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Saved! The Miracles of Living

This book contains just some of the over 700 miracles that I have enjoyed, both from God and from Jesus Christ and from both of them together. 

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The Miracle in the Toilet

My father was an atheist and my mother was a spiritual girl. So in 1978 I had a foot in both camps. Then I had an experience of pain gone in two minutes, function restored in 7 minutes, hemorrhoids (piles) gone in two days.


In 1978 I was reading water meters in the Canberra winter. I got haemorrhoids (piles) because I was constipated and because I sat on the cold, concrete kerbs waiting for my boss to pick me up. 


One cold day near winter - about 13 degrees Celcius - I was told to clean a public toilet. I did, but as I cleaned the urgent need to take a shit built up. I didn't want to but I had to, and when I looked back in the toilet bowl there was blood in the bowl. The hemorrhoid creams I was using weren't doing the job.


I sat there waiting and dreading the pain of the second movement, and when I tried to let it go I had agonising pain! My body shook and my forehead perspired, even though I was shivering with the cold.


I called out “Jesus, if you’re real, heal my haemorrhoids now!” I felt the presence of golden light and then the down rush of the Holy Spirit, and my pain disappeared in two minutes. I was so astonished that my jaw dropped. In seven minutes I could shit the rest out without pain.


The relief sustained. In two days I had no more piles! Thank you, Jesus!


I was reading books about affirmations at the time, by Catherine Ponder of Unity Church Worldwide. They helped a bit, but nothing helped as much as prayer – sincere, deeply felt prayer.


Jesus Christ,

Friend, Teacher, MasterHealer

If you would like to read more of my stories about how my faith in God and Jesus Christ has made miracles of healing in my life, and the exact format for the prayer that I use, read the book called "Saved! How to Make Miracles with Sustained Healing Prayer", press the button now.

Calling - the Secret of Miracle Speed Healing

When I called out to Jesus Christ for healing it was musical. It went from high to low, loud to soft and fast to slow. It worked! Why?

Your health is not governed by your conscious mind. If I ask you to raise your blood sugar right now, consciously, you don't know how to do it. 

It's done by your unconscious mind. You cannot speak to your unconscious mind and make it do anything.


But it loves music. When you first hear a tune from far away, your conscious mind is engaged in something else and your unconscious mind picks up that beautiful, soulful saxophone sound first. 

So to get your unconscious mind to pay attention and change your health or allow it to be changed, you need to sing to it. How?

By singing down into it - from high to low, loud to soft and fast to slow. It will then follow whatever you suggest for 14 breaths. After that it will go back to focusing on its normal function - regulating posture, blood pressure, blood sugar and so on. 

Right now, if you want your unconscious mind to be open to healing from God through Jesus Christ, consciously CALL out using their names, like this:

In the name of Jesus Christ (highest pitch, loud, fastest)

I pray to relax my neck and shoulders (lower pitch, medium volume, fast))

Immediately. (low pitch, low volume, slow)

Thank you, God. Amen. (lowest pitch, soft, slowest, relaxed)

Feel how they continue to relax until you have completed 14 breaths, and then the process of relaxation stops. God and Jesus Christ don't stop, but your unconscious mind focuses elsewhere. You do not "remain in Jesus".

The Second Secret of Miracle Speed Healing - Abiding, Remaining, Sustaining

“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you” (John 15:7).

Did Jesus mean to go to church once a year? No! Once a week? No! 

Did he mean to pray once a day? No! At each meal? No! 

He meant MORE than those practices. He meant to sustain your state of acceptance of Grace by gratitude. His Grace IS the soft, golden, ethereal light that filled my toilet cubicle, and I sustained it for 2-3 days, by appreciating its presence, by feeling it constantly. 

How do you get your unconscious mind to remain in Jesus Christ for longer than 14 breaths? You abide in Jesus by abiding in his Grace.

But HOW? There are many ways that you can DO to make sure that you "remain" or sustain or abide in the Grace that the prayer invokes.

How to Sustain

Firstly, you can cross your ankles, usually left over right. This holds your unconscious mind focused on centre. But once you uncross, it's gone. Try this now. Cross your left ankle over your right and Sing Down 

In the name of Jesus Christ 

I pray to relax my neck and shoulders 


Thank you, God. Amen.

Yes, the process of relaxation will continue for 14 breaths. But because you have crossed your ankles, it will continue beyond 14 breaths - in fact, as long as you have your ankles crossed. 

So uncross your ankles after you have experienced this, and experience that the process of relaxation once again stops. 

Secondly, you can do the same with crossing your left wrist over your right. Once again, cross your wrists and Sing Down the prayer, and feel how the process sustains until you uncross your wrists.

Thirdly, rub a little oil that you are not allergic to on your body while at the same time Singing Down the prayer. Take the time, then wait for about half an hour and at the end of that time you will notice that the process of relaxation stops. Yes, it takes about half an hour for the oil to be fully absorbed into your body. 

You can put a drop into your navel if you are lying down, or a drop onto the centre dip of your forehead. 

Can you imagine that if you do this once every 40 minutes you will remain in Jesus for most of the day? The problem is simply convenience - stopping every 40 minutes to do the prayer with oil.

And what of the night? You need your sleep. How can you remain in Jesus 24 hours a day when you need to sleep?

So fourthly, you wear the BLUE (-) face of your Singing Amplifier in your navel. Sit on the edge of your bed and tape it in with the BLUE (-) dot facing your skin. Then Sing Down the prayer. Then lie down and go to sleep.

Please notice that you cannot test a Singing Amplifier by holding it in your hand and rolling it around and feeling the effect on your body. You will simply get the effect of a multipolar magnet on your hand, or on a specific point on your fingers or thumb, which is likely to be negative, because you usually don't need both poles on a point - that's confusing! 

The only way to truly test a Singing Amplifier is to wear the correct pole in your navel. Either tape it there or lie down. Then notice your lower belly breathing, which, when correct, means that it is suitable for you on that point. Because the navel is your most general, useful reflex point, I have never seen anybody not test well on that point, unless the Singing Amplifier has rolled around in polarity. 

Of course, you can also test it on your apex (of your upper belly), throat hollow and other large, reflex dips, as long as you tape it well. It will test YES on most of them and perhaps NO, on some of them, depending which reflex points are deficient in magnetism, harmonic tone, orgone and so on. That's right, you may be deficient in many energies , such as awareness, exercise, air, water, food, magnetism, sunshine and  rest (sleep).

I used this method of remaining in Jesus when I had my hemorrhoids. I kept the little amplifier that I was wearing on my body for the next 2-3 days, and did NOT remove it.


In this way I started with the relief of pain, continued with restoring function to defecation and finished with integrity of my rectal walls in three days. This amazing speed of healing I call Miracle Speed Healing, because using this method gives me the ability to regrow, reshape, reduce, realign, restore and rejuvenate my body. And I have taught thousands of my students how to do it successfully over a span of more than 40 years.

You could use other prayers than neck and shoulder relaxation. The more specific you get the better your results. For example, "I pray for back pain relief" is not as specific as "I pray for realignment of L4 vertebra", or "I pray for realignment of L3-L4 intervertebral disc". How specific you get depends on how much you know about your condition. 

Obviously, the more you know about your condition, the better it will work for you. So write down the prayer first, to get the best wording. Test using the 14 breath method to discover which prayer will work best. 

Then, when you are ready, tape the Singing Ampliefier into your navel, Sing Down the prayer ONCE ONLY, lie down and go to sleep. You will receive 6-8 hours of healing every night, which is over 40 hours of healing a week, which is worth over $4,000 if you were to get that many hours from a professional, healing practitioner.

And you are getting it from the best healing practitioner that the world has ever seen! He is always ready to heal you, his services are FREE and his grace will bless you as you sleep. AND sleep is the best time to heal!

Why is it called a Singing Amplifier? Not only can you use it to sustain the focus of your unconscious mind on a prayer that you Sing Down, but you can also sustain a prayer to sing better! To do this, simply tape it into your navel and Sing Down

In the name of Jesus Christ 

I pray to sing better


Thank you, God. Amen.

Then lie down, go to sleep, and when you wake up, drink two glasses of water, clear your throat and sing for the glory of God!

Laughing Down, Calling Down, Singing Down, Humming Down, Praying Down

Laughing Down is an exercise that you can do every day to strengthen your Healing Mechanism, which is your Breathing Mechanism. It's moderate exercise, so you can do it for 90 minutes a day, with a maximum of 2 hours a day. You do 14 outbursts of sound on one out breath. 

It trains your unconscious mind in the sound, directing it to focus on the part of the body that you want to heal. For example, the sound of "w" - especially "wuu" as in "wood", "should", or "could" - activates healing in your trapezius muscles, relaxing them.


You cannot, however, cross your ankles to sustain the laughing sound, because doing so causes over energy in the related, unconscious, neurological circuitry and long term short-circuiting.  

Toning Down - making one tone such as "air" downwards - can be sustained, so try it on the sound of "ee" and feel how the apex of your upper belly relaxes. This is very useful for those with diabetes, because the pancreas sits right under that apex. It activates healing in your diaphragm, relaxing it.

Humming Down can be sustained too. Place your hands in the Lower Belly Hand Position, Hum Down once only, then feel how, even if you relax your hands out of that position, you continue to breathe in the lower belly.

Singing Down can be sustained too. You have already discovered this by relaxing your neck and shoulders.

You can Sing Down an affirmation, such as "Neck and shoulders relax rapidly now" or a prayer. The difference is in the result that you get. The prayer gets twice the speed of result, so you get the healing in half the time. That's because you have friends helping you - Jesus Christ and God.

If, however, you have friends or family who are atheists and feel uncomfortable praying, you can still help them with affirmations. My father was a confirmed atheist until his death, even though he had strong, spiritual experiences before his death. But he would accept affirmations, so I gave him those.

Here is what Calling Down, Laughing Down, Toning Down, Humming Down, Singing Down and Praying Down sound like.

DownsCheeky Monkey
00:00 / 01:04

Remaining, Sustaining, Abiding - the Second Secret of Miracle Speed Healing

“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you” (John 15:7).

Did Jesus mean to go to church once a year? No! Once a week? No! 

Did he mean to pray once a day? No! At each meal? No! 

He meant MORE than those practices. He meant to sustain your state of acceptance of Grace by gratitude. His Grace IS the soft, golden, ethereal light that filled my toilet cubicle, and I sustained it for 2-3 days, by appreciating its presence, by feeling it constantly. 

How do you get your unconscious mind to remain in Jesus Christ for longer than 14 breaths? You abide in Jesus by abiding in his Grace.

But HOW? There are many ways that you can DO to make sure that you "remain" or sustain or abide in the Grace that the prayer invokes.

How to Sustain

Firstly, you can cross your ankles, usually left over right. This holds your unconscious mind focused on centre. But once you uncross, it's gone. Try this now. Cross your left ankle over your right and Sing Down 

In the name of Jesus Christ 

I pray to relax my neck and shoulders 


Thank you, God. Amen.

Yes, the process of relaxation will continue for 14 breaths. But because you have crossed your ankles, it will continue beyond 14 breaths - in fact, as long as you have your ankles crossed. 

So uncross your ankles after you have experienced this, and experience that the process of relaxation once again stops. 

Secondly, you can do the same with crossing your left wrist over your right. Once again, cross your wrists and Sing Down the prayer, and feel how the process sustains until you uncross your wrists.

Thirdly, rub a little oil that you are not allergic to on your body while at the same time Singing Down the prayer. Take the time, then wait for about half an hour and at the end of that time you will notice that the process of relaxation stops. Yes, it takes about half an hour for the oil to be fully absorbed into your body. 

You can put a drop into your navel if you are lying down, or a drop onto the centre dip of your forehead. 

Can you imagine that if you do this once every 40 minutes you will remain in Jesus for most of the day? The problem is simply convenience - stopping every 40 minutes to do the prayer with oil.

And what of the night? You need your sleep. How can you remain in Jesus 24 hours a day when you need to sleep?

So fourthly, you wear the BLUE (-) face of your Singing Amplifier in your navel. Sit on the edge of your bed and tape it in with the BLUE (-) dot facing your skin. Then Sing Down the prayer. Then lie down and go to sleep.

Please notice that you cannot test a Singing Amplifier by holding it in your hand and rolling it around and feeling the effect on your body. You will simply get the effect of a multipolar magnet on your hand, or on a specific point on your fingers or thumb, which is likely to be negative, because you usually don't need both poles on a point - that's confusing! 

The only way to truly test a Singing Amplifier is to wear the correct pole in your navel. Either tape it there or lie down. Then notice your lower belly breathing, which, when correct, means that it is suitable for you on that point. Because the navel is your most general, useful reflex point, I have never seen anybody not test well on that point, unless the Singing Amplifier has rolled around in polarity. 

Of course, you can also test it on your apex (of your upper belly), throat hollow and other large, reflex dips, as long as you tape it well. It will test YES on most of them and perhaps NO, on some of them, depending which reflex points are deficient in magnetism, harmonic tone, orgone and so on. That's right, you may be deficient in many energies , such as awareness, exercise, air, water, food, magnetism, sunshine and  rest (sleep).

I used this method of remaining in Jesus when I had my hemorrhoids. I kept the little amplifier that I was wearing on my body for the next 2-3 days, and did NOT remove it.


In this way I started with the relief of pain, continued with restoring function to defecation and finished with integrity of my rectal walls in three days. This amazing speed of healing I call Miracle Speed Healing, because using this method gives me the ability to regrow, reshape, reduce, realign, restore and rejuvenate my body. And I have taught thousands of my students how to do it successfully over a span of more than 40 years.

You could use other prayers than neck and shoulder relaxation. The more specific you get the better your results. For example, "I pray for back pain relief" is not as specific as "I pray for realignment of L4 vertebra", or "I pray for realignment of L3-L4 intervertebral disc". How specific you get depends on how much you know about your condition. 

Obviously, the more you know about your condition, the better it will work for you. So write down the prayer first, to get the best wording. Test using the 14 breath method to discover which prayer will work best. 

Then, when you are ready, tape the Singing Ampliefier into your navel, Sing Down the prayer ONCE ONLY, lie down and go to sleep. You will receive 6-8 hours of healing every night, which is over 40 hours of healing a week, which is worth over $4,000 if you were to get that many hours from a professional, healing practitioner.

And you are getting it from the best healing practitioner that the world has ever seen! He is always ready to heal you, his services are FREE and his grace will bless you as you sleep. AND sleep is the best time to heal!

Why is it called a Singing Amplifier? Not only can you use it to sustain the focus of your unconscious mind on a prayer that you Sing Down, but you can also sustain a prayer to sing better! To do this, simply tape it into your navel and Sing Down

In the name of Jesus Christ 

I pray to sing better


Thank you, God. Amen.

Then lie down, go to sleep, and when you wake up, drink two glasses of water, clear your throat and sing for the glory of God!

God Punched me in the Tummy ... and Saved my Life!

I was riding between Sunshine Beach and Sunrise Beach , on the bike path. It was 5pm and beginning to spit with rain.


Suddenly God punched me in the tummy. I felt winded. I couldn’t go on riding my bicycle. I had to stop.


So I knew that I had a big NO to continuing doing what I was doing. So I began asking questions about what to do. “Go on the road?”


YES! The road was narrow with lots of cars, but doing that allowed me to ride again – I got some breath back. 


Twenty metres further on a bolt of lightning shot over my head. My hair stood up! The tree next to the bike path lit up in flame! If I had been on the bike path I would have been fried!


I swore “Oh dear” (or something like that) and heard a big CRACK! to my right. The top of a tree toppled over. I swore again “Oh dear” (or something like that). 


I was in the middle of a lightning storm, with bolts to my right, left, front and back. I thought about going 50 metres to the shops at my right, but got another punch in the tummy. Then I saw sheet lightning across the paddock between me and the shops. 


I rode 800 metres in the lightning storm asking questions like “Right?”, “Left?”, “Faster?” and “Slower?” Then I thought “It’s only another 200 metres to go. I’ll get home soon.”


Another punch in the tummy. 


“I’ll go on the bike path.” I belly breathed, so I went on the bike path. 


“I’ll go under that verandah.” I belly breathed, so I went under the verandah, and knocked on the window.


A gorgeous, young woman turned around and said “I guess you’ve come in here to get out of the hail.”


“What hail?” I asked, turned around and it was pelting ice cubes – the biggest hail I have ever seen. Listening to my breathing saved me from being friend and shredded. I felt utterly grateful.


Then came the question of my life. Did I master that situation by tuning into Mother Nature with my breathing? If so, that would make me the Master of the Universe!


The only other explanation is this. God saved my life by punching me in the tummy – more than once. If that is the case, I can listen to God and receive his communication via my breathing.


Chest breathing means “No, don’t go in that direction.” Belly breathing means “Yes, go in that direction.”







I can ask questions and God will approve (Belly Breathing) or disapprove (Chest Breathing, very shallow breathing or no breathing). So I asked questions like “Is an orange best for me to eat for breakfast this morning?” “Two oranges?” “Four bananas?”


And so on. I got answers in my breathing response. The deeper, lower, slower, stronger and more relaxed the breathing, the more of a YES it was. The shallower, higher, faster, tighter, weaker and more constrained the breathing, the more of a NO it was.


Chest = No.

Belly = Yes.

In between = probably not or need more information. 


Breath is life. God gives me more life when I make the best decisions. So I make statements and test them with my breathing. 


“This body needs one orange for breakfast this morning.” YES!”

“This body needs two oranges for breakfast this morning.” NO!


Yes = Belly.

No = Chest.

If you would like to read more of my stories about how my faith in God and Jesus Christ has made miracles of healing in my life, and the exact format for the prayer that I use, read the book called "Saved! How to Make Miracles with Sustained Healing Prayer", press the button now.

Your Walk with God

Some question my breathing way of responding to God, of communicating with God. It's not the only way to receive his wisdom, it's one way. Another way, for example, is to feel when you have peace in your heart. You get that when your decision is approved by God, so when you do get that, notice your breathing and you will see that it's deep, slow and relaxed and in your lower belly. 

Conversely, notice that when you get deep, slow and relaxed, lower belly breathing your heart becomes more and more peaceful. They align.

Saved! How I Dropped Diabetes in 7 Hours

 I got bitten by a snake, a small Eastern Brown snake. It’s the second most deadly land snake in the world. 


I went to the hospital for anti-venene. I did my breathing all night long.


They didn’t need to use the anti-venene – and didn’t want to, because the side-effects of it are worse than the side effects of the snake bite! But it would have stopped the coagulation if I had had too much. 


They simply monitored it every two hours, then discharged me in the morning. 


I was lucky that I didn’t die. The snake only got one fang in – the other landed on my toenail. 


Still, the effects of the venom lasted for seven years. In the first three days I crawled to the toilet. In the next week I could just make it to the edge of the garden. After a month I walked two blocks.


After two months the dizziness got worse. I spent 30 days in bed, eight of them without sleep. I had no food, because I was vomiting. I lost a lot of weight.


One day in bed = 3.4% insulin resistance. 30 days in bed and I was 102% insulin resistant.


I have since discovered that if you are not active during the day insulin resistance goes up, and if you are active during the night insulin resistance goes up. So the ideal is to go to bed with the sun and wake up and do things with the sun. 


Rest congests. Rest interspersed with activity is the road to recovery. 


I had not been to a medical doctor for 38 years, but needed a blood test. This one was unusual – a Seventh Day Adventist with a plant-based diet! The first thing she said was “How may I serve you best.”


I was so grateful to have her. The blood tests showed that I had diabetes with an HbA1c average of 8.2. Over 7 is diabetes. The normal range is 3.6-6.0. 


She told me that I would need to go on the drug Metformin. I refused.


Instead, I tested with my breathing. It said to have sweet potato leaves. They were growing in the back garden.


So I had a meal of sweet potato leaves, some Bragg’s Liquid Seasoning and some ginger. My blood sugar went down, according to my Prick Testing.


I had been spiking a 14s and even 15. So I realised that this was not enough – 11.9 at lunch time!


So I Breath Tested again. Again it said sweet potato, so I tested for the vine. It gave me a BIG YES!


So from lunch to dinner I chewed sweet potato vine. At dinner my Prick Test showed 4.7 – right in the middle of normal range! Thank you God, for placing the perfect herb in my garden! 


I spent time researching the internet, and discovered that diabetic mice injected with adiponectin and leptin for two weeks completely recovered from diabetes.


I also found out that one, common food – the sixth most common in the world – had adiponectin in it, but not of the amounts that eating it could change our blood sugar levels. It was sweet potato!


Then I realised the leaves had not been tested, just the tuber, the root. And certainly the vine was not tested, because it was not a food! Nobody eats it in quantity. 


Even more amazing, when the adiponectin is swallowed it goes to the liver to break it down, so there is no use taking a pill or tablet of it. It won’t enter the bloodstream!


But chewing it in the mouth before swallowing it or spitting out the fibres works because it gets absorbed to a good extent in the mouth itself! So I realised that I could get more into my bloodstream by juicing it and rubbing it on my skin. When you do that with essential oils about 60% of it goes in!


I tried it. I juiced the vine of purple sweet potato and rubbed it onto my forearm. My blood sugar went down to 3.5, below the normal range!


OOPS! TOOOO MUCH! Then I discovered that gold sweet potato vine is 10 times stronger than white sweet potato vine, and purple sweet potato vine is 20 times stronger than the white. So I only chewed little bits of purple sweet potato vine, and it kept my blood sugar down!


If I had too much I got massive diarrhea very quickly, so to avoid shitty pants I had to be careful about my amounts. From then on I Breath Tested each little bit – when and how much of the vine to have. It worked!


Yes, that dropped my diabetes, my blood sugar levels, in 7 hours! But I still had diabetes if I didn’t do that. I needed to reverse my diabetes long term. 


To reverse diabetes long term I changed my diet and my exercise, as well as my breathing, meditation, affirmations and prayers. It took four months to reverse and years to finally settle down, after all of the snake venom had left my body.


Here is an outline of the Full Program.


1 Pray, using Sustained Healing Prayer as I teach in my books on natural self-healing

2 Activation (as seen on the Holy Spirit Activate page), also called Buzzing – High Intensity Hormone Boosting

3 High Intensity Hormone Breathing, which is Boosted Breathing, also called Laughing and can be done while Buzzing

4 Purified water – 1 litre/23kgs

5 Food – organically grown fruit and vegetables, not combining fat with carbohydrates

6 Sunshine – half an hour to an hour with my bare face, arms and legs in the sun, every day

7 Meditation – deep rest twice a day, before breakfast and in the evening


I also took up intermittent fasting, resting my digestive tract from food between lunch and breakfast. That’s right, two meals a day, being breakfast and lunch, gave my body the rest from digesting that it needed to recover from the stresses that had been part of the diabetes.

If you would like to read more of my stories about how my faith in God and Jesus Christ has made miracles of healing in my life, and the exact format for the prayer that I use, read the book called "Saved! How to Make Miracles with Sustained Healing Prayer", press the button now.

 The Miracle of Zero Pain Tooth Extraction

I have had several fillings from my dentist now without anaesthetic and without pain, because his hands are sooo gentle. I think of him as Dr Safe Hands.


Nevertheless, when my upper, second molar needed to come out I felt trepidation because I had had two other molars removed before, and both times there was massive pain and massive pain afterwards. As well, I had experienced four days of bleeding and pain after the operations.

This tooth was large, with three, large roots. I prayed beforehand and tweaked my prayer, which went exactly like this:


“In the name of Jesus Christ

I pray for immediate pain relief.

Thank you, God. Amen.”


I figured that the word “immediate” would nullify the pain of the drill hitting a nerve.

He didn’t drill. He gave me two, minor (non-adrenaline, because of my blistering reaction to adrenaline) injections, one on each side of the tooth. I looked into his eyes as I always do, and felt his warm love. He has an amazing heart.

I heard three snaps, as you do when a chiropractor adjusts your spine. Then, in less than 10 minutes, he said “It’s all done”.


I was sooo surprised! There had been zero pain, no drilling, just pulling on each root. And I wasn’t swallowing blood, although there was a little.

He told me that it would take 20 minutes to clean up. He put in three dissolvable sponges and a dissolvable stitch, got me to hold a gauze pad there, and sent me home.

I fasted for a day, sipping water only, and there was a little blood on the pillow, but there was NO pain after the anaesthetic wore off. Zero pain during the extraction, zero pain after the extraction. Zero pain!

I claim this as a miracle! Thank you God, thank you Jesus Christ and thank you Dr Safe Hands.

If you would like to read more of my stories about how my faith in God and Jesus Christ has made miracles of healing in my life, and the exact format for the prayer that I use, read the book called "Saved! How to Make Miracles with Sustained Healing Prayer", press the button now.

How to Pray

Pray to God to ask for His will to be done, for your needs to be met, for forgiveness and for victory over temptation. Keep your prayer time secret and never a source of pride.

Prayers don't need to be long but do need a reverent attitude to God. Ask in faith knowing that God will answer your prayers. 

Forgive others for their sins prior to your prayers, if you want your prayers to be heard, and submit to God's laws, including the laws of biology - because God made you. 

As well, be thankful for God's blessings in your life - so that you pray with humility and reverence. 

One man, who was a Counsellor, went to his friend's house. His friend and his wife were arguing. He tried to counsel them out of it, but it didn't work. So he prayed.

He left the scene and kept praying, for all of the times that he had seen discord between his friend and his friend's wife. So he made many, specific prayers. 

He kept doing it into the evening. A few days later his friend rang him. His relationship had mended and he had marital harmony again!

Make many, specific prayers. Pray for every little thing that you can think of. You don't know what is at the root of family discord, or even the discord inside yourself, but eventually it will out. 

It's like doing massage. Start where it hurts most. Then, when that has calmed, move to where it hurts most because the main area of pain has eased. Follow the pain - or tension - until it has all dissolved. Do this with relationships to mend them, bit by bit, until all of the underlying discord has dissolved.

The Divine Sandwich

To be safe with your prayers, always Sing Down in the structure of the Divine Sandwich. Begin with a divine name, end with a divine name and sandwich what you want in the middle. For example 

In the name of Jesus Christ

I pray to sing better

Right now.

Thank you, God. Amen.

Then breathe with the tip of your tongue touching the air, so that the root of your tongue is lifted away from your airway and you can get a full breath in and out, and wait for the descent of Grace. In this way you will "remain in Jesus" for 14 breaths. If you wish to remain in Jesus all day long or all night long, use one of the sustaining techniques to hold the prayer. To learn more, press the BANANA BUTTON.

Fervent Prayer

James 5:16 says "The Fervent Prayer of a righteous man availeth much". Fervent means "having or displaying a passionate intensity". It's what I did immediately before Jesus Christ healed me of my hemorrhoids. I also call it Miracle Healing Prayer, when doing it for miracles at healing speed, or Prime Commandment Prayer, because it fully embraces the Prime Commandment of Jesus Christ.

Miracle Healing Prayer (Fervent Prayer or Prime Commandment Prayer)

Your Conscious Mind is, at most, 10% of your Mind. Your Unconscious is the 90%. When you say your prayer your body doesn't change, because when you speak your body doesn't pay attention. 

But your Unconscious Mind loves music, so when you sing it pays attention. So you need to sing your prayers. That's why we train to Laugh Down, Call Down, Tone Down, Hum Down and Sing Down. 

The First Commandment is by Moses. The Prime Commandment is by Jesus Christ. It says "Love the Lord your God with 10% of your heart, 10% of your Soul, 10% of your Mind and 10% of your strength." 

OOPS! I got that wrong! It says "all" or 100%, not 10%! Unfortunately, I don't usually hear a Christian pray by the Prime Commandment! They don't sing their prayers, or Call Down their prayers! OUCH!

Love means ALL of your Heart

If I want to love a woman I get down on one knee (not two, that's begging) to serenade her. So when I do Prime Commandment Prayer, I get down on one, bended knee to serenade God. I am physically expressing ALL of my heart, not just mumbling the prayer.

If I want to bring my Soul forward into God's presence 100% I use the Moebius Loop Hand Position, because it gets rid of the ego. That's right, I curl the fingers of my RIGHT hand over the curled fingers of my LEFT hand and lock them together gently. This gets rid of my ego influence over my Conscious Mind.

Or I place my right hand on my left wrist with my fingers (and thumb) spread, and my left hand on my right wrist with my fingers (and thumb) together. This gets rid my ego influence over my Subconscious Mind.

Or I place my right hand on my left forearm with my fingers (and thumb) spread, and my left hand on my right forearm with my fingers (and thumb) together. This gets rid my ego influence over my Unconscious Mind.

Or I place my right hand on my left elbow with my fingers (and thumb) spread, and my left hand on my right elbow with my fingers (and thumb) together. This gets rid my ego influence over my Superconscious Mind ... as well as my Unconscious, Subconscious and Conscious Mind. It makes me include ALL (100%) of my mind in my prayer when I sing it down. I create a full expression of my Soul.

Sing your Prayers to get Miracles from God

If I want to pray with ALL of my mind, not just 10% of it - my Conscious Mind - I Call Down or Sing Down my prayer. That's right, it IS out loud! And it IS loud, because I use ALL of my strength when I pray it. I don't just mumble it. 

When I do this miracles happen! Why! Because I have committed myself fully, not partially, not mumbling, not putting myself into it half-heartedly. I pray fully, Heart and Soul, Mind and Might, very specifically because I have thought about what I wanted to pray for beforehand down to the specific words that express it best. I get specific with God, and that's the specific thing that he gives me.


Okay, if I am just singing a general prayer, such as Amazing Grace, I just enjoy singing it. But if I am praying for something that I want to happen, such as a new wife, I pray by the Prime Commandment and then Sustain my Prayer using an Affirmation Amplifier. THAT'S why I have had over 700 miracles in my life so far.  

Prime Commandment PrayerElvis Pavarotti
00:00 / 16:20

Pray and Obey

Great! You've learned how to pray effectively. But James 5:16 says "The righteous man". What is a "righteous man"!

Clearly, it's one who obeys the Laws of God. You surely have heard of the 10 Commandments of Moses, and the three commandments of Jesus Christ supercede those. 

1 Love God

2 Love others

3 Love yourself

To love yourself is not to sin (make a mistake) against God's design for you. For example, in Genesis 1:29 it says that you were designed by God to eat fruit and herbs - not grains, not legumes (such as rice, lentils, peanuts and soy beans), not eggs, cow juice, poultry, rabbits, cats, dogs, mice, rats, cockroaches, beef, lamb, pig or sea animals (crustaceans).

The Cost of a Divine Appointment

Sometimes Jesus Christ insists that I go one way rather than what I think is the logical, reasonable way to go. I obey, and meet somebody who gives me information that I need to further my work, or a reference to another person who I need to help me along the way. I call this a Divine Appointment.

Sometimes I get to do a Divine Appointment for somebody else. For example, one lunchtime I had plenty of food and was about to eat it, when Jesus Christ insisted that I go to a local restaurant and eat there. So I did. Nothing much happened, so when I had finished I got up to go. Jesus Christ said NO! So I waited for 10 minutes and tried to get up and go again, and got another NO! 

Just then an acquaintance walked over, sat down and ate lunch with me, asking questions about natural health and healing which I knew the answers to. After a long chat we left, and he said "Well, that was a Divine Appointment for me". 

In other words, I paid for lunch so that he could have a Divine Appointment with me! Was it worth it? Yes, it helped him with compassion and information. It was like doing a small mission, prompted by Jesus Christ. I was in service to God.

A Divine Appointment for Me

I was in the library, working at the computer desk. I became stuck and confused about what to do and where to go next. I knew that I needed to do SEO, but I knew that I knew very little about it. So I prayed for someone to help me, an SEO expert to guide me in the right direction. 

Then I saw a woman - a complete stranger - three desks away staring in my direction with a blank look on her face. I asked Jesus Christ if she might do SEO or know somebody who did, and he said YES. I asked if now was a good time to go up and ask her, and he said YES. 

So I approached her and said "Excuse me, but I'm stuck with some computer work. I'm looking for somebody who knows how to do SEO - Search Engine Optimisation. Do you do SEO or do you know someone who does?

She said "That's what I do." 

I said "Can you work with me here, at the library?"

She said yes, or anywhere else I might need. She had a laptop.

I asked "Can you teach me, because I have a big website and I need to do it for myself"?

She said yes. 

"When can you start?" I was hoping for this week.

"Tomorrow." For the next two days I learned SEO. I was a lot to take in, but she was a very clear teacher and stopped to allow me to write down a point whenever I needed. Thank you Jesus, thank you God.

The Miracle of the Stolen Bicycle

I depend on my bicycle for transport. I have never owned a car. That's because I got stabbed in my right eye when I was three, so my field of vision is 120 degrees while yours is 180 degrees. I have a driver's licence but I find driving stressful.

On Monday morning I woke up to find my bicycle had gone. The chain had been snipped and it had been stolen. So I walked to the police station and put in a report, without too much hope because the police in Tweed Heads don't come out. They didn't this time either, although they said they would.

So I walked the streets asking around if anyone had seen it. Then I realised that, in my panic, I had forgotten to pray. So I thought about my words, chose them carefully and prayed.

In the name of Jesus Christ

I pray for a bicycle

Right now.

Thank you, God. Amen.

Then I decided to walk up to Thomson Street to see if the thief had left it in the bushes. Jesus Christ said NO. This surprised me, because it was the logical thing to do. God said NO. 

So I turned on my heels and walked down Florence Street instead. Jesus Christ said YES. God said YES. 

At the corner of Enid St I asked again. They both said YES to turning left into Enid Street. This surprised me again. It made no sense. But I obeyed them immediately, step by step, breath by breath.


Then I got to Frances Street - the short part of it to my right. I asked again. They both said YES. So I walked down towards the cafe at the end of the street. I became very, very sceptical, because I don't go into cafes. They have no food or drink for me, because I prefer a Genesis 1:29 diet of fruit and vegetables, organically grown or spray and dusting free, without poisons such as caffeine, theobromine or sugar.


Jesus Christ said YES to going in. God said YES to going in. I obeyed. There, at the far table, my friend Pat was sitting with a friend who I knew not. He waved, I went to talk to him and tell him my situation.

After a short talk his friend asked "Would you like a new bike?"


I realised that I had prayed for a bike, not necessarily mine, so I replied with gratitude. "Yes."

"It may take 2-3 days."

"Yes. How much?"



"Yes, but you will have to get to South Tweed to pick up the voucher and you will have to a quote at a reasonable price from you local bike shop."

"I can do that."

Pat's friend went to make a phone call. I asked Pat "Who is he?"

"That's John."

"Who is he?"

"He's the head of my team from Our Lady of the Rosary. He's been here for 40 years. He has all the contacts. If he says it can happen, it usually does."

I had done Fervent Prayer only 10 minutes previously. Then I listened and obeyed, not with my will, but according to their will. And I got a new bike!

Even better, my old bike was given back to me that afternoon, where it had been stolen from! So I cancelled the voucher so that another in need could have the new one!


The point is that they are always here for you if you only pray, fervently, then listen and obey. Practise Breath Testing, then be aware of your breathing when you make decisions about the directions you need to go in, and follow what they tell you with your breathing.

How to Pray for Money

The Lord moved my Heart to start Rainbow Healing Choirs, where all could come to release their loads through Word Healing - Laugh Downs, Call Downs, Sing Downs, Pray Downs and the like. I felt willing to spend my time and energy on this noble cause. So I prayed

In the name of Jesus Christ

I pray for money for Back Pain Relief Centres and Rainbow Healing Choirs

Right now.

Thank you, God. Amen.

Then I released this Christmas Light song and Christmas Light Family Album.

How to Change your Character

When the lightning bolt didn't strike me I swore. Years later, when the car hit me and I immediately felt the protective shield of Jesus Christ around me, I shouted at the driver "You stupid idiot!" What came out of my Subconscious Mind was less negatively charged. 

Two days ago a young lad - probably about 7 years of age - kicked a ball across the bicycle pathway I was riding on. The ball stuck under the back wheel of my bike, then rolled on. 

The young lad ran to the ball, picked it up and said "I'm sorry".

Instead of berating him I replied "I forgive you".


His jaw dropped in surprise. "Thank you," he replied.

"You're welcome," I said, "Have a good day", and rode on, leaving him open-eyed in wonder. My Subconscious Mind was even less negatively charged, perhaps because I had finally recognised the protective shield of Jesus Christ and released a great deal of fear and anger that I had previously maintained. My character had changed.

Sin Testing - How to Stop Sinning

Sin is NOT karma. Karma means that you do an action or inaction and you get the consequences - good or bad - down the track. For example, you lie and the receiver no longer trusts you. You lose the business relationship or friendship. You may be forgiven, but if you are then perceived as untrustworthy you still won't attract the business or friendship again. 

Sin means that you do an action or inaction and in the doing of that action or inaction you immediately lose energy. For example, you lie and your breathing becomes chest-started rather than belly-started. That's because you missed the mark, you sinned. Sin is missing the mark, and lying misses the mark on the truth scale.

Chest breathing gives you 25% of your oxygen. Belly breathing gives you 75% of your oxygen. So you lose 50% of your oxygen.

How to stop sinning

Thus, if you Breath Test all of your decisions and behaviours, you stop sinning. The wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). You stop the dying process.

You still have a lot of karma to work through, but you no longer accumulate sin. For example, a big gorilla with a Passive Aggressive Personality Disorder said that he would mix down a track of Christmas song. He delayed for a month, reducing the time for making a choral version of the song.

Had he done the job in good time he would have gained energy, gained trust, gained friendship and made life a lot easier for himself and his client. Yes, he made amends later by making a video for his client, but the loss of trust was long term. The client didn't wish to use his services again, so he lost business (karma) and energy (money). 

Thus Breath Testing is Sin Testing. It's the way out of the prison of sin and the prison of karma (accumulated sin, or massive stress). So Breath Test your foods, water, sunshine and lifestyle until you feel comfortable handling bigger and bigger decisions with Breath Testing. 

Practise playing games which require decisions, such as draughts and chess, with Breath Testing. Some card games, like Snap, could also help.

Sin Testing

Sin resides in your Conscious Mind (Will), Subconscious Mind (Perception), Unconscious Mind (Habit) and Superconscious Mind (Power). So take a Hand Position that relates to that level of Mind and have a friend test your accuracy 10 times using the question "Which hand is the coin in right now - right or left?" Tally up your answers.

If left to chance you should get five correct. If you get more than five correct, you have less sin in that level of Mind. If you get less than five correct, you have more sin in that level of Mind. 

Each time you get an incorrect answer, stop and Integrate for 14 breaths, with your tongue forward. This will release your sin, so that you sin less and less. Your energy level will grow as you become more and more congruent.

Wrestling with Jesus

On Friday, December 1st, I begin marketing my website with a business card. Nothing spectacular happens. Nobody gets excited by it. It is spectacularly unsuccessful.

So on Saturday I try  it with my church group. Same response.

On Sunday afternoon I walk to the beach, a little discouraged, disheartened and down. As I reach the edge of the ocean Jesus says to keep walking north up the beach. Then he tells me where to stop. 

It's summer hot, so I want to walk into the ocean to cool off. Jesus says no. 

Ten minutes later I ask again. Again his answer is no.

Then a gorgeous thirty-something walks near to me and drops her belongings on the ground, including her clothing. All she has left on is a very skimpy bikini!

Jesus says to walk up to her. I say "NO WAY!" You see, I have one eye open and one eye shut, so women passing me on the street sometimes veer around me and call me "Creep!"

The woman walks into a calm ocean. Jesus says to follow her. Again, I say "NO WAY!" I don't want the rejection!

So I go in and swim a little distant from her, drink some sea water, cleanse my nose with sea water and keep my back to her. Yes, I know that, to keep the miracles coming, I must "Pray and Obey", but socially I have been very disconnected with white women all of my life. They scare me because my sister stabbed me in the eye when I was three years old, threatened to kill me hundreds of times and tried to kill me at least three times. 

So I walk out of the sea and sand my skin all over, for exfoliation. Then, as I am walking back into the sea to wash off, Jesus says to walk towards that woman again. "Me! A sand monster!"

This time I obey. I take two steps in her direction. She smiles at me! "That's good for the skin!" she calls out.

"Yes, it's for exfoliation!" I call back.

"I do it sometimes too!" She has a German accent.

"Are you a visitor or do you live here?"

"We live here."

"How long have you been here?"

"A year and a half."

"Your English is good."

"Thank you."

"Can I invite you to join us at beach volleyball on Thursday afternoons?"

"My nanny used to do that."

"Do you know Merla?"

"I do know Merla. She's not my nanny, but I know her! Small world!

"Small world."

"What do you do? Jesus arranged the meeting, so it had to be a Divine Appointment.

"I am a stay-at-home mum. My husband works in I.T."

"Can he help me with my website?"

"No, he's a software programmer. He works from home - sedentary work."

"It's not very good for his back."

"No, he needs to stretch more."

"And realign his spine. He could relax his back for FREE with my website."

"That would be good. What's your website?"


"I'll tell him."

"Try it yourself first, then get him to try. Hopefully it will help him."

"Thank you."

"I realised that all of those using computers needed what I have in one, Christmas Carol - the ability to relax the back straight. Jesus was showing me the market, AND doing the marketing for me! If her husband tries the RYBS (Relax Your Back Straight) method and it works well for him, others in computing will do it too. The sharing could go viral! Thank you Jesus, Thank you God!"

Yes, you may wrestle with Jesus too. But don't quit on him. Keep Breath Testing and if he keeps telling you to do it, do it. Pray and Obey.

Just make sure it's Jesus Christ giving you the suggestion. The upper belly breathing MUST be connected to the lower belly breathing - God Breathing - and when you breathe in the belly MUST go out and when you breathe out the belly MUST go in. Otherwise you are taking the suggestions of the devil, and will come to grief or be severely misled.

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