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Laughing Monkey Massage and    Bad Baboon Massage

Who doesn't love a great back massage or shoulder rub? But there is a vast difference between acupressure and Shiatsu. They use the same massage points on the body, but Shiatsu presses in deeply, past the point of pain.


Yes pain is a warning signal that something you are doing is wrong for the body. It is a warning to stop doing it. There is a gentler, far more effective way, using the system of reflexes that your body has and gently massaging the point while breathing correctly. 

So please listen to your body's messages and respect them. Use 1. 75 pounds of pressure only, on any point, and Breath Test correctly. This is Press Testing, not pushing hard into a point.

Monkeys Respond

You have thousands of massage points all over your body. They are usually small dips, like acupuncture or acupressure points. They may also be larger, broader hollows. They may also be called reflex points, acupressure points, marmas and the like.

They are often found where tendons, bones, muscles, joints, veins, nerves, and other tissues meet. Ancient healing physicians mapped out the specific locations of these points as well as their effects upon various parts of the body. Their purpose is to sustain the flow of energy throughout your body.

If you press hard into another monkey's points you are no going to get a good reaction, from that monkey or the troop. So don't press hard enough to elicit pain from your own points either.

How to massage these points

I have done massage for over 45 years and taught massage - especially self massage - for over 40 years. Many people are far too rough with their touch.


Instead, use feather-light strokes to release the congestion in the points and in their related body parts. For example, the points for your hormone receptors are the wrinkles on your fingers. Stroke them lightly, 14 times, towards your little fingers - not towards your thumbs.


At the same time, breathe with your Trauma Turning Tongue Position. That's when you touch the air with the tip of your tongue, so that you can see it in the mirror, sandwiched between your lips.


Breathe through your nose. When you breathe in your lower belly should go down and out. When you breathe out your lower belly should go in and up. If you do the reverse, practise laughing 14 times while you massage.


Make one, feather-light stroke on one set of four laughs, three times, and at the end of the 14 laughs make one, feather-light stroke on the last two laughs.


For example, massage the first wrinkle on the back of your left, little finger with feather-light strokes at the same time as placing your tongue in the Pain Relieving Tongue Position. Breathe in through your nose and laugh out 14 times through your mouth, using the vowel "air". This boosts your endorphin receptors to relieve pain quickly.


To get longer term pain relief repeat the above 14 times. To clarify the technique, go BANANA.


Alternatively, you might want to release the congestion of fats in your insulin receptors, thereby increasing your insulin sensitivity. Use the third wrinkle on the ring finger of your left hand, massaging with feather-light strokes towards your left, little finger. Use the vowel "ah" and the Sugar Down Tongue Position.


Breathe in through your nose and laugh out 14 times using 14, feather-light strokes. To clarify the technique, go BANANA.

Hand Position Massage

The greatest force in healing is gentleness. No pressure is required on massage points, just touch. It's how you touch that matters.


You can use feather-light touch to release the point and its related body part. Body parts include hormone receptors as well as larger parts of your body such as a sphincter (round) muscle such as your lips, eyelid or iris.


You can also use Thumb Needling. Place the end of your thumb onto the point and curl your fingers onto your palm. Extend your fingers as far as possible across your palm, so that they sit on the pad of your thumb. Then laugh 14 times using the appropriate sound for the point.


For example, use the sound "air" for wrinkles on the little finger, "ah" for wrinkles on the ring finger, "aw" for wrinkles on the middle finger, "er" for wrinkles on the index finger, "ee" for wrinkles on the lateral side of the thumb, "oo" as in "wood" for wrinkles on the middle of your thumb, and "oo" as in "you" for wrinkles on the medial side of your thumb. To clarify the technique, go BANANA.


Thumb Needling fills the point with energy when it's deficient. Now turn the hand around and use its base. There is a hole there which drains the point when it has excess. Once again, just place the hole over the point to drain it. To clarify the technique, go BANANA.


Place your hand in the Lower Lobe Hand Position. Place your thumb and index finger onto the point and laugh. This releases the point. To clarify the technique, go BANANA.


Place your hand in the Mid Lobe Hand Position. Place your thumb and index finger onto the point and laugh. This builds the energy of the point. To clarify the technique, go BANANA.


Place your hand in the Upper Lobe Hand Position. Place your thumb and index finger onto the point and laugh. Thus balances the point. To clarify the technique, go BANANA.


Place your hand in the Detachment Hand Position, with the end of your thumb touching your index and ring fingers. This helps you to detach from the issues relating to the point. To clarify the technique, go BANANA.

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