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Hi, my stage name is Elvis Pavarotti because I sing like Elvis Presley and I sing like Luciano Pavarotti (operatically). I ran a naturopathic clinic in the early 1980s, then retired to teach natural health and healing in universities, colleges and private seminars, promoting them on radio, TV, newspapers and magazines. I have now been in the areas of profound meditation, nutrition and natural health for over 60 years.

Because of the following health facts I have change my lifestyle massively during that time. I encourage you to do the same. The information on this website doesn't work if you don't work it.

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Natural Health and Healing

The greatest force in healing is gentleness.


Nutrition 101

All food is toxic.

Nutrition 102

Some food is more toxic than others.

Nutrition 103

Fruit is the least toxic food. Then veggies. Then grains. Then legumes.

Nutrition 104

All animal products are acidic (fatty acids and amino acids) so they cause various dis-eases of toxicity. Acid burns, creating scarring. The repair process is called inflammation. 

Inflammation starts with swelling, bringing water to the area to wash away the toxins, the acids, and damaged tissue. Swelling puts pressure on nerves, causing pain, heat, redness and loss of function.

Nutrition 105

Excess sodium, found in junk foods, canned foods, packaged foods and processed foods, causes swelling, which blocks fluid pathways. This causes pain, redness, heat and loss of function and is known as inflammation. This underlying inflammation may be the cause of diabetes, high blood pressure, strokes, cardiovascular dis-ease, cancer, swollen feet, edema, cracked heels and much, much more. 

It certainly causes high blood sugar, by causing swelling of your hepato-pancreatic ampullary sphincter (a round muscle) which stops excess fat, protein and other toxins from moving out, leaving the pancreas congested. This may also cause liver and gall bladder toxicity, painful neuropathy and projectile vomiting (from swelling of the pyloric sphincter). 

What stops you from releasing sodium? Why can some eat heaps of table salt and others none? Unforgiveness, and under that, unrepentance.

What do you need to repent from? You may not know or remember. You may have done it so long ago that you have forgotten. You still need to repent. 

It may release in dreams or nightmares, so wear one of these Cards to bed each night. Unforgiveness leaks your Post-natal Jing. Unrepentance leaks your pre-natal Jing. So if you want to live well, forever, clear both of them completely.

Replace unforgiveness with forgiveness.

Replace unrepentance with gratitude.


Banana skin is full of potassium, which helps to reduce swelling, and may be enjoyed in the form of Super Memory Ice Cream, which is on this website. Temporarily this might work, but long term you need to cut down all of the swelling in your body by releasing sodium. 

So download the book called Word Healing 1: Super Fast Relief, and use the technique to release excess sodium from your body.

Nutrition 106

Excess caffeine, found in No-Doz tablets, cola "Energy" drinks, coffee, black tea (which is fermented green tea), green tea, cocoa, chocolate, cacao and guarana stops you sleeping well and causes high blood pressure, high eye pressure (causing various eye dis-eases) and weak blood vessel walls, causing cardiovascular dis-ease. The anti-oxidants in green tea are 19 times weaker than those in blueberries, so stick to blueberries for far better anti-aging results.

Nutrition 107

Excess sugar, found in most junk foods, takeaway foods, processed foods, packaged foods, tinned foods, soda drinks and much more under names like sugar, maltodextrin, maltose, sucrose, lactose, galactose and other long, chemical names. Read the labels and eat fresh fruit and vegetables. Sugar rots your bones and teeth, causes stomach acidity and acid reflux through fermentation and therefore assists the progress of many dis-eases.

Nutrition 108

White flour and white rice behave similarly in your body to sugar. 

Nutrition 109

Junk food is sold on the knowledge that most people like salt, fat and sugar. They use those three ingredients to addict you to a food.

Nutrition 110

Excess fat, found in animal products, nuts and seeds causes diabetes, hyperglycemia and Metabolic Syndrome, obesity and overweight. 

Nutrition 111

Excess protein, found in all animal products except honey, legumes, nuts, seeds and grains causes cancer, cataracts, coughs, colds, covids, flus, viruses, senile dementia kidney dis-ease, constipation, putrefaction and massive toxicity. You probably have protein balls in your intestines, so have a Water Bomb (see this website) once a week to clean them out, followed by coconut yogurt and prebiotics such as deep green, leafy veggies to restore microflora in your intestines.

Nutrition 112

Excess alcohol, found in alcoholic beverages, causes dullness. If you don't want to be a bore, recognise that your body already produces two glasses of alcohol a day and doesn't need more.

Nutrition 113

Excess smoke, found in cigarette, pipe and marijuana smoking, smoked salmon, barbecues, toast and burnt foods causes cancer.

Nutrition 114

Acid burns, causing pain. That's excess fatty acids and excess amino acids. Eat alkaline foods, organically grown or spray  and dusting free. That's fruits, vegetables and seaweeds, almonds, tofu, tahini, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, buckwheat, millet, amaranth, quinoa and seaweeds. 

Nutrition 115

Drugs are highly toxic. If you seek the advice of a drug dealer ("doctor", "chemist", "pharmacist") you are likely to become more toxic (less healthy).

Nutrition 116

Do not eat foods from a human fire. Humans are weak. They eat cooked food, which causes inflammation.

Nutrition 117

You are a big gorilla. You eat greens and fruit. That keeps you strong, without inflammation.

Nutrition 118

Look at a mosquito or spider bite. It's tiny. The inflammation is big, sometimes 10 times the size. Excess inflammation causes large areas of tissue to lose their function, causing dis-ease and death. Covid didn't cause death - the large inflammatory response to Covid caused death.

If you give the area oxygen and water the excess inflammation relaxes down, saving lives. This means breathing deeply, eating for your red blood cells to take the oxygen to the tissues (the Incredible Hulk Ice Cream recipe under "Ice Creams" on this website) and drinking 1 litre/23kgs of body weight plus more for exercise or fever.

Yes, nutrition can prevent and overcome dis-eases caused by pathogens such as viruses and bacteria. If you eat seven steaks you get enough iron to feed a woman between 15 and 50 each day. On the other hand, sesame seeds have 3-4 times the amount of iron.

Unfortunately, you only absorb half of that because of the oxalates and phytates that prevent iron absorption as well as preventing the sprouting of the seeds. So you need to activate them by soaking them in water overnight. 

Then you pour off the water with the oxalates and phytates in it, allowing you to absorb the iron fully. Then you grind the seeds or blend them into a paste or cream, and drizzle it onto your fruit or veggies. 

Even more delightful, you blend them with  a fruit that is high in vitamin C - such as citrus fruit, pineapple, dragon fruit or acai berry -  which helps to absorb iron. Blending chews the food 1,000 times. Then you freeze the smoothie, which bursts open the cells to release their richness. 

Then you can have a couple of dessertspoons a day - or even more to begin with, if you have been deficient for a long time - to boost your energy and strength.


Breathing 101

If you stop breathing you'll die soon. If you stop eating you could take over 30 days to die. So air is at least 30 times more powerful than food in healing.

Breathing 102

When you breathe in your lower belly must go out. When you breathe out your lower belly must go in. This is called Belly Breathing or Diaphragmatic Breathing. Your diaphragm, which is the largest, most powerful muscle in your body, pulls the air down and displaces your belly in doing so. This gives you 75% of your oxygen, empowering you to sing well, heal fast, recover quickly and work energetically. 


Otherwise you are chest breathing, which only gives you 25% of your oxygen, so you lack energy. You feel disempowered, causing mental and emotional distress as well as physical problems.

Breathing 103

Boost your breathing by opening your airway. The root of your tongue sits on your epiglottis, so when you place the tip of your tongue forward the epiglottis opens further, allowing more air into your lungs.

Breathing 104

Boosted Breathing 

There are reflex points inside your mouth. When you touch them with your tongue they affect other parts of your body by reflex, like massage and acupuncture points. All they need is touch with deep, relaxed, lower belly breathing to activate specific parts of your body. 

Breathing 105

Pain Relieving Tongue Position

To relieve pain place the tip of your tongue on the outer edge of your lower lip.

Breathing 106

Skin Smoothing Tongue Position

To smooth your skin place the tip of your tongue in the horizontal groove just below your bottom lip.

Breathing 107

Cramps Relieving Tongue Position

To relieve cramps place the tip of your tongue on the string that runs between your bottom lip and bottom gum. If there is no string there, place it in that gutter. 

Cramps include back cramps and spasm, leg cramps, birthing cramps (which give you much of the pain of giving birth), stitch (cramps of your diaphragm, often experience while running long distances), muscular aches and pains, muscle tension, tight, stiff and sore neck and shoulders, tight trapezius muscle, angina (cramps of the heart muscle), asthma (cramps of the smooth muscles of your lungs) and migraines (cramps of the muscles around the blood vessels in the brain.

Here is a side picture of the Cramps Relieving Tongue Position. The beige is your skin. The white is your teeth. The pink is your gum. The mottled area is your tongue. Notice how it is over your bottom teeth and down between your lower lip and lower gum.














Breathing 108

Eye Pressure Relieving Tongue Position

To relieve eye pressure place the tip of your tongue on the shelf behind your bottom teeth.

Breathing 109

Joint Flex Tongue Position

To relieve joint pain and immobility place the tip of your tongue on the wall below the shelf behind your bottom teeth.

Notice how, when you do this and Belly Breathe, you can bend forwards further easily, backwards further easily and sideways further easily. You can even bend your hands back further easily.

Breathe like this and massage the arthritic nodules on your hands to soften them.

Breathing 110

??? Tongue Position

Breathing 111 

Perfect Posture Tongue Position

Place the tip of your tongue on the soft cushion on the floor of your mouth. Belly Breathe. Walk. Notice how your posture straightens up. 

Breathing 112

You can live 30 days without food. You can live 3 days without water. So water is 10 times more powerful than food when it comes to healing.

Breathing 113

You can live 3 days without water. You can live 3 minutes without air. So air is 1,400 times more powerful than water when it comes to healing. So air is 14,000 times more powerful than food when it comes to healing.

Breathing 114

Laughing opens your airway because when you do a big, belly laugh your tongue naturally goes forwards, opening your airway. Laughing is 3 times more powerful than breathing when it comes to healing. So laughing is 42,000 times more powerful than food when it comes to healing. 


Reflexology 101

There are reflex points all over your skin, such as acupuncture points, massage points, pressure points or marmas.

Reflexology 102

The largest reflex point is your Saucer, the big dip around your navel. It relates to your Subconscious Mind, which governs your perceptions such as "I feel threatened".

Reflexology 103

Inside your Saucer is your navel. It relates to your Unconscious Mind. Your Unconscious Mind governs your habit patterns which form your metabolic wellness, such as "I feel continually threatened so I raise my shoulders continually as a sing of stress".

Reflexology 104

The next largest reflex point is your throat hollow. This relates to your Superconscious Mind.

Reflexology 105

The next largest reflex point is under your chin, called your Under Chin Nook. This relates to your Conscious Mind. 

Laughing Monkey Medicine

Laughing 101

Laughing is 42,000 times more powerful than food when it comes to healing. 

Laughing 102

The sound that you make when Laughing directs the energy to a specific area in your body. 

Laughing 103

Laughing with the sound of "e" as in "red" or "rare" boosts your senses - feeling, hearing, seeing.

Laughing 104

Laughing with the sound of "ah" as in "cart" boosts your blood vessels. 

Laughing 105

Laughing with the sound of "aw" as in "pawpaw" boosts your sinews - tendons, muscles, ligaments.

Laughing 106

Laughing with the sound of "er" boosts your bones and teeth.

Laughing 107

Laughing with the sound of "ee" as in "feet" boosts your joints.

Laughing 108

Laughing with the sound of "uu" as in "wood" or ''would" boosts your organs.

Laughing 109

Laughing with the sound of "oo" as in "shoo" boosts your hormones.

Laughing 110

Laughing with the sound of "a" as in "hat" boosts your tissues.

Laughing 111

Laughing with the sound of "o" as in "hot" boosts your skin.


Water 101

Epidemiological studies show that clean water reticulation has been responsible for the decline in mortality rate worldwide - not vaccines. 

Water 102

To stop the contamination of water stores by algae and bacteria many chemicals are used. The Gold Coast in Australia uses 57 chemicals in its water stores. Still, when you drink tap water on the Gold Coast, you drink four pounds of fecal matter per year.

Water 103

To drink pure water without chemicals and fecal matter buy a water purifier. The least expensive and least effective are available in supermarkets and the most expensive and most effective from independent distributors. 

Water 104


Sunlight 101

Skin cancers occur under armpits and in groins, neither of which get much sun.

Sunlight 102

The sun does not cause cancer. Excess protein in the skin (or any tissue in the body) causes cancer by filling the spaces between the cells with jelly, thus cutting off the oxygen supply to the cells.

Sunlight 103

To get enough sunlight to boost your immunity and build your bones you need half an hour a day if you are fair skinned (Caucasian).

Sunlight f04

To get enough sunlight to boost your immunity and build your bones you need one hour a day if your skin is light olive (Asian).

Sunlight 105

To get enough sunlight to boost your immunity and build your bones you need one and a half hours a day if your skin is coffee coloured (Mediterranean, like Jesus Christ).

Sunlight 106

To get enough sunlight to boost your immunity and build your bones you need two hours a day if your skin is dark olive (Indian).

Sunlight 107

To get enough sunlight to boost your immunity and build your bones you need two and a half hours a day if your skin is dark brown, close to black (West African, Sudanese, Ghanaian).

Sunlight 108

West Africans, Indians, Meditarraneans and Asians get ricketts and osteoporosis if they live in England, because they cannot get enough sun. They need to move country or take Vitamin D supplements.

Sunlight 109

Australia has plenty of sunlight yet 40% of Australians are deficient in sunlight becuse they are misinformed about its role in cancer and misled to stay indoors when they need to be spending time outside.

Healthy Mind

Buddhism 101

All suffering is caused by the Mind. For example, thoughts of vengeance create cancer.

Buddhism 102

To reach Nirvana ("no waves of thought") - which is the stage of perfection in Buddhism, the state of pure or total clarity - you need to release thoughts.

Psychology 103

You have four parts to your Mind - Unconscious, Subconscious, Superconscious and Conscious. Each has a large, broad, reflex dip on your body - navel, saucer, throat hollow and nook (under chin).

Psychology 104

Present the desire for release of thoughts to each reflex dip and it will release thoughts. First, place your Word Healing Reminder Card, with the word "Thoughts" written downwards on it from large to small, on your navel for your Unconscious Mind.

Psychology 105

Wear the Card 24/7 except when bathing. Remove it at breakfast, lunch, dinner and bedtime, and replace it with new tape after you have waited for 14 breaths. Do this until all thoughts have gone from your Unconscious Mind. Test this with Breath Testing.

Psychology 106

Test the Subconscious Mind too. It is handled with the Card in the same position.

Psychology 107

Once the Unconscious and Subconscious Mind are 100% clear, test the Superconscious and Conscious Mind. Release all thoughts there too.

Psychology 108

Now you are clear of thoughts. This is Nirvana. You are ready to restore your Pre-natal Jing, which leaks throughout your life due to excess thoughts. This process is accelerated by trauma, so Breath Test that you have released all trauma in your Unconscious, Subconscious, Superconscious and Conscious Mind.

Psychology 109

As you release thoughts, including trauma, your skin becomes more resilient and elasticity is restored. The aging effect of toxicity is released and your skin becomes smoother, like a baby. Your whole body rejuvenates.

Psychology 110

As you release thoughts, including addictions, your health and self-care habits will change. Breath Test what your rejuvenating body needs.

Psychology 111

As you release thoughts your beliefs change, including your theology and health beliefs. Life becomes more simple and natural.

Psychology 112

As you release thoughts your body clears. For example, blurring clears, so the clouding of your lens by excess protein (called "cataracts", but which are not a thing, just a clouding) clears. The clouding of the backs of your hands with fine lines and wrinkles clears. Your skin regains the tightness and elasticity of youth.


The sage Vyasa wrote the Vedas 4,000-5,000 years ago. The word "Veda" means "knowledge" or "science".

Vedanta 101

Know yourself. Perform Samyama on who you are. On a Word Healing Reminder Card, place the word "Soul". Write it 14 times downwards, or "Soul x 14". 

Vedanta 102

There are eight limbs of yoga. Yoga means "to yoke". Yogic practices aim to release your stress so that you can yoke to God more easily.

The five yamas  or social ethics and five niyamas or personal observances are two of these eight limbs. Nonviolence, truthfulness, non-stealing, abstinence, non-accumulation constitute the five "don'ts" because if you do them it makes it much harder to yoke to God.


whereas soucha (internal and external cleanliness), santosha (being happy and content), tapas (penance), swadhyaya (self-study) and ishvarapranidhana (surrender to the higher power)

Vedanta 103

There are five yamas or social ethics. The first is non-violence.

Vedanta 104

The second yama or "don't" is truthfulness or non-lying.

Vedanta 105

The third yama or "don't" is non-stealing.

Vedanta 106

The fourth yama or "don't" is abstinence. Abstain from over eating, over thinking, over indulgence in alcohol and drugs and too much sex. 

Vedanta 107

The fourth yama or "don't" is non-accumulation. Don't be greedy. For example, every person in the world should have, on average, the equivalent of seven, medium priced rental houses in Australia. Opposite to that, 1% of the world has over 90% of the world's wealth.

Vedanta 108

There are also five niyamas or "do's", which are personal observances. The first is cleanliness, both inside and out. 

Vedanta 109

The second niyama is staying happy and content.

Vedanta 110

The third niyama is penance - practising self-cleansing.

Vedanta 111

The third niyama is self-study. When things happen in your life observe your reactions and turn them into responses.

Vedanta 112

The fifth niyama is surrender to a higher power. This brings the downpouring of grace.

Vedanta 113

Stretch your body physically using postures in which you relax your muscles with Boosted Breathing for your Unconscious, Subconscious, Superconscious and Conscious Mind.

Vedanta 114

Breathe deeply in each posture to clear in in relation to your Unconscious, Subconscious, Superconscious and Conscious Mind. As you breathe, gently shiver your body. Shivering like this, called "Buzzing", quickly relaxes blocks in that area of the body.

Vedanta 115

To breathe for your Unconscious Mind, place your tongue in the groove just above your top lip and breathe in through your nose. Then place your tongue in the groove just below your bottom lip and breathe out through your mouth.


Push forwards as far as you can stretch your mouth, on both the in and the out breath. Notice how this forward push makes you breathe more strongly in your Lower Belly. 

Vedanta 116

To breathe for your Subconscious Mind place the tip of your tongue on your right cheek and breathe in through your nose. Then place the tip of your tongue on your left cheek and breathe out through your mouth.

Vedanta 117

To breathe for your Superconscious Mind place the tip of your tongue on the skin above your top lip and breathe in through your nose. Then place the tip of your tongue on the skin below your bottom lip and breathe out through your mouth.

Vedanta 118

Go within. Find the space inside your body which takes you to God, and stay there.

Vedanta 119

As a preliminary to begin with, close your eyes. Place your index fingers gently over your eyebrows. Place your middle fingers gently over your eyelids. Place your ring fingers gently over your nose. Place your little fingers gently over your lips. Place your thumbs gently over your little flaps in front of your ears (traguses) and close your ears.

Breathe for your Unconscious Mind, Subconscious Mind, Superconscious Mind and Conscious Mind - 14 times each.

Vedanta 120

As a preliminary, step two, sit in a dark room and place your palms over your eyes. Breathe for your Unconscious Mind, Subconscious Mind, Superconscious Mind and Conscious Mind - 14 times each.

Vedanta 121


Select an object of concentration - something attractive to you that you can focus on without effort, such as the flow of breath through your nostrils. 

Vedanta 122

Focus on it with every in breath and every out breath.

Vedanta 123

Feel how the grace of God gently alights on your head, neck and shoulders, then goes through your whole body. In that Bliss, breathe for your Unconscious Mind, Subconscious Mind, Superconscious Mind and Conscious Mind - 49 times each.

Vedanta 124

God breathes through you with every breath. You are now yoked to God for a short time. Do it just before sunrise, every morning, for a fabulously blessed day.

Yoga Postures

Yoga Postures 101

Bend forwards and relax. Shiver your body gently. Notice how much further your forward bend goes.



The Man Shake

Stand up straight but relaxed. Lift one heel, then the other, alternately. This shivers your hips and up through your whole body to your head, improving blood flow to your brain.

Buzzing 102

The Lady Shake

Stand or sit. Tuck your elbows in next to your ribcage. Keep your forearms horizontal. Move your arms back and forth rapidly. 

Buzzing 103

The Whole Body Shake

Combine the Man Shake and the Lady Shake for a whole body workout. Breathe for your Unconscious, Subconscious, Superconscious and Conscious Mind, 14 times each. 

Healthy Theology

Theology 101

God exists.

Theology 102

Charles Darwin is God (no, that's a joke, but God has a perfect sense of humour so I feel sure that he would appreciate it). 

Theology 103

You can communicate with God through Lower Belly Breathing. In the beginning you can get YES and NO answers. In the end you can wait on and listen for his directions of breath.

Theology 104

You can communicate with Jesus Christ through Upper Belly Breathing supported by Lower Belly Breathing. In the beginning you can get YES and NO answers. In the end you can pray, then during daily life wait for his answers to what others say and to the decision-making situations that you find yourself in.

Theology 105 

You can communicate with the Holy Spirit through Lower Chest Breathing, supported by Upper Belly and Lower Belly Breathing. In the beginning you can get YES and NO answers. In the end you can feel the immediate response of the energisation of the body part that needs healing.

Theology 106

You can communicate with the Angels in Heaven through Upper Chest Breathing, supported by Lower Chest, Upper Belly and Lower Belly Breathing. In the beginning your can get YES and NO answers. In the end you can feel the immediate response of the Heavenly State of Consciousness which you can enter without drugs.

Theology 107

God is omnipresent.

Theology 108

God is omnipotent.

Theology 109

God is omniscient.

Theology 110

God is congruent. If he is not congruent, he is not perfect. If his Laws apply today, they applied yesterday and they will apply tomorrow.

Theology 111

The Law "Thou shalt not kill" applies yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Theology 112

The Law against incest applies yesterday, today and tomorrow. 

Theology 113

God is good, not evel.

Theology 114

God did not make Adam as the first man, then Eve, then say "Go forth and multiply". If so, their sons and daughters had incest, which is against God's Law. 

Theology 115


Iron in black tahini


Christianity 101

Jesus Christ broke many laws of God, many times, and he told us why.

Christianity 102

Jesus Christ gave us the overriding Laws of all religions and spiritual traditions - the Laws of Compassion.

Christianity 103

The first Law of Compassion is "Love the Lord your God with all of your Heart, with all of your Soul, with all of your Mind and with all of your Strength". If you realise that God wants the best for you and knows what that is, then you will follow his guidance with Breath Testing. His guidance is always the most compassionate.

Christianity 104

The second Law of Compassion, which is like unto the first, is "Love your neighbour as yourself". Help your neighbour meet his needs and allow him to meet your needs by expressing them to him. Do not put yourself in harm's way, but care for yourself and care for your neighbour.

Grow Closer to God

Polarity Breathing 101

To boost your appreciation of the One God, place the tip of your tongue in the horizontal groove just below your bottom lip, push it forwards, and then breathe in. Then place the tip of your tongue in the horizontal groove just below your bottom lip, push it forwards, and then breathe out. Repeat 49 times.

Polarity Breathing 102

To boost your closeness to Jesus Christ place the tip of your tongue on your right cheek and then breathe in. Then place the tip of your tongue on your left cheek and then breathe out. Repeat 49 times.

Polarity Breathing 103

To boost your openness to the Holy Spirit place the tip of your tongue on the skin above your top lip, then breathe in. Then place the tip of your tongue on the skin below your bottom lip, then breathe out. Repeat 49 times.

Polarity Breathing 104

To move into Heaven and communicate with the Angels place the tip of your tongue on your nose, then breathe in (Post-natal Jing). Then place the tip of your tongue on your chin, then breathe out (Pre-natal Jing). Repeat 49 times. 

Deep Love

Deep Love 101

A baby monkey clings to its mother's hair. So when you tug your own hair gently, heterolaterally (crossing your arms), you experience deep love on a kinesthetic (feeling) level. There are four places to tug your hair. 

Deep Love 102

Place your left hand under your right armpit. Place your right arm over your left and your right hand under your left armpit.


Tug gently on the hairs under your armpits. Feel how this activates Lower Belly Breathing - love of God.

Deep Love 103

Place your right hand on the left of your pubic mound - above your pubic bone. Place your left hand on the right of your pubic mound.


Tug gently on the hairs there. Feel how this activates Upper Belly Breathing - love of Jesus Christ.

Deep Love 104

Place your left hand on the right crown of your head. Place your right arm over it, and your right hand on the left crown of your head.


Tug gently on the hairs there. Feel how this activates Lower Chest Breathing - love of the Holy Spirit.

Deep Love 105

Place your right hand on the side of your left thigh. Place your left arm over your right, and your left hand on the side of your right thigh.


Tug gently on the hairs there. Feel how this activates Upper Chest Breathing - love of Heaven.


Death 101

3% of Australians die in car accidents, half of those alcohol related.

Death 102

96% of Australians die by going to the hospital or doctors. 

Death 103

15% die from cancer.

Death 104

25% die from heart disease.

Death 105

11% die from diabetes.

Death 106

7% die from chronic respiratory diseases.

Death 107

11% die from the drug, surgery, wrong diagnosis and consequent wrong treatment or neglect in the hospital.

Death 108

Taken together, heart diseases and cancers are the cause of every second death. Infectious diseases are responsible for around 1-in-7 deaths. These include pneumonia, diarrheal diseases, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, and malaria. All of these are lifestyle dis-eases, not well handled in general by drugs or surgery.

Death 109

If your house needed plumbing would you call an electrician, who has studied no hours in plumbing in three years studying the electrical systems of buildings?

Death 110

If you have a disease caused by lifestyle, such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes and respiratory diseases, would you call a doctor, who has studied no hours about lifestyle in six years of study about drugs and daggers? That's why 96% die from lifestyle diseases - they don't call the plumber, they call the electrician!

LOL! LOL! LOL! The Medical System is a huge fail!


That's because your "General Physician" is not general. All he knows is drugs and surgery, not lifestyle. He has almost no knowledge of natural health and healing, naturopathy, chiropractic, osteopathy, massage, Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine, to name a few.

Protein Causes Cancer

Cancer 101

You are being scammed. Protein grows muscles, bones, brain and other tissues. So if it's good for you, more is better. That's the scam.

Cancer 102

A cancer tumour is a growth. Protein is for growth. Protein feeds cancer.

Cancer 103

 "Hydrophilic" means water loving. Like gelatine, which is a protein, hydrophilic proteins gather water around them, creating jelly. Hydrophobic proteins avoid water and do not create jelly, so they cannot create cancer.

Cancer 104

14 of the 21 proteins that we eat are hydrophilic. They cause cancer - when in excess.

Cancer 105

Protein is for growth. Who grows the fastest? A body builder on high protein supplements? No, a baby on human mother's milk grows two times its body weight in four months and three times its body weight in 13 months!!! 

Cancer 106

You, as an adult, need less protein than a baby because you don't grow as much. Excess protein is anything over the percentage in human mother's milk.

Cancer 107

Human mother's milk has 86%-88% water, 7% carbohydrates, 3%-5% fat and that makes 98% altogether. How much protein is there, therefore, in human mother's milk?

Cancer 108

If human mother's milk has 2% protein you need foods with less than 2% protein. which foods have more than 2% protein and are, therefore, in excess?

  • All animal products (except honey)

  • All legumes

  • All grains

  • All nuts and seeds

Cancer 109

Only organically grown fruits and vegetables have less than 2% protein and do not cause concern. This is called a Vitarian diet.

Cancer 110

On average every Australian has 750,000 cancer cells in the body right now. Why don't they die? Because these cells are not clumping together.

Cancer 111

A cancer tumour is a lump or clump of normal cells that are suffocating so much that they have turned to sugar for energy - in other words, turned cancerous. They form around a psychological focus which you don't want to release. This focus gives you thoughts of hatred and vengeance and feelings of anger, bitterness and resentment. 

Cancer 112

Yes, for example the legal system is Australia is not a system of justice and is unfair. It sucks. Do you really want to spend all of your life fighting this or do you simply want to accept what happened as your karma and move on to a happier focus?

Cancer 113

To release the tumour you need to forgive, detach and repent. You need to learn the lesson, see it clearly and drop it. Watch a movie called "The Shack" and another called "Redeeming Love". Do the psychological work on your Word Healing Reminder Cards.

Cancer 114

So follow the NEW STARTS program, eating a bowl of Cancer Conquering Ice Cream or Cancer Crushing Ice Cream every morning for breakfast.


Cancer 115

I conquered 7 cancers in 7 hours. They were small ones on the backs of my hands. They sank back into my skin and became normal skin cells again.

Cancer 116

This proves that cancer cells are good cells simply trying to survive their suffocation by turning to sugar for energy. When you remove the suffocation they prefer the oxygen to sugar because they get more energy that way.

Cancer 117

The suffocation of cells comes from the jelly surrounding them, which is made by hydrophilic proteins. They gravitate to areas of your focussed anger.

Cancer 118

For example, if they are on the backs of your hands, you want to make a fist and smash the faces of those who have harmed you. When you forgive, detach and repent relating to those faces, the focus dissolves and the tumours dissolve too.

Cancer 119

When I got rid of the 7 cancers on the backs of my hands in 7 hours I forgave, detached and repented my behaviours towards specific faces in my life. At the same time, I had fruit for breakfast - no nuts, seeds, grains or legumes and certainly no animal products. I had minimal hydrophilic proteins. And I had veggies for lunch at 2pm, after the period of forgiveness and tumour reduction.


Eyesight 101

A cataract is not a thing. Cataracting is excess protein clouding the lens of the eye. All you have is a piece of snot clouding your eyesight.


Drug and dagger dealers do not take out cataracts. They take out your own lens and replace it with a plastic lens.

Eyesight 102

So if you release excess protein from the lens of your eye your blurring goes. The protein is cysteine. You release cysteine by writing it downwards, from large to small, on your Word Healing Reminder Card and taping it to your navel.

Eyesight 103

Glaucoma usually comes from high eye pressure. You release high eye pressure by writing "Eye pressure" downwards, from large to small, on your Word Healing Reminder Card and taping it to your navel.


Eyesight 104

Of course, you need to follow the NEW STARTS program for this to work. There is little point releasing high eye pressure then shooting it back up by taking caffeine, which is in cola drinks, coffee, black tea, green tea, cocoa, cacao, chocolate and guarana. 


Hippocrates 101

Hippocrates has long been regarded as the father of medicine. But medical practitioners these days don't even take the Hippocratic Oath, which is "First, do no harm." So they murdered over 35,000 citizens in Australia alone with a drug that they said was 100% effective in preventing Covid. Then they changed the percentage to over 90%, over 80%, over 60% and, in the end, over 20%. The Placebo Effect gets a 16%-23% success rate, so they admitted that their drug, which killed thousands in Australia alone, had zero effectiveness in that which it was pushed for. Eventually they withdrew it from the market because it causes blood clots, which they were warned about in the beginning and denied. They would have been far better using nutrition and massage, as I did. It took me 7 minutes to reverse the symptoms of Covid!

Hippocrates 102

“There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the latter ignorance.”

Hippocrates 103

“Wherever the art of Medicine is loved, there is also a love of Humanity. ”

Hippocrates 104

“As to diseases, make a habit of two things — to help, or at least, to do no harm.”

Hippocrates 105

“Declare the past, diagnose the present, foretell the future.”

Hippocrates 106

“People think that epilepsy is divine simply because they don't have any idea what causes epilepsy. But I believe that someday we will understand what causes epilepsy, and at that moment, we will cease to believe that it's divine. And so it is with everything in the universe”

Hippocrates 107

“Life is short, art long, opportunity fleeting, experience treacherous, judgment difficult.”

Hippocrates 108

“If you are in a bad mood go for a walk. If you are still in a bad mood go for another walk.”

Hippocrates 109

“The life so short, the craft so long to learn.”

Hippocrates 110

“It is far more important to know what person the disease has than what disease the person has.”

Hippocrates 111

“The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well.”

Hippocrates 112

“Before you heal someone, ask him if he's willing to give up the things that make him sick.”

Hippocrates 113

“That which is used - develops. That which is not used wastes away.”

Hippocrates 114

“A wise man should consider that health is the greatest 
of human blessings, and learn how by his own 
thought to derive benefit from his illnesses.”

Hippocrates 115

“Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a mater of opportunity.”

Hippocrates 116

“The soul is the same in all living creatures, although the body of each is different.”

Hippocrates 117

“Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.”

Hippocrates 118

“Extreme remedies are very appropriate for extreme diseases.”

Hippocrates 119

“If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health.”

Hippocrates 120

“The physician must be able to tell the antecedents, know the present, and foretell the future — must mediate these things, and have two special objects in view with regard to disease, namely, to do good or to do no harm.”

Hippocrates 121

“All parts of the body which have a function, if used in moderation and exercised in labors in which each is accustomed, become thereby healthy, well developed and age more slowly, but if unused they become liable to disease, defective in growth and age quickly.”

Hippocrates 122

“All disease begins in the gut.”

Hippocrates 123

“Cure sometimes, treat often and comfort always.”

Hippocrates 124

“When sleep puts an end to delirium, it is a good symptom.”

Hippocrates 125

“Eunuchs do not take the gout, nor become bald.”

Hippocrates 126

“Disease [is] not an entity, but a fluctuating condition of the patient's body, a battle between the substance of disease and the natural self-healing tendency of the body.”

Hippocrates 127

“For if a man by magical arts and sacrifices will bring down the moon, and darken the sun, and induce storms, or fine weather, I should not believe that there was anything divine, but human, in these things, provided the power of the divine were overpowered by human knowledge and subjected to it.”


Medicine 101

Deck doctors fix decks. Piano doctors fix pianos. Lawn doctors fix lawns. Medical doctors fix medicines. So?

Medicine 102

Chiropractic doctors fix chiros. That's their practice.

Medicine 103

Given the right conditions your body fixes itself. The conditions are given in the NEW STARTS program.

Medicine 104

Healing happens from the top down, from the inside out and in reverse order of how the symptoms occurred. 

Medicine 105

The NEW STARTS program consists of nine parts.


N is for Nutrition - organically grown fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds ONLY.

Medicine 107

E is for Exercise - Buzzing with Boosted Breathing.

Medicine 108

W is for Water - purified, using 1 litre per 23 kgs of body weight per day, plus more for exercise, singing or fever.

Medicine 109

S is for Self Study, including Breath Testing.

Medicine 110

T is for Temperance. Do not overdo, including overeating.

Medicine 111 

A is for Air. Practise Boosted Breathing every day.

Medicine 112

R is for Rest. Go to bed with the sun, get up with the sun. Practise meditation in the early morning, half an hour before the sun gets up. Or have a relaxing massage at that time.

Medicine 113

T is for Trust in God, not humans. You are a primate, a big gorilla or a little monkey. Trust in God and swing through the trees.

Medicine 114

S is for Sunlight - half an hour a day for fair skins, two and a half for dark skins and one and a half for coffee coloured.


Polarity Breathing 101

To boost your appreciation of the Dao, place the tip of your tongue in the horizontal groove just below your bottom lip, push it forwards, and then breathe in. Then place the tip of your tongue in the horizontal groove just below your bottom lip, push it forwards, and then breathe out. Repeat 49 times.

Polarity Breathing 102

To boost your Shen place the tip of your tongue on your right cheek and then breathe in. Then place the tip of your tongue on your left cheek and then breathe out. Repeat 49 times.

Polarity Breathing 103

To boost your Qi place the tip of your tongue on the skin above your top lip, then breathe in. Then place the tip of your tongue on the skin below your bottom lip, then breathe out. Repeat 49 times.

Polarity Breathing 104

To boost your Jing place the tip of your tongue on your nose, then breathe in (Post-natal Jing). Then place the tip of your tongue on your chin, then breathe out (Pre-natal Jing). Repeat 49 times. 


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