Miracle Monkey Healing Books
Cheeky Monkey was sitting in a public toilet on a freezing day in winter ... sweating! He was in agony! He had piles (hemorrhoids) and he was trying to shit ... slowly! He called out in desperation "Jesus, if you're real, heal me now!"
He felt a downrush of the Holy Spirit, which immediately eased his pain. In two minutes he had no pain. In seven minutes he could shit! In 2-3 days he had no piles! It was a miracle!
Four years later he began to get piles again. He realised that something was wrong with his lifestyle, but he didn't know what. Eventually he stuck his tongue right out, closed his eyes, relaxed and began taking long, slow belly breaths. Pulling the tongue forward at the top end of his gastro-intestinal tract somehow pulled his rectum up at the other end, tonifying it. His piles disappeared.
He realised that Jesus Christ said "Go your way and sin no more". But what is a sin? A mistake. And how do you make biological mistakes? Give your body what it doesn't need and don't give your body what it really needs.
So Cheeky Monkey researched the real, biological needs of his body - not the social needs. For example, it's friendly to eat with others, to share a communal table. But when others eat what your body doesn't need, it's a mistake for you to eat it.
So without offending others Cheeky began eating his own food and sharing the good food with others - organically grown fruits and vegetables. This seeded the growth of others in their health. They especially loved his ice creams.
So he gave seminars in his natural health information and wrote over 200 text books for his students. Now he is writing over 50 books for the public, showing you how to test for what you need in the seven aspects of natural health that determine your wellness - thoughts, exercise, breathing, water, food, sunshine and rest.
His books show you how to achieve miracle healing speed - that is, immediate pain relief, 2 minutes to relieving pain significantly or completely, 7 minutes to improved function and 2-3 days to significant or complete recovery, with body regrowth occurring over longer periods of time depending on how well you follow the whole program - in hundreds of different conditions. This works for 80% of those who try it.
Those who don't get the results are the ones who don't apply the knowledge, especially the boosted breathing (laughing) exercises that you see on this website. So please follow this website from the left of the bar at the top of this website to the right (this page) to set yourself up for success. You can then use this information for yourself and your family, for FREE, for the rest of your life.
Also, please read below to discover what he is writing about. You may need some of the specifics in some of the particular books. For example, you may need to know where to massage to boost the hormone irisin, which burns fat and stops you from overeating. Bookmark this website and check this page so that you know when each book becomes available.
Laughing Monkey Medicine
Laughing is boosted breathing. Breathing is 14,000 times more powerful than food when it comes to health and healing, recovery and rejuvenation.
So laugh with your tongue forward and in 14 short out bursts in one out breath. That's right, place the tip of your tongue over your bottom teeth and down into the front gutter between your bottom lip and bottom gum.
This reflex point, when touched (you don't need to press hard, just touch it or the "string" that runs across there) helps to relieve cramps such as asthma, angina, stitch, leg cramps, back spasm, muscular aches and pains, stiff neck and shoulders, high blood pressure, birthing cramps (about 50% of birthing pain), migraines (cramping of the muscles around the blood vessels in the brain) and much more. The root of your tongue sits on your airway, so it's lifted and you can breathe more freely.
Listen closely to discover sooo much more!
Which Books to Buy
Cheeky Monkey is writing over 50 books for the public right now - not hard cover or soft cover, simply online. Each is valued at $77, because their information is unique and deeply researched.
Each book is about one week from finishing, a few are finished and some may not become available for over a year. There are 46 listed on this website for you right now, with others yet to come. This website contains working titles only, so although the titles may indicate what they are about they may eventually come out under a better name.
The ones that are available right now are shown as products so that you can purchase them immediately.
Some books are FREE with songs. For example, the songs in Cheeky Monkey's first album - Toilet Music for Constipated Lovers - has two books of immense value to you.
The first is Toilet Hormones for Constipated Monkeys, because over 90% of modern monkeys are constipated. The second is Fat Freeing Hormones for Constipated Gorillas, because well over 60% of modern monkeys are overweight.
Laughing Monkey Medicine
Remember to keep your tongue forward and laugh with 14, short out bursts on one out breath.
Miracle Speed Healing
1 Saved!
Miracle Speed Healing
How to get healing at miracle speed for FREE
See more in the above section $77
2 Miracle Speed Healing 2 – God Breathing
How to test what you need with Breath Testing
3 Miracle Speed Healing 3 - How to Get FREE Massages Three Times a Week for the Rest of Your Life
How to get FREE Reflexology and other massages at home, for FREE, for you and your family, for the rest of your life
4 Miracle Speed Healing 4 – How to get FREE Acupuncture, Chiropractic and Physiotherapy for the Rest of Your Life
Get 177 modalities of natural healing FREE, including acupuncture, chiropractic and physiotherapy.
Each one is explained, so that you can decide which modality to try at which time
5 Miracle Speed Healing 5 – Inflammation! How to Reverse Inflammaging in 7 Minutes
Inflammation ages you. Now you can reverse that aging, inflammatory process by changing your lifestyle. If you know and apply the Full Program in your life you can get an extra 10 years of healthy life.
6 Miracle Speed Healing 6 - Buzz Breathing
How to breathe to boost your hormones
Laughing Monkey Medicine
Remember to keep your tongue forward and laugh with 14, short out bursts on one out breath.
Wrinkle Reflexology
1 Wrinkle Reflexology –
Wrinkle Disappears in 2 Days Naturally - How to Test, Boost and Balance each of your 84 Hormone Receptors -
How to refine, replenish and rejuvenate your face so that fine lines & wrinkles disappear & your skin becomes smoother
The Hormone Receptor Map is in your Finger Wrinkles
How to test which hormone receptor is low –for example, insulin or glucagon – and balance your blood sugar
How to balance your blood pressure
Erectile Dysfunction – how to boost your testosterone and DHT receptors
Estrogen, progesterone and pregnenolone receptors
Calcitonin receptors
Melatonin receptors
Thyroid hormone receptors
Steroid receptors
Happiness hormone receptors – dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin & endorphins
How to stimulate all 84 hormone receptors (such as insulin receptors) or calm them down
1 Wrinkle Reflexology Workbook 1 – Your Wrinkle Reflexology Workbook
2 Wrinkle Reflexology 2 - Pain
How to ease your pain with breathing
2 Wrinkle Reflexology 2 - Pain Workbook
How to ease your pain with breathing
3 Wrinkle Reflexology 3 – Addictions Away
How to relieve food addictions, smoking cravings, weed wants and other drugs by stimulating your own receptors that need to be cleared or turned on
3 Wrinkle Reflexology Workbook 3 – Addictions Away
How to relieve food addictions, smoking cravings, weed wants and other drugs by stimulating your own receptors that need to be cleared or turned on
4 Wrinkle Reflexology 4 – ElectroHyperSensitivity - EHS
How to discharge excess electricity every day
4 Wrinkle Reflexology Workbook 4 – ElectroHyperSensitivity – EHS - Workbook
How to discharge excess electricity every day
5 Super Memory Hormone Receptors $77
Laughing Monkey Medicine
Remember to keep your tongue forward and laugh with 14, short out bursts on one out breath.
Hormone Reflexology
1 Hormone Reflexology –
How to Test, Boost and Balance each of your 84 Hormones
The Hormonal Map is in your Hands
How to test which hormone is low –for example, insulin or glucagon – and balance your blood sugar
How to balance your blood pressure
Erectile Dysfunction – how to boost your testosterone and DHT
Estrogen, progesterone and pregnenolone
Thyroid hormones
Happiness hormones – dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin & endorphins
2 Hormone Reflexology Workbook –
How to Test, Boost and Balance each of your 84 Hormones Workbook
The Hormonal Map is in your Hands
How to test which hormone is low –for example, insulin or glucagon – and balance your blood sugar
How to balance your blood pressure
Erectile Dysfunction – how to boost your testosterone and DHT
Estrogen, progesterone and pregnenolone
Thyroid hormones
Happiness hormones – dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin & endorphins
3 Hormone Reflexology 3 - How to Reverse Diabetes in 7 Hours
How to drop your blood sugar with breathing
How to drop your blood sugar in seven hours using a simple, common garden herb that you can grow in your own back yard,
How to stabilise your blood sugar within the normal range using a massage point for insulin receptors, and other hormones for insulin sensitivity
Insulin Receptors
Glucagon Receptors
Diabetes 1 & 2
Metabolic Syndrome
4 Hormone Reflexology 4 Workbook - How to Reverse Diabetes in 7 Hours Workbook
How to drop your blood sugar with breathing
How to drop your blood sugar in seven hours using a simple, common garden herb that you can grow in your own back yard,
How to stabilise your blood sugar within the normal range using a massage point for insulin receptors, and other hormones for insulin sensitivity
Insulin Receptors
Glucagon Receptors
Diabetes 1 & 2
Metabolic Syndrome
5 Hormone Reflexology 5 – Thyroid Hormones
How to Test, Boost and Balance your Thyroid Hormones
6 Hormone Reflexology 6 Workbook – Thyroid Hormones Workbook
How to Test, Boost and Balance your Thyroid Hormones
7 Hormone Reflexology 9 – Oomph! How to Boost your Male Hormones, Muscle and Energy in 7 Minutes by pressing 3 massage points on your hands
Steroid hormones
Build muscle while you sleep
Erectile Dysfunction or “Limp Dick Syndrome”
8 Hormone Reflexology 10 Workbook – Oomph! How to Boost your Male Hormones, Muscle and Energy in 7 Minutes by pressing 3 massage points on your hands Workbook
Steroid hormones
Build muscle while you sleep
Erectile Dysfunction or “Limp Dick Syndrome”
9 Hormone Reflexology 11 – Escape from Hormone Hell in 7 Minutes - How to Boost your Female Hormones by pressing 3 massage points on your hands
for teenagers, pre-menopausal &
post-menopausal women
10 Hormone Reflexology 12 – Escape from Hormone Hell in 7 Minutes Workbook - How to Boost your Female Hormones by pressing 3 massage points on your hands Workbook
for teenagers, pre-menopausal &
post-menopausal women
11 Hormone Reflexology 13 – Your 7, FREE Happiness Hormones
Serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, endorphins, anandamide (cannabinoids), apelin (for laughing gas) & “brain on”
How to feel happy for the rest of your life by massaging points on your hands & fingers
12 Hormone Reflexology 14 – Your 7, FREE Happiness Hormones Workbook
Serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, endorphins, anandamide (cannabinoids), apelin (for laughing gas) & “brain on”
How to feel happy for the rest of your life by massaging points on your hands & fingers
13 Hormone Reflexology 17 – See Clearly without Glasses
Which hormones increase eye pressure glaucoma & which decrease it
Hormones for cataracts
Lens clearing
14 Hormone Reflexology 18 Workbook – See Clearly without Glasses Hormone Reflexology Workbook
Which hormones increase eye pressure glaucoma & which decrease it
Hormones for cataracts
Lens clearing
15 Hormone Reflexology 19 – Heart Healthy Hormones
How to handle hormones for blood pressure, cholesterol & triglycerides
How to stop heart disease in its tracks & often reverse it
16 Hormone Reflexology 20 Workbook – Heart Healthy Hormones Workbook
How to handle hormones for blood pressure, cholesterol & triglycerides
How to stop heart disease in its tracks & often reverse it
Laughing Monkey Medicine
Remember to keep your tongue forward and laugh with 14, short out bursts on one out breath.
Tissue Reflexology
1 Tissue Reflexology –
How to Test, Boost and Balance each of your Tissues
The Tissue Map is in your Hands
How to test which tissue is low –for example, hair, which can go grey or even white
2 Tissue Reflexology Workbook -
The Tissue Map is in your Hands
How to test which tissue is low –for example, hair, which can go grey or even white
3 Tissue Reflexology 3 – Back Pain Relief in 7 Minutes
How to rejuvenate your back so that it regains its youthful mobility
Neck pain & stiffness, shoulder pain & stiffness, lower back pain, back pain needing traction
4 Tissue Reflexology Workbook – Back Pain Relief in 7 Minutes
How to rejuvenate your back so that it regains its youthful mobility
Laughing Monkey Medicine
Remember to keep your tongue forward and laugh with 14, short out bursts on one out breath.
Organ Reflexology
1 Organ Reflexology –
How to Test, Boost and Balance each of your Organs
The Organ Reflexology Map is in your ???
How to test which tissue is low –for example, hair, which can go grey or even white
2 Organ Reflexology Workbook -
The Organ Reflexology Map is in your toe nail beds and toe nails.
How to test which tissue is low –for example, hair, which can go grey or even white
Laughing Monkey Medicine
Remember to keep your tongue forward and laugh with 14, short out bursts on one out breath.
Sensory Reflexology
1 Sensory Organ Reflexology –
How to Test, Boost and Balance each of your Organs
The Sensory Organ Reflexology Map is in your toe wrinkles.
How to test which tissue is low –for example, hair, which can go grey or even white
2 Sensory Organ Reflexology Workbook -
The Sensory Organ Reflexology Map is in your toe wrinkles.
How to test which tissue is low –for example, hair, which can go grey or even white
Laughing Monkey Medicine
Remember to keep your tongue forward and laugh with 14, short out bursts on one out breath.
Sphincter Reflexology
1 Sphincters, Ducts and Vessels Reflexology –
How to Test, Boost and Balance each of your Organs
The Sphincters, Ducts and Vessels Reflexology Map is in your toe webbings.
How to test which tissue is low –for example, hair, which can go grey or even white
2 Sphincters, Ducts and Vessels Reflexology Workbook -
The Sphincters, Ducts and Vessels Reflexology Map is in your toe webbings.
How to test which tissue is low –for example, hair, which can go grey or even white
Laughing Monkey Medicine
Remember to keep your tongue forward and laugh with 14, short out bursts on one out breath.
Exocrine Reflexology
1 Exocrine Reflexology –
How to Test, Boost and Balance each of your Organs
The Exocrine Reflexology Map is in your ???
How to test which tissue is low –for example, hair, which can go grey or even white
2 Exocrine Reflexology Workbook -
The Exocrine Reflexology Map is in your ???
How to test which tissue is low –for example, hair, which can go grey or even white