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Howler Monkey Humming

You can enter into communication with yourself, God, Jesus and others using your tongue positions to create the right state of consciousness within you. Simply practise Singing Down on a vowel. Then practise laughing down on a vowel, using 14 laughs.


Now close your lips and practise humming down several times. Then Hum Down for 14 short hums, using one of the tongue positions as described below.


Start with God Breathing. Place the tip of your tongue between your teeth and lips, so that its tip touches the air, and hum down in 14, short, laughing hums. They could be described as gentle snorts.


Notice that when you breathe in your lower belly begins the in breath.


Now do Jesus Breathing. Place your tongue between your teeth so that its tip touches the back of your lips. Again, do 14, gentle snorts and then notice that your in breath starts in your lower belly and predominates in your upper belly.


Now do Self Breathing. Place the tip of your tongue at the back of your closed teeth. Snort Down14 times, then notice that your in breath starts in your lower belly, rises to your upper belly and predominates in your chest.


Now do Holy Spirit Breathing. Place the tip of your tongue on the skin outside your mouth, down on the dip just above your chin. Snort 14 times, then notice that your in breath starts fully in your lower belly, rises in fullness to your upper belly and rises in fullness to your chest.


Now do Soul Breathing. Place the tip of your tongue on the skin outside your mouth, down on the dip just below your lip but not as far as the dip above your chin. Snort 14 times, then notice that your in breath starts in your lower belly, rises to your upper belly and rises to your chest - not as fully as Holy Spirit Breathing but more fully than Self Breathing.


When doing Holy Spirit and Soul Breathing, the teeth and tongue should still be around your tongue, so that it is fully supported in a gentle way. All breathing is done through your nose when doing Howler Monkey Humming.


So now you can make a statement such as "It's best for all concerned that I attend church today" and get a response from God, Jesus, your Self, your Soul or the Holy Spirit. If all five of them agree, go to church! If not, make other statements. Live a fully congruent lifestyle if you can.


If in doubt, always follow God. God creates you with every breath. Breath is life, so if God does not approve, don't go there, don't do it, change your way, find a better way.


Also remember that God is congruent but not infallible. That's because he gives us choice, so he cannot predict our behaviour. He's good to ask about time and space, the weather and other topics that can affect your daily life strongly.


I find that Jesus is a good friend, healer and teacher. And, like God, not infallible, for the same reason. That's why, no matter how much Jesus does for you, a lack of Client Compliance, the bugbear of therapists everywhere, can make prevent the success of his healings being sustained.


Practise Self Breathing so that it is always connected to God - in other words, starting in the lower belly. Otherwise it's simply ego dominated. When you do Self Breathing properly connected, it helps to heal ego distractions like embarrassment, anxiety, grief, fear, anger, panic and guilt.


Because of the position of the tongue outside the mouth and comfortably encircled by your teeth and lips, they will always be started in the lower belly - that is, supported by God.


Check this out. Open your mouth and stick your tongue out in the air.


Notice that your breathing is now reversed - as you breathe in your belly sucks in and as you breathe out your belly goes out. THAT's Ego Breathing.


When you get that response on any decision, walk away - it's definitely that wrong decision. Try a few more statements and remember that doing nothing can sometimes be the best way forwards - perhaps some patient waiting until others are ready for what you are ready for now is in order.


Now use God, Jesus, Soul or Holy Spirit Breathing to guide your life. Do not use Satan (Reverse God), Devil (Reverse Jesus), Ego (Reverse Soul) or Hell (Reverse Holy Spirit) Breathing to guide your life. If you make a decision and get those breathing responses, make another decision in another direction. In this way you follow God every minute of every day. You do what God approves of.


Then Hum Down one of these wonderful Tongue Positions to boost your breathing on the God, Jesus, Soul or Holy Spirit level. Or Hum Down on "m" for lower belly breathing, "k" for SUPPORTED upper belly breathing, "l" for SUPPORTED lower chest breathing or "n" for SUPPORTED upper chest breathing. Walk in the glory of God - that's right, go for a half hour walk to experience what this breathing can do for you and what divine states of consciousness you can access by breathing in these ways. Enjoy!

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