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How to Realign your Spine with Boosted Breathing

When Cheeky Monkey was 22 he went to his one and only chiropractor for his one and only chiropractic appointment. This big gorilla was a champion discus thrower (Commonwealth Games GOLD Medal, 1960, Rome Olympic finals), chiropractor, acupuncturist and naturopath, but a gentle giant.

To Cheeky's utter surprise he did not jerk the back. He pressed reflex points on the back and it straightened. No pain!

Then he said "Because of the way you walk, you'll be in a wheelchair by the time you're 40. If I jerk your back as much as you need it, which is on a daily basis, you will get tendon and ligament inflammation and be in a wheelchair by the time you're 40. If you jerk your back the same will happen. The only thing you can do is relax your back straight, and I can't help you there."

He was honest and correct. So Cheeky found a way to relax his back straight using reflex points, not on the back, because he could not reach his own, but in his mouth, through breathing and, even more strongly, through Boosted Breathing. 

Laughing Monkey Medicine for Spinal Alignment

There are 18 central bones or sets of bones in your body, and 18 sets of peripheral bones. There are nine, Yang (up the top) central Tongue Positions and nine, Yin (down the bottom) Tongue Positions. Each Tongue Position relates to a central bone or set of bones.

There are nine sets of peripheral bones on the right of your body (Yang) and nine on the left (Yin). So, altogether, you have 36 Tongue Positions to learn to govern your skeletal structure.

1 Coccyx Tongue Position

Your coccyx is your tailbone. When you sit down hard it can move out of alignment, causing anal fissures, hemorrhoids, itchy bum and other unpleasant symptoms.


To realign it place the tip of your tongue outside your mouth and onto the skin above your top lip. This groove is called your philtrum. 

2 Sacrum Tongue Position

Your sacrum is the base bone of your spine. It's shaped like a triangle pointing downwards. It has holes in it for nerves which run to your genitals, hips, legs and feet. When it's misaligned you may feel all sorts of symptoms to do with those body parts, such as flat feet, bunions, callouses, cracked heels, sore knees from arthritis or bursitis, aching hips and sciatica.

To realign it place the tip of your tongue inside your mouth and just below your bottom lip. 

3 Lumbar Vertebrae Tongue Position

Your lumbar vertebrae are the five vertebrae of your lower back. When they are misaligned you may get pins and needles in your feet, numbness in your feet and legs, sciatica, sore feet, knees and legs and much more.

To realign them place the tip of your tongue outside your top teeth and up between your top lip and your top gum. This can raise your blood pressure quickly, so if you suffer from feinting due to low blood pressure take a few breaths like this before you stand up.

Sometimes this Tongue Position will help with lower back pain. More often than not, the lower back pain comes from lack of relaxation and strength in your CORE abdominal (breathing) muscles, and you need the Cramps Tongue Position instead. Check both and compare them. Choose the one that relaxes you most.

Sometimes you need traction (Yang) due to a compressed intervertebral disc, and sometimes relaxation (compression, which is Yin). Sometimes you need both, in which case place the tip of your tongue up and breathe in and then the tip of your tongue down and breathe out, and continue doing this to realign your lumbar spine.

4 Lower Thoracic Tongue Position

Your Lower Thoracic Vertebrae are the six vertebrae of your lower chest or mid back. When they are misaligned you get a huge number of possible symptoms related to your abdominal cavity, including constipation, diarrhea, dysbiosis, fermentation, wind, gas, farting, burping, bloating, indigestion, stomach ache, nausea, vomiting, headaches, migraines, low blood sugar, gall stones and panic attacks.

To realign them place the tip of your tongue inside your top teeth and up on the ceiling behind your top teeth. 

Sometimes this Tongue Position will help with mid back pain. More often than not, the mid back pain comes from lack of relaxation and strength in your front, lower chest muscles, and you need the Yin Tongue Position instead. Check both and compare them. Choose the one that relaxes you most.

Sometimes you need traction (Yang) due to a compressed intervertebral disc, and sometimes relaxation (compression, which is Yin). Sometimes you need both, in which case place the tip of your tongue up and breathe in and then the tip of your tongue down and breathe out, and continue doing this to realign your lower thoracic spine.

5 Upper Thoracic Tongue Position

Your Upper Thoracic Vertebrae are the six vertebrae of your upper chest or upper back. When they are misaligned you get a huge number of possible symptoms related to your chest cavity, including poor breathing due to enervation of your diaphragm and lungs, heart palpitations due to enervation of your heart muscles and low immunity due to enervation of your thymus gland.


To realign them place the tip of your tongue up in the middle of the arch of your top palate.


Sometimes this Tongue Position will help with upper back pain. More often than not, the upper back pain comes from lack of relaxation and strength in your front, upper chest  muscles, and you need the Yin Tongue Position instead. Check both and compare them. Choose the one that relaxes you most.

Sometimes you need traction (Yang) due to a compressed intervertebral disc, and sometimes relaxation (compression, which is Yin). Sometimes you need both, in which case place the tip of your tongue up and breathe in and then the tip of your tongue down and breathe out, and continue doing this to realign your upper thoracic spine.

6 Cervical Vertebrae Tongue Position

Your Cervical Vertebrae are the bottom five vertebrae of your neck. When they are misaligned you get a huge number of possible symptoms related to your neck, hands, arms and shoulders, including pins and needles, numbness, tennis elbow, RSI (repetition strain injury), frozen shoulder, bursitis, arthritis, and stiffness of the neck and shoulders. 


To realign them place the tip of your tongue up in the soft top of your mouth.


Sometimes this Tongue Position will help with neck pain. More often than not, the neck pain comes from lack of relaxation and strength in your ???  muscles, and you need the Yin Tongue Position instead. Check both and compare them. Choose the one that relaxes you most.

Sometimes you need traction (Yang) due to a compressed intervertebral disc, and sometimes relaxation (compression, which is Yin). Sometimes you need both, in which case place the tip of your tongue up and breathe in and then the tip of your tongue down and breathe out, and continue doing this to realign your upper thoracic spine.

 7 Atlas/Axis Tongue Position

Your Upper Thoracic Vertebrae are the six vertebrae of your upper chest or upper back. When they are misaligned you get a huge number of possible symptoms related to your chest cavity, including poor breathing due to enervation of your diaphragm and lungs, heart palpitations due to enervation of your heart muscles and low immunity due to enervation of your thymus gland.


To realign them place the tip of your tongue up in the middle of the arch of your top palate.


Sometimes this Tongue Position will help with upper back pain. More often than not, the upper back pain comes from lack of relaxation and strength in your front, upper chest  muscles, and you need the Yin Tongue Position instead. Check both and compare them. Choose the one that relaxes you most.

Sometimes you need traction (Yang) due to a compressed intervertebral disc, and sometimes relaxation (compression, which is Yin). Sometimes you need both, in which case place the tip of your tongue up and breathe in and then the tip of your tongue down and breathe out, and continue doing this to realign your upper thoracic spine.

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9 Ethmoid Bone Tongue Position

Your Ethmoid is the bone at the back of your face. When it's misaligned you get a huge number of possible symptoms related to your face, such as Bell's Palsy (a drooping of the face), sag under your jaw, cheeks or eyebrows, wrinkles, eye problems, tooth decay, sinusitis, runny nose, facial tic, facial neuralgia and much more.


To realign them curl your tongue up and back onto itself, so that the tip of your tongue touches the end of your tongue. Sandwich it between your teeth gently. 


Sometimes this Tongue Position will help with facial pain. More often than not, the facial pain comes from lack of relaxation and strength in your front, facial muscles, and you need the Yin Tongue Position instead. Check both and compare them. Choose the one that relaxes you most.

Sometimes you need traction (Yang) due to a compressed intervertebral disc, and sometimes relaxation (compression, which is Yin). Sometimes you need both, in which case place the tip of your tongue up and breathe in and then the tip of your tongue down and breathe out, and continue doing this to realign your face.

How to Relax your Back from your Front

Often you need a Yin Tongue Position to relax your back from your front. For example, your 3 Lumbar Vertebrae Tongue Position may not work but your 3 Hyoid Bone Tongue Position may work, and often does, because it relieves cramps and spasm. In fact, it's most often called the Cramps Relieving Tongue Position.

Compare the two Tongue Positions - the Yang up between your top lip and top gum and the Yin down between your bottom lip and bottom gum. Which relaxes your back the most? Especially, which relaxes your breathing the most? Use this one. This is called Comparison Breath Testing.

1 Your Pubic Tongue Position

Your pubic symphysis is the cartilage between your pubic bones. When it's misaligned you get a huge number of possible symptoms related to your balance.


To realign it and breathe better in your lower abdomen place the tip of your tongue outside your mouth and onto the skin just below your bottom lip.


Sometimes this Tongue Position will help with genital pain. More often than not, it will help with coccygeal pain. 

Sometimes you need traction (Yang) due to a compressed intervertebral disc, and sometimes relaxation (compression, which is Yin). Sometimes you need both Yang and Yin Tongue Positions, in which case place the tip of your tongue up and breathe in and then the tip of your tongue down and breathe out, and continue doing this to realign your coccyx.

2 Your Breastbone Tongue Position

Your breastbone is the central bone of your chest. When it's misaligned you get a huge number of possible symptoms related to your exocrine glands or organs such as your pancreas or liver.


To realign it and breathe better in your upper abdomen place the tip of your tongue inside your mouth, just below your bottom lip.


Sometimes this Tongue Position will help with lower abdominal pain. More often than not, it will help with upper abdominal pain and sacral and hip pain. 

Sometimes you need traction (Yang) due to a compressed intervertebral disc, and sometimes relaxation (compression, which is Yin). Sometimes you need both Yang and Yin Tongue Positions, in which case place the tip of your tongue up and breathe in and then the tip of your tongue down and breathe out, and continue doing this to realign your sacrum.

3 Your Hyoid Bone Tongue Position

Your hyoid is the small bone with a "u" shape hanging just below your jaw. When it's misaligned you get a huge number of possible symptoms related to your neck, including cramps, spasm, asthma, angina, stitch, migraines, high blood pressure and balance problemsl.


To realign it and breathe better in your lower chest place the tip of your tongue down between your bottom lip and bottom gum.


Sometimes this Tongue Position will help with lower back pain. More often than not, it will help with lower chest pain. 

Sometimes you need traction (Yang) due to a compressed intervertebral disc, and sometimes relaxation (compression, which is Yin). Sometimes you need both Yang and Yin Tongue Positions, in which case place the tip of your tongue up and breathe in and then the tip of your tongue down and breathe out, and continue doing this to realign your coccyx.

4 Your Jaw Tongue Position

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5 Your Palatine Bone Tongue Position

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6 Your Vomer Tongue Position

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7 Your

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8 Your Frontal Bone Tongue Position

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9 Your Occipital Bone Tongue Position

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Boosted Breathing

There are nine pure vowels - air, ah, aw, er, ee, uu, oo, a and o. They correlate with your Peripheral Structures and your nine Peripheral Tongue Positions.

There are nine centralising sounds are semi-consonants - r, l, k, n, m, b, p, f and v. They correlate with your Central Structures and your nine, Centralising Tongue Positions.

When you Laugh Down on "eem" for example, all your joints relax, refresh and rejuvenate. You take the periphery to your centre to realign yourself.

If instead you Laugh Down on "mee" you take the centre to the periphery and disperse the excess concentration of your energy, which you may be stuck in. You lighten up, letting go of lumps such as coagulations (blood clots), cancer tumours, swellings (edema, varicose veins) and cysts (pimples, boils, infectious rashes such as hives and welts). That's why Laughing Down is so good for releasing cancer and wrinkles (from a tense concentration of the forehead). 

Your Nine, Peripheral Tongue Positions

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Your feet are your foundation. When they are misaligned you get a huge number of possible symptoms related to your walk, including bunions, callouses, cracked heels, plantar fasciitis and misaligned toes.


To realign your right foot and breathe better place the tip of your tongue on your right cheek. Sometimes this Tongue Position will help with foot pain. More often than not,you will need the tip of the tongue on your left cheek to help the right foot. That's because the right cheek increases foot tension in both feet, and the left cheek releases that tension.

Sometimes you need both Yang and Yin Tongue Positions, in which case place the tip of your tongue on your right cheek and breathe in and then the tip of your tongue on your left cheek and breathe out, and continue doing this to realign your feet.


Your legs are your transport. When they are misaligned you get a huge number of possible symptoms related to you going places. Breath Test if you are going in the best direction for you at this time. Or would it be better to go this way later or not at all?


To realign your right leg and breathe better place the tip of your tongue on the skin next to the right corner of your right mouth. Sometimes this Tongue Position will help with leg pain. More often than not, you will need the tip of the tongue on the skin on the  left of the left corner of your mouth to help the right leg. That's because the right increases leg tension in both legs, and the left releases that tension.

Sometimes you need both Yang and Yin Tongue Positions, in which case place the tip of your tongue on your right and breathe in and then the tip of your tongue on your left and breathe out, and continue doing this to realign your legs.


Your hips are your attraction. When they are misaligned you get a huge number of possible symptoms related to what you attract into your life experience.  Breath Test if you are attracting in the best way  for you at this time. Or would it be better to attract this way later or not at all?


To realign your right hip and breathe better place the tip of your tongue in the right corner of your mouth. Sometimes this Tongue Position will help with hippain. More often than not, you will need the tip of the tongue in the left corner of your mouth to help the right hip. That's because the right increases hip tension in both legs, and the left releases that tension.

Sometimes you need both Yang and Yin Tongue Positions, in which case place the tip of your tongue in your right corner and breathe in and then the tip of your tongue in your left corner and breathe out, and continue doing this to realign your hips.


Your ribs are your storage. When they are misaligned you get a huge number of possible symptoms related to you keeping things and others. Breath Test if you are storing in the best way for you at this time. Or would it be better to store this way later or not at all?


To realign your right ribs and breathe better place the tip of your tongue inside your mouth  next to the bulge of the lip muscle. Sometimes this Tongue Position will help with rib pain. More often than not, you will need the tip of the tongue on the left to help the right leg. That's because the right increases rib tension in both ribcages, and the left releases that tension.

Sometimes you need both Yang and Yin Tongue Positions, in which case place the tip of your tongue on your right and breathe in and then the tip of your tongue on your left and breathe out, and continue doing this to realign your legs.


Your face is the way you face the world.  When tit's misaligned you get a huge number of possible symptoms related to you facing situations and others. Breath Test if you are facing life in the best way for you at this time. Or would it be better to face life this way later or not at all?


To realign your right face and breathe better place the tip of your tongue inside your mouth  in the dip in your cheek hollow. Sometimes this Tongue Position will help with facial pain. More often than not, you will need the tip of the tongue on the left to help the right face. That's because the right increases rib tension in both faces, and the left releases that tension.

Sometimes you need both Yang and Yin Tongue Positions, in which case place the tip of your tongue on your right and breathe in and then the tip of your tongue on your left and breathe out, and continue doing this to realign your legs.


Your cranium is for thinking, for sorting things out. When it's misaligned you get a huge number of possible symptoms related to unsorted parts of your life, including poor hearing. Breath Test if you are sorting in the best way for you at this time. Or would it be better change your organisation later or not at all?


To realign your right cranium and breathe better place the tip of your tongue inside your mouth, through your gum shelves and onto your inner cheek. Sometimes this Tongue Position will help with cranial pain. More often than not, you will need the tip of the tongue on the left to help the right cranium. That's because the right increases cranial tension in both sides, and the left releases that tension.

Sometimes you need both Yang and Yin Tongue Positions, in which case place the tip of your tongue on your right and breathe in and then the tip of your tongue on your left and breathe out, and continue doing this to realign your legs.


Your shoulders bear your burdens. When they are misaligned you get a huge number of possible symptoms related to you bearing burdens of yourself and others that you may not need. Breath Test if you are overly burdened in the best way for you at this time. Or would it be better to handle your life's responsibilities this way later or not at all?


To realign your right shoulder and breathe better place the tip of your tongue inside your mouth right up high behind your biting muscle (masseter). Sometimes this Tongue Position will help with shoulder pain. More often than not, you will need the tip of the tongue on the left to help the right leg. That's because the right increases shoulder tension in both shoulders, and the left releases that tension.

Sometimes you need both Yang and Yin Tongue Positions, in which case place the tip of your tongue on your right and breathe in and then the tip of your tongue on your left and breathe out, and continue doing this to realign your legs.


Your arms are what you do things with. When they are misaligned you get a huge number of possible symptoms related to you not doing things or doing them incorrectly. Breath Test if you are handling life in the best way for you at this time. Or would it be better to handle life this way later or not at all?


To realign your right arms and breathe better place the tip of your tongue inside your mouth  on your biting (masseter) muscle. Sometimes this Tongue Position will help with arm pain. More often than not, you will need the tip of the tongue on the left to help the right arm. That's because the right increases arm tension in both arms, and the left releases that tension.

Sometimes you need both Yang and Yin Tongue Positions, in which case place the tip of your tongue on your right and breathe in and then the tip of your tongue on your left and breathe out, and continue doing this to realign your legs.


Your hands are the refined ways that you handle life - especially, how you handle others. When they are misaligned you get a huge number of possible symptoms related to you handling others poorly. Breath Test if you are handling others in the best way for you at this time. Or would it be better to handle others this way later or not at all?


To realign your right hands and breathe better place the tip of your tongue inside your mouth on the inside of your biting (masseter) muscle. Sometimes this Tongue Position will help with hand pain. More often than not, you will need the tip of the tongue on the left to help the right hand. That's because the right increases hand tension in both hands, and the left releases that tension.

Sometimes you need both Yang and Yin Tongue Positions, in which case place the tip of your tongue on your right and breathe in and then the tip of your tongue on your left and breathe out, and continue doing this to realign your legs.

Correlational Charts

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Elemental Sounds

As you have read before on this website, some sounds are for Elements. Elements are around the outside of love, which is on the outside of happiness. The flow goes from useful to loving to happy. This grows body parts.

The opposite flow goes outwards, from happy to loving to useful. This lightens things up and releases dis-eases.

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