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Three Letters from God

If God punched me in the tummy to save my life, he cares about me. Imagine you getting a letter from God.


What would he most likely want to say about how he feels about you and how he wants you to feel about him? Here are some quotes, line by line, from the Christian Holy Bible.

God Loves You

"My Child,

You may not know me but I know everything about you. 

I know when you sit down and when you rise up. 

I am familiar with all your ways. 

You were made in my image."

The word "in" means "inside". So you were made inside an image of God. Your blueprint for life is the image of God. In other words, your aura is not something generated by your physical body. Rather, your aura is the blueprint for your physical body, your emotions, your mind, your desires, your expressions, your intuitions and your freedoms.

Those who see auras know this. When a friend dies you see their aura standing beside the coffin at the funeral, looking at everybody and appreciating their attendance at your funeral.

"In me you live and move and have your being.

For you are my offspring.

I knew you even before you were conceived."

In other words, you were a Soul even before you had a body. The Soul is not something created by the physical body, emotions, mind, desires, expressions, intuitions and freedoms, it is something which has those qualities.

"I have been misinterpreted by those who don't know me.

I am not distant and angry, but am the complete expression of love.

And it is my desire to lavish my love on you.

Every good gift that you receive comes from my hand.

For I am your provider and I meet all your needs."

Needs, not wants. Sometimes you may get what you want, sometimes not. But the miracles in your life are your needs, and the more gratitude you have for those miracles the more you experience gratitude and good living. The most important miracles to appreciate are those of learning.

"My plan for your future has always been filled with hope

Because I love you with an everlasting love.

My thoughts towards you are countless as the sands on the seashore

And I rejoice over you with singing.

I will never stop doing good to you.

For you are my treasured possession.

I am waiting for you."

God Loves You Poster

Place this poster on your toilet wall, to remind you that you are loved.

God Loves You Headband

Revelations 22:4 says to wear the name of God "on your forehead". It would not be wise to use the name of God only, in case others think that you are claiming to be God. But to wear three little words "God Loves You" on your forehead will keep this on the forefront of your consciousness and the consciousness of others.

I get a seamstress to make the basic headband out of cloth and elastic, then paint the headband with craft paint. I cannot wash it but I can wipe it clean. I suggest you do the same. 

Alternatively you can buy one from me, costing $25 plus postage. Here's what one of mine looks like.

God Laughs you

"My Dear Child,

I have brought you laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me.

I will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy.

Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied.

Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.

I desire to establish you with all my heart and all my soul

And I want to show you great and marvellous things.

If you seek me with all your heart you will find me.

Delight in me and I will give you the desires of your heart.

For it is I who gave you those desires.

I am able to do more for you than you could possible imagine.

For I am your greatest encourager.

I am also the Father who comforts you in all your troubles.

When you are heartbroken I am close to you.

As a shepherd carries a lamb I have carried you close to my heart.

One day I will wipe away every tear from your eyes

And I'll take away all the pain that you have suffered on this earth.

I am for you, not against you.

I am not counting your sins.

Come home and I will throw the biggest party heaven has ever seen.

Will you be my child? 

I am waiting for you."

God Laughs You Poster

Place this poster on your fridge door, to remind you that Laughing is the Best Medicine.

God Laughs You Headband

Revelations 22:4 says to wear the name of God "on your forehead". It would not be wise to use the name of God only, in case others think that you are claiming to be God. But to wear three little words "God Laughs You" on your forehead will keep this on the forefront of your consciousness and the consciousness of others.

I get a seamstress to make the basic headband out of cloth and elastic, then paint the headband with craft paint. I cannot wash it but I can wipe it clean. I suggest you do the same. 

Alternatively you can buy one from me, costing $25 plus postage. Here's what one of mine looks like.

God Breathes You

"My Precious Child,

I formed you from dust from the ground,

And breathed into your nostrils the breath of life, and you became a living being.

For as long as life is in you,
And the breath of God is in your nostrils, 

The Spirit of God has made you,
And the breath of the Almighty gives you life. 
I breathed on you and said to you, “Receive the Holy Spirit." 

I will put sinews on you, make flesh grow back on you,

Cover you with skin

And put breath in you that you may come alive;

And you will know that I am the Lord.
I will cause breath to enter you that you may come to life.

I give everyone life and breath and everything else.

I am waiting for you."

God Breathes You Poster

Place this poster next to your bed, to remind you that God breathes through you all night, every night.

God Breathes You Headband

Revelations 22:4 says to wear the name of God "on your forehead". It would not be wise to use the name of God only, in case others think that you are claiming to be God. But to wear three little words "God Breathes You" on your forehead will keep this on the forefront of your consciousness and the consciousness of others.

I get a seamstress to make the basic headband out of cloth and elastic, then paint the headband with craft paint. I cannot wash it but I can wipe it clean. I suggest you do the same. 

Alternatively you can buy one from me, costing $25 plus postage. Here's what one of mine looks like.

Alternatively you could make or buy a GOD SINGS YOU headband, especially if you are in a choir.

How to Walk Closer to God

If you go to church once a year - on Christmas Day - are you walking closer to God? At the time, maybe, or maybe, for you, it's simply a social outing. What about the rest of the year?

You are at a time distance from God, of one year. If you go to church once a week you are at a time distance from God of one week.

If you pray every morning you are at a time distance from God of one day. If you pray before breakfast, lunch, dinner and bedtime you are at a night's distance from God.

If you read the Bible you are at an arm's length distance from God. If you listen to the Bible you are at the speaker's length distance from God. You can study the Bible backwards and forwards and still have no relationship with him.


Throughout your quiet time, and particularly towards the end, talk to God. Praise him, confess to him, thank him, ask him. And get answers through lower belly breathing, or peace in your heart, or through other ways that God may communicate with you.

If you practise breathing exercises you are as close to God as your breath is, because God breathes through you with every breath. Laughing is boosted breathing, so if you Laugh Down on "God" you are at ultimate closeness to God.


DO this NOW, with 14 outbursts on one outbreath. Then breathe in and feel how wonder-full it feels to be alive, because God gives you life. And yes, please notice that, after doing this Laugh Down 14 times, which takes less than a minute, your breathing begins from your lower belly, which is where you need to sing from if you wish to sing for the glory of God.

The Ministry of Healing

What if you want to stop being close to God and be at one with God? Yes, you can get close to God with Laugh Downs, but what about living at one with God's will? To do this you need to have the faith that God loves you 100%.

Then you need to go out and give where there is need (not want). For example, in the Ministry of Healing, go and share the Laugh Down technique with others, not for money, or fame, or social upliftment, but because you genuinely care for them. Refer them to the website for further education, and send them a link to the exact page on this website ...................................................................................................

Alternatively, care for a child or elderly or disabled person from your heart, without thought of recompense - in other words, not as your job. Feel your heart glow with genuine love - the love of God - as you do it. 

Then maintain that state of oneness with God's love by feeling the state and Humming Down , once only, while wearing your Affirmation Amplifier on your navel. It will sustain your state of at-one-ment with God's love until you remove it.

If you do this all day long you can stay in a state of oneness with God all day long, 24/7. If you cannot sleep with it because you are too aware, remove it an work with the sleeping techniques on this website. 

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