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How to Hug God Hand Positions

if you hug for 14 breaths you turn on all your hormones. There are nine types of self hugs for nine states of consciousness. There are also nine types of Friendship Hugs, for nine states of relationship consciousness.


And there are nine types of God hugs - for God, Jesus Christ, your Soul, Heaven, the Holy Spirit, your Ancestors, your Spouse, Children and Pets and Nature. With all of them keep the fingers of your right hand spread and the fingers of your left hand together if you wish to breathe in the love more.

If you wish to sustain the love more spread the fingers of both hands. 

If you wish to release the love more spread the fingers of the left hand and close the fingers of the right hand.

If you wish to hold out the love close the fingers of both hands.

Love and cancer

On the emotional level the cause of cancer is resentment and bitterness which continues on the unconscious level. Underneath that is ingratitude, or lack of gratitude, which may be towards a specific thing or person. 

For example, I still have my Malcolm Fraser mole, even though Malcolm Fraser (once a Prime Minister of Australia) is dead. I still haven't forgiven him completely and still carry the resentment and bitterness towards him. The mole has been there for 50 years!

So to get rid of my mole I need to forgive, detach and repent in relation to Malcolm Fraser. I have to choose to forgive. 

Underlying my bitterness and resentment is ingratitude for what he did to Australia. As Defence Minister he led us into a war overseas for the purpose of extracting oil, and killed many young, Australian men - and Vietnamese men, women and children - unnecessarily in the process. He even imprisoned my friend who was a conscientious objector to the war - for a whole year. 

As a friend of mine once said, "you can forgive, but how do you forget?" I still need to do a lot of gratitude work on Malcolm Fraser!

Underlying lack of gratitude is lack of love. The nine hand positions on this page develop love on different levels, starting with Love of God and moving on through to Love of the Universe, Nature.

With all of these hand positions place your tongue forward so that its tip touches the air. Close your eyes, relax and breathe. 

You can also Buzz. You can simply shiver your legs (the "Man
Shake") your torso (the "Lady Shake") or your whole body (the "Body Shake").

How to Hug Yourself

Jesus Christ said to love your neighbour as yourself. So firstly, learn to love yourself in all nine levels of your consciousness. These Hand Positions are doorways to those levels.

Give to Yourself

Touch the tips of your fingers and thumbs together, right over left.

 Receive from Yourself

Touch the bevels of your fingers and thumbs together, right over left.

1Beta Consciousness - Head

Curl the fingers of your right hand over the fingers of your left hand.

2 Alpha Consciousness - Heart

Get into your Perceptive or Subconscious Mind and notice that your Peripheral Vision dominates your Central Vision.

3 Theta Consciousness - Hara

Get into your Unconscious Mind to clear it. Once clear it becomes a channel through which Jesus Christ can communicate with you, breath by breathe, via upper belly breathing. 


4 Delta Consciousness - Perineum

Get into your Superconscious Mind to clear it. Once clear it becomes a channel through which God can communicate with you, breath by breath, via lower belly breathing.

5 Sleep Consciousness

Sleep consciousness is a wave of nothing. Thus, this Hand Position gives you very deep rest.

6 Dream Consciousness - REM

This may boost your vivid dreaming (Rapid Eye Movement sleep) and help you to remember those dreams. 

How to Hug God

Place your left hand under your right armpit and up on your right shoulder. Place your right arm over your left so that your left arm is closer to your skin than your right. Place your right hand on your left shoulder. Notice that you belly breathe correctly - in other words, when you breathe in your belly goes out. 

This helps you to experience vivid dreaming and remember it, so you can get messages from God in your dreams, as the prophets of old did.

Satanic Breathing

Reverse the position so that your left arm is on top of your right. Notice that you belly breathe incorrectly - in other words, when you breathe in your belly goes in. You become a chest breather after 14 breaths, only getting 25% of the available oxygen. 

Return to hugging God. Your breathing becomes correct in 14 breaths, so you get 75% of the available oxygen. God gives you life.

7 Photographic Memory

Notice that the right arm is over the left. This helps you to play movies in your mind.

How to Hug the Movies in your Mind

Place your left hand over your right collar bone. Place your right arm over your left so that your left arm is closer to your skin than your right, and on your left collar bone.


Notice that you belly breathe correctly - in other words, when you breathe in your belly goes out. Notice that this occurs in your upper belly, where Jesus Christ may communicate with you via your breathing, whereas with God it's in your lower belly.

Devilish Breathing

Reverse the position so that your left arm is on top of your right. Notice that you belly breathe incorrectly - in other words, when you breathe in your belly goes in. You become a chest breather after 14 breaths, only getting 25% of the available oxygen. 


Return to hugging the movies in your mind. Your breathing becomes correct in 14 breaths, so you get more of the available oxygen. 

8 Creative Visualisation

Notice that the right arm is over the left. 

How to Hug Your Soul

Place your left hand on the right side of your neck and throat.  Place your right arm over your left so that your left arm is closer to your skin than your right. Place your right hand on the side of your left neck and throat. Notice that you belly breathe correctly - in other words, when you breathe in your belly goes out. Hugging yourself like this makes it much easier to see the Light of your Soul, which is especially important when practising the Seven Stages of Enlightenment with mudras.

Egoic Breathing

Reverse the position so that your left arm is on top of your right. Notice that you belly breathe incorrectly - in other words, when you breathe in your belly goes in. You become a chest breather after 14 breaths, only getting 25% of the available oxygen. 



Return to hugging your Soul. Your breathing becomes correct in 14 breaths, so you get more of the available oxygen.

Do you want to feel satiated at the end of a meal so that you don't overeat? Hug your Soul and breathe with it for 14, 28 or even 42 breaths, making sure that the tip of your tongue is touching the air and that your belly goes out when you breathe in, and in when you breathe outl. 

9 Music Consciousness

Notice that the right arm is over the left.

10 Blessing Consciousness - Falling in Love with Yourself

Notice that the right arm is over the left.

How to Hug your Neighbour

Jesus Christ said to love your neighbour as yourself. So secondly, learn to love others in all nine levels of your consciousness. These Hand Positions are doorways to those levels.

Give to Others

Touch the tips of your fingers together, right over left.

Receive from Others

Touch the bevels of your fingers together, right over left.

1 Head Level Intimacy - Conscious Thinking 

Curl your right fingers over your partner's left fingers.

2 Heart Level Intimacy - Subconscious Perception

Place your right hand on the middle of your partner's left forearm. Remember to spread the fingers of your right hand and close the fingers of your left.

3 Hara Level Intimacy - Unconscious Perception 

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4 Hip Level Intimacy - Superconscious Perception

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5 Sleeping Together Intimacy

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6 Dreaming Together Intimacy

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7 Shared Memories Intimacy

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8 Symbiosis - Creating Together

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9 Harmony - Creating Music Together

Build the harmony in your relationship by practising this Hand Position with Belly Breathing and your tongue tip touching the air.

10 Blessing Each Other - "Falling in Love" 

If you get too caught up in the state of falling in love, remember to keep your right fingers spread and your left together. Remember also that falling in love occurs for one to one and a half years, for reproductive purposes, then fades, so if you married and have left that yummy state behind practise this Hand Position with Belly Breathing (and the tip of your tongue touching the air) to fall in love again, either to have more children or just to feel that state with each other again. Enjoy each other to the max.

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How to Hug God

God manifests in all levels of creation. So you can hold mudras (hand positions) for each level of consciousness to access God at that level.

1 Toes

This integrates and balances your sensory organs, making you more grounded.

2 Ankles - How to Hug Nature

Place your left arm over your right arm. Spread the fingers of your right arm and close those of your right. This ingrates and balances your emotions. You hug natural creation.

3 Knees - How to Hug your Children and Pets (Dependents)

Place your left hand on your right knes. Place your right arm through your left so that  your right hand is on your left knee. Notice that you belly breathe correctly - in other words, when you breathe in your belly goes out. This integrates and balances your mind.

Artificial Breathing

Reverse the position so that your left arm is through your right. Notice that you belly breathe incorrectly - in other words, when you breathe in your belly goes in. You become a chest breather after 14 breaths, only getting 25% of the available oxygen. 









You can spend a crazy, wild time on drugs such as caffeine, sugar, colourings, additives, flavourings, vaccines and other chemicals of choice. Gradually or quickly you will feel their toxicity on a daily basis. 

Alternatively, you can choose to use organically grown or spray and dusting free fruits and vegetables, using a Vitarian lifestyle to appreciate God's gifts. It boosts your sensory awareness so that you feel high constantly just by enjoying being in nature.


Return to hugging natural Creation. Your breathing becomes correct in 14 breaths, so you get more of the available oxygen. This integrates and balances your desires - your motivations.

4 Hips - How to Hug your Spouse

Place your left hand on your right hip. Place your right arm through your left so that  your right hand is on your left hip. Notice that you belly breathe correctly - in other words, when you breathe in your belly goes out. 

Perverse Breathing

Reverse the position so that your left arm is through your right. Notice that you belly breathe incorrectly - in other words, when you breathe in your belly goes in. You become a chest breather after 14 breaths, only getting 25% of the available oxygen. 

Return to hugging your spouse, who is a true joy. Your breathing becomes correct in 14 breaths, so you get more of the available oxygen. 

5 Lower Chest - How to Hug the Holy Spirit

Place your left hand on your right hip. Place your right arm through your left so that  your right hand is on your left waist. Notice that you belly breathe correctly - in other words, when you breathe in your belly goes out. 

Demonic Breathing 

Reverse the position so that your left arm is through your right. Notice that you belly breathe incorrectly - in other words, when you breathe in your belly goes in. You become a chest breather after 14 breaths, only getting 25% of the available oxygen. 

Return to hugging the Holy Spirit. Your breathing becomes correct in 14 breaths, so you get more of the available oxygen. This integrates and balances the expressions of your desires.

6 Upper Chest - How to Hug your Parents and Grandparents (Ancestors)

Place your left hand on the side of your right chest. Place your right arm through your left so that your left arm is closer to your skin than your right. Place your right hand on the side of your left chest. Notice that you belly breathe correctly - in other words, when you breathe in your belly goes out. 

Purgatoiry Breathing

Reverse the position so that your left arm is through your right. Notice that you belly breathe incorrectly - in other words, when you breathe in your belly goes in. You become a chest breather after 14 breaths, only getting 25% of the available oxygen. 








When you die your Soul leaves your body. Do you hang around as a ghost and remain attached to this material world, or to particular Souls in this world, or do you leave and move on?


There are many, recorded instances of ghosts who, for whatever reason, remain attached here rather than being more attracted to the Light of God. God never forces you to move on, just pulls you by his Light. 

Return to hugging your Ancestors. Your breathing becomes correct in 14 breaths, so you get more  of the available oxygen. 

7 Shoulders - you Grow your Freedom

Hug your shoulders with  your right arm over your left. 

8 Jaw - you Grow your Congruence

You are free to choose your direction in life and what to say, what your personal message is. If it is in line with what is best for you (check this with Breath Testing) then your jaw will remain well balanced. If not it will go skew. 86% of spinal misalignment comes from jaw and tooth misalignment, so balance all four, possible Hand Positions to make sure that your jaw is well aligned and your back can remain well balanced.

9 Temples - Grow your Harmony with your Roles, Rights and Relationships

When you attract enemies into your life it becomes hellish. You get stressed out and lose your headspace. When you make friends it's heavenly. To release the enemies and turn them into friends you need to change yourself. So Laugh Down and Buzz with your hands in this position.


Place your left palm over your right ear. Place your right arm over your left so that your left arm is closer to your skin than your right. Place your right palm on your left ear. Notice that you belly breathe correctly - in other words, when you breathe in your belly goes out. 

Hellish Breathing

Reverse the position so that your left arm is on top of your right. Notice that you belly breathe incorrectly - in other words, when you breathe in your belly goes in. You become a chest breather after 14 breaths, only getting 25% of the available oxygen. 

Return to hugging Heaven. Your breathing becomes correct in 14 breaths, so you get more of the available oxygen. God gives you life.

10 Crown - How to Hug God

The Prime Commandment of Jesus Christ is to "Love God ...". This Hand Position opens the doorway to the consciousness of loving God. Your love for God grows as you breathe with your tongue forward so that the tip of it touches the air. Make sure that your right hand fingers are spread and your left are closed, and that your hands touch each other side by side. 

How to Know your Soul

My mother told me that I was a "spark of light in the eye of God". That was my Soul. But I couldn't see that. I would just have to accept it. 

I wasn't happy with that, so I decided that there must be a way to see my Soul. I loved the use of Hand Positions, as ways of directing my consciousness to points or fields of awareness that I had not explored before. So I found a way to see my Soul using Hand Positions, also known, in yoga, as "Hasta Mudras". 

Practise the following Hasta Mudras while gazing into your partner's eyes, so that both of you are doing the same Hasta Mudra at the same time. You will "get it" much more quickly that way. All of them join together at the wrist level.


Join the backs of your wrists together. You become detached from the world around you.


Eckhart Tolle refers to this witnessing state of consciousness as one in which your are in the world but not of it. You are behind your head, behind your eyes, watching the world as well as your own body, emotions, thoughts and desires but not participating in their activities.  Notice that you are very distant from your partner.


Turn both palms up. Doing this Hasta Mudra brings you into your head, so that you are participating in the world.

Seeing your Soul ... and Feeling its Presence

Join the front of the wrists together. Feel how this Hasta Mudra brings you to your forehead. Feel the slight pressure there.


Then close your eyes and look up. There is a Light present. It may be black, vague, yellow, orange, red, golden or even pure white. Eventually you will realise that it is pure, white light which you saw at different levels of diffraction.

Entering your Heart

Place your right wrist on top of your left with your palms down. 

Centring your Body

Turn both thumbs up. Feel how you move to your Belly Centre, or Hara. It's the central point of gravity in your body. When your Soul is here you become very, very strong because you are in your physical body.

Shining through your Eyes

Like a little child opening a gift underneath the Christmas tree, or having just kicked a goal in soccer, you love life so much that your eyes shine with enthusiasm!

Radiating Light

Turn both thumbs downwards. Feel how the Light flows down both arms and out to the world!

Universal ?

Turn both thumbs towards each other, so the top thumb is down and the bottom thumb is up. 

God Consciousness

You are a Soul, and there are many other Souls too, walking around with their own bodies. How do you relate to them? Warmly.

The Candlestick Warming your Back

Place the backs of your forearms together with the lower palm down and the upper palm up

The Inner Flame

Place the backs of your forearms together with both palms up.

The Flame Lighting your Way

Place your forearms together with the lower palm up and the upper palm down.

Grow Your Vision

Place your forearms together with both palms down.

Grow Your Vision

Place your forearms together with both thumbs up.

Grow Your Vision

Place your forearms together with the top thumb up and the bottom thumb down.

Grow Your Vision

Place your forearms together with both thumbs down.

Grow Your Vision

Place your forearms together with your top thumb down and your bottom thumb up.

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