a friend who had difficulty getting to sleep. She used a special tongue reflex which helped her to get to sleep more easily.” Sister Mama Monkey,  Natural Therapies Clinic, Mater Hospital, Forest Park.

All of these pictures were taken on the morning of the Saturday and the afternoon of the Sunday of a weekend seminar. Please look at the dates and times.















Notice how her forehead wrinkles have faded.











Notice how her eyes have brightened.










Notice how her under eye wrinkles have reduced wonderfully.


To learn more, press the BANANA button.

Turkey Neck Changed in 2 Days - same woman as above, the key is Sustaining the Technique Overnight



“I am now able to stop my cold sores before they develop.” Margaret Mama Monkey, Forest Park

A chronic fungal rash, boil and wart all reduced dramatically.

Fungal rash disappears
Boil heals
Wart reduces

To learn more, press the BANANA button.


“I had a large sunspot on my forehead. After applying the tongue position for 7 minutes for approximately 2 weeks the sunspot has disappeared.” Brenda Mama Monkey, Forest Park.

All sunspots in these pictures reduced dramatically.

Sunspot reduces
Mole disappears
Mole disappears

To learn more, press the BANANA button.


“I’ve applied what I’ve learnt from the workshop, and I’ve been feeling great. I’ve had much more energy. Amazing!?Thank you so much. With appreciation” Tasman Male Monkey, Forest Park.

To learn more, press the BANANA button.

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