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Christmas Light                         Family Album

  • The Lord bless you and keep you;
    the Lord make his face shine on you
    and be gracious to you;
    the Lord turn his face toward you
    and give you peace. 

    Numbers 6:24-26


  • Some of the songs in this album are by Elvis Pavarotti.                                        The children's songs are by Cheeky Monkey. Laugh with them!

Christmas Light, Short Version

  • Music by Jesus Christ                            

  • Words from Luke 1 & 2 and other parts of the Christian Holy Bible

  • Compiled by Elvis Pavarotti, in the key of G                                                                      

  • Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. Isaiah 60:1

Christmas Light, Raw Recording, First Verse RingtoneElvis Pavarotti
00:00 / 00:27
Christmas Light, Raw Recording, Chorus RingtoneElvis Pavarotti
00:00 / 00:19

Christmas Light, Better Arranged

This version has a much smoother, more comfortable approach to the ear. Enjoy!

Christmas Light Arrangement Sneak PeekElvis Pavarotti
00:00 / 00:44

Christmas Light, Long Version

  • When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12

  • Receive the full message of Christianity. Please reflect on it, verse by verse.

Christmas Light Lyrics, Short and Long Versions

Because the tune is so catchy, it is easy to learn. Simply learn the words by singing the song over and over again.

Holy Spirit, Activate!

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Galatians 5: 22-23

This is a simple children's song, suitable for your kids or older monkeys who are young at heart. 

Holy Spirit Activate, with Jean, Jed & Jim Sneak PeekCheeky Monkey
00:00 / 00:21

Holy Spirit, Activate! Lyrics

This is a children's song, so learn the lyrics with the moves and do both together to entertain your children at Christmas!

The Christian Revolution

This is a story of Christian courage and sacrifice, as told by the great man's wife to her best friend - my mother - in letters and cassettes, from 1962-1992. The great man baptized me when I was six months old. His son was my best friend at primary school for three years, and I played with all four of his children.

When I was eight years old my parents fled apartheid South Africa because of persecution - phone tapping by the police. My father kept a pistol under his pillow in case the police came - to defend his family. 

These days you may be used to Google taking all of your information and sharing it with large corporations and governments (except if your email is encrypted, such as on Protonmail). In those days, however, privacy was regarded as a democratic freedom and right.

The great man, Theo, moved to Cape Town and became the Methodist Minister for Robben Island, a rock off the Cape of Good Hope that housed violent and political criminals such as Nelson Mandela (who was a devout Christian). Only Theo could see Nelson on a daily basis, although his wife, Winnie, could see him once every six months.

The way Theo handled his power and status grew the trust of the Christian community in him, and he ended up as the head of the Council of Churches - all churches except the Afrikaans, Dutch Reformed Church. My uncle was a lay preacher in that church and a card-carrying member of the Nazin party in WWII. He had a sjambok - a short-handled whip - on his wall in case any of his 300 black slaves got out of hand, and a multi-million dollar plant nursery just outside of Johannesburg. He regarded black and coloured people as subhuman "Kaffirs" ("Niggers") and refused to give them running water and electricity. 

In 1988 Theo, as the spiritual head of 20 million blacks, coloured and whites, met with the elders of the Dutch Reformed Church once a month. He decided to resign his position in the full knowledge that he was instigating a Christian revolution, and replaced himself with a young black man, the head of a small group of Roman Catholics in the country at the time, Desmond Tutu.

When Desmond, as the new head of the Council of Churches, went to meet the Elders of the Dutch Reformed Church, they resigned en masse.  The Afrikaans government, whose members were all part of the Dutch Reformed Church, bombed Theo's car and placed him under house arrest, then exiled him to England. He lost his job, his position, his power, his home and his country for the good of his people.

The new heads of the Dutch Reformed Church, under Byers Norde, declared apartheid to be a sin! Government members were all in that church, so they had to dismantle the Pass Laws and run a truly free election, which new President, Nelson Mandela, won by over 70%!

On the afternoon of his inauguration, Nelson flew to Cape Town to discuss the future of South Africa with Theo and Desmond. To prevent civil war they held a party and invited Nelson's jailer to it as a symbol of forgiveness and reconciliation, then offered him a job as the President's chauffeur. Nelson sacrificed his anger, his bitterness, his resentment and his vengeance to save South Africa from further strife.

Then they decided to hold an Amnesty, to be presided over by the Archbishop Desmond Tutu. All political murderers and torturers were completely forgiven if they fully confessed their crimes. No jail time!

After five years the Amnesty was completed. No civil war. The Christian Revolution, begun by the courage and sacrifice of the Reverend Theo Kotze, was complete. 

The Bible says "Thou shalt not kill." Jesus Christ said "I am the last sacrifice" at a time when they sacrificed animals by killing them.

As a Christian, are you willing to sacrifice the pleasures of the flesh (killing animals and eating their flesh) to revolutionise this planet into peace, or do you wish to continue hearing the constant jibe of secular society, that "Christians don't walk their talk"?

Please take heart from this Christmas album and walk in the Light of Christian love, forgiveness and reconciliation. It will lighten your heart. And please share the songs by Cheeky Monkey with your children. It will lighten their hearts too. 

Theo's Story, Part 1

How I became closely related to President Nelson Mandela, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and the Reverend Theo Kotze, the triumvirate who ruled South Africa with Christian compassion, forgiveness, amnesty and peace during turbulent times (the 1990s). 

Theo's Story, Part 2

How an act of great Christian courage, sacrifice and strength of moral character created a Christian revolution in South Africa.

Theo's Story, Part 3

The amazing amnesty that forgave murderers, mass murderers and torturers their sins and set them free from their sins.

Symbols and "the Truth"

My uncle was a card carrying member of the Nazi Party in World War II. He believed fervently in racial superiority and built up a plant nursery with over 300 black slaves on it. He was also a lay preacher in the Dutch Reformed Church, getting his beliefs from the Bible which was, according to him, "the Truth". 


My Methodist Minister, a great example of Christian grace rather than glory, because Jesus Christ came to establish a kingdom of grace, not glory, said that he did not worship the Bible, he worshipped God. The Bible was a book, not all of it accurate. 


For example, on the cover of all the Bibles at that time, and in some pages in the middle, were pictures of Jesus Christ as a white man with a Teutonic face. Jesus Christ was born in the Mediterranean area and had an olive skin - what my uncle would call "coloured" and therefore subhuman. 


In other words, the Bibles were not true and did not contain "the Truth". In most depictions of Jesus Christ in most Christian literature in Australia today he is still depicted as white with a Teutonic face. A Teutonic face comes from the Dutch, German, Austrian and Danish area of Europe, not the Mediterranean. A picture tells a thousand words, and my uncle was so very wrong about the Bible containing any truth that I though through the real meaning of truth.


When I place my arm on the table the actual placing of the arm is the truth. Me writing about it is not the truth, it's simply using symbols to convey an accurate or inaccurate picture of what I did. How accurate? 


If I say "I placed my arm on the table" that does not have a great deal of accuracy. If I say "I placed my left forearm with its palm downwards onto the table in line with the chair" it's a lot more accurate. 


In the same way, Jesus Christ laughed, danced, sang, drank water and took a pee behind a tree. But none of that is mentioned in the Bible.


Instead, my uncle took the symbols in the Bible - words - as excuses to use his ideals of racist superiority to suppress hundreds of black and coloured (like Jesus Christ) slaves. When apartheid was declared a sin by his church he repented and gave his old slaves running water and electricity. He began treating them as fully human, with fully human rights.

So his Bible - which condoned slavery - wasn't true or "the truth". It was just a book, with more or less accuracy. 

Is the sentence in the Bible "You must not allow a sorceress to live" true? No, it's an opinion which some Christians have used to kill herbalists and others who were helping their villagers to heal. 


In 1982 my best friend was called a "witch" (which means a "sorceress") by a group of Christians on the Sunshine Coast of Australia. She drowned in the sea when a sudden rip grabbed her. The Christian group claimed to have "prayed a witch into the sea" in that Saturday's paper.


The Catholic Church did similarly in the Spanish Inquisition, burning those that they deemed "witches" at the stake. And all of that torture, murder and brutality was done in the name of God, because they were following one line in the Bible which had no truth in it, being simply a group of symbols. 

So please be careful about who you follow. Follow God and follow Jesus Christ, but don't follow the satanic suggestions of any book. A book may have ideas for discussion, but it does not contain "the truth". Remember that when you read the Bible you may be holding God at arm's length from you, but when you Breath Test freely and accurately you are following God because he is within you. 


At his Presidential Inauguration Nelson Mandela gave us a poem called "Shine". This video is of Elvis Pavarotti singing, a capella, the chorus, and a couple of verses, from Christmas Light, which is

"Shine on! Shine on!

Shine with Christmas delight! 

Shine on! Shine on!

Shine with Christmas Light."

Mother Mary (Mother Angel - Catholic Version)

Imagine the baby Jesus singing to his mother, Mary.

Mother Mary Sneak PeekElvis Pavarotti
00:00 / 01:11

Mother Mary Lyrics

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Kiss Me Again (Mother Angel - for mothers everywhere)

Imagine your baby singing to you. 

Kiss Me Again (Mother Angel) Sneak PeekElvis Pavarotti
00:00 / 01:46

Prepare My Soul

Prepare yourself for meeting Jesus Christ by deciding to take a personal walk with him and God. Breath Test all of your decisions and listen for their guidance while you do so. You may be surprised to find that you get the strongest breathing on the ways that they suggest.

Prepare my Soul Sneak PeekElvis Pavarotti
00:00 / 01:31

Prepare My Soul Lyrics

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Face Lift Yoga with Laughing

When you give birth everything goes down. You need to lift it all by laughing. So laugh your face firm by Laughing Down on "shee".


Yes, using Word Healing as demonstrated in this website you can lift sag under your jaw, cheeks and eyelids for free, at home, for you and your family, for the rest of your life!

Face Lift Yoga Sneak PeekCheeky Monkey
00:00 / 00:44

You are Everywhere (on the Birth of a Child)

“I am a God who is everywhere and not in one place only. No one can hide where I cannot see them. Do you not know that I am everywhere in heaven and on earth? Jeremiah 23:23-24

You are Everywhere Sneak PeekElvis Pavarotti
00:00 / 01:17

Smile! Smile! Smile!

Sing this with your family and clap along with Cheeky Monkey and the Little Shits. Sing the chorus especially, which is "Smile! Smile! Smile! Smile! Smile! Smile! Smile!"

Smile! Smile! Smile! Sneak PeekCheeky Monkey
00:00 / 00:20

Smile! Smile! Smile! Lyrics

This song was taken from a poem by the same name, which as a poem did the rounds of the Sunshine Coast, Australia, in the early 1980s. The tune jumped out  of it at me, so I wrote it down. 

Hey Daddy (a Song to Honour my Father after his Death)

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6

Hey Daddy Sneak PeekElvis Pavarotti
00:00 / 02:02

Laughter Party

A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Laughter is a gift from God. Laughter is a great way to stay encouraged. Proverbs 17:22

“He will once again fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy.” Job 8:21

Laughter Party Sneak PeekCheeky Monkey
00:00 / 00:48

Laughter Party Lyrics

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Heartsky (God Loves You)

God's love is unconditional and infinite — far, far beyond what even the best of people are capable of. God commands those who follow Him to love one another.

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. Matthew 22:34-40

Heartsky Sneak PeekElvis Pavarotti
00:00 / 01:43

Happy Just to Hug

A God hug is a timely gift. His hugs soothe, comfort and calm. He is never late in offering His affection or too busy to stand still and embrace His human creation. The Spirit gently caresses burdened shoulders and rubs out raw pain in the backs of believers. His compassion has never failed.

Happy Just to Hug Sneak PeekCheeky Monkey
00:00 / 00:41

Happy Just to Hug Lyrics

Do this with your children, with actions!

No Added Sugar

For dessert, Jesus would have eaten almonds and pistachio nuts, as well as baked Essene or Ezekial cakes made of dates and raisins. In summary, you can tell, Jesus mostly ate fresh food that was in season.

No Added Sugar Sneak PeekCheeky Monkey
00:00 / 01:00

No Added Sugar Lyrics

A gentle reminder to celebrate your health.

Mad Cow's Dis-ease


Every creature that moves about on the ground is detestable; it is not to be eaten. You are not to eat any creature that moves about on the ground, whether it moves on its belly or walks on all fours or on many feet; it is detestable.

Do not defile yourselves by any of these creatures. Leviticus 11: 41, 42, 43

Why does the Bible say "Thou shalt not kill", yet what the Nazis did to people we do to animals? Imagine my surprise last Christmas when I went to a church only to see the elder pastor of the church cooking sausages on the barbeque!

The same church says that you open the door to demons by taking drugs, yet after the church service, which includes healing to clean demons from those who want it done, they serve drugs such as caffeine (in coffee), theobromine (in tea) and lamingtons! Lamingtons are mini cakes which include drugs such as caffeine (in chocolate), sugar, colourings, flavourings and other additives and cow's milk! I have a friend who is not Christian because, she says, many Christians "don't walk their talk". 

So please, if you love God and Jesus Christ, go church hopping, forgive the many who say that they are Christian but don't walk their talk, and establish a personal relationship with God and Jesus using the breath based techniques on this website, because God breathes through you with every breath that you take. Enjoy their morning massages and other healing on a daily basis. They truly love you, but because they give people choice, find it just as hard to get Client Compliance as any other healer. 

Mad Cow's Disease Sneak PeekCheeky Monkey
00:00 / 01:05

Mad Cow's Dis-ease Lyrics

Listen with your heart.

God Sings You_edited.jpg

Sing up a Storm

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. Isaiah 43:2

Sing up a Storm Sneak PeekElvis Pavarotti
00:00 / 00:34
God Breathes You_edited.jpg

Long Lead on my Heart

From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.  Psalm 61:2

Long Lead on My Heart Sneak PeekElvis Pavarotti
00:00 / 01:31

By the Grace of God

If you sing along with this beautiful song you may feel the grace of God descending. 

Free Energy

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1

Free Energy Sneak PeekCheeky Monkey
00:00 / 00:45

Step by Step

Use this song throughout your year to stay happy and hold fast to your New Year's Resolution! 

"Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. "I am the vine; you are the branches."

Step by Step Sneak PeekElvis Pavarotti
00:00 / 00:49

Step by Step Lyrics

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Saved! (book)

Light up your life with more stories of miracles that happened to Cheeky Monkey throughout his blessed life! Read them to your children!

"Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith” (Ephesians 2)

Christmas Delight Ice Cream

A friend of mine turned vegan. After two years she grew tired and weak. She went for a blood test and was low in iron.

Her drug and dagger dealer told her to eat red meat, which has 2.6mgs/100gms of iron. One rump steak is 100gms, so to get what women of her age (19-50) need, she would have to eat seven or eight rump steaks a day! 

I said to eat hibiscus petals (not stamens) instead, and, of course, tahini, which has 8.9mgs/100gms of iron in it. That's 3-4 times the amount of red meat! In only four, heaped tablespoons, which you can drizzle over your fruit salad in the morning or over your salad or deep, green leafy veggies at lunch!

That's one quarter of a jar of tahini a day for 100gms, or half a jar for 200gms, which is all of the 18mgs of iron that she needs. Of course, you can also make up the iron by having many other foods which are high in iron, such as hibiscus, lemon balm, camomile and peppermint teas, which have 0.5-1.0mgs of iron in a cup! Four or five cups a day gives you the equivalent of a rump steak! 

Oh, and spinach has 2.5mgs/100gms too, so that can help too. In fact, if you have four cups of deep green, leafy veggies a day, as your body needs, that will help too. 

How do you get energy? One molecule of glucose gives you 2 molecules of ATP (the energy molecule), but in the presence of oxygen (O2) it gives you 38 molecules of ATP - that's 19 times the energy! 

So correct (diaphragmatic) breathing plus well red blood cells to carry the O2 gives you delightful energy levels at Christmas! Your red blood cells carry your oxygen to your tissues.

So what nutrition do your red blood cells need?

1 Selenium in red blood cell walls. You got stripped of selenium when you got Covid. "Long Covid" is usually a simple deficiency of selenium.

You need Brazil nuts from the Amazon jungle, grated, ground or blended, not from Australia, whose soil is deficient in selenium.

2 Iron - from tahini, four tablespoons = 100gms, which gives you 8.9gms of selenium, which is half your daily need.

3 Copper, 900mcgms daily, for your immune system and nervous system. Copper helps absorb iron in your intestines. It forms hemoglobin, the protein contained in red blood cells that is responsible for the delivery of O2 to tissues - it ensures adequate cellular oxygenation.

Copper is needed for the energy production cycle of cells, and needed to make red blood cells.

Phytic acid in nuts prevents them sprouting until they get into a moist environment in which they can grow. It halves our digestion of them. Get rid of it by soaking the nuts in purified water overnight. They are then called "activated" nuts or seeds.

So here is the recipe for a high energy, stress reducing ice cream. Make sure that it is organic so that you know that it is not irradiated or carrying massive amounts of poisons (pesticides, fungicides or herbicides, most of which are cancer-causing).

1 Hibiscus petals from 3-4 hibiscus flowers.

2 Pecans (for copper), Brazils (for selenium, iron and copper) and tahini (for iron). Unhulled tahini has 20 times more calcium than hulled.

3 Watermelon, figs and dates for iron.

4 Bananas, ripe, organic or spray free, at the little brown freckle stage, for iron, magnesium, potassium and zinc to release stress and boost your nerve health, as well as Vitamin C to reduce wrinkles and acne, and moisturise dry skin, and for B12 for your nerves. Yes, like most fruit, most of the nutrition is in the skin, so use it! Blend it into the ice cream with the banana, cut up fine, so that you save your blender.

Start by blending the watermelon, then the bananas, then the figs and dates. Then add the pecans, Brazils and tahini. Last of all add the hibiscus petals. Blending chews the food 1,000 times, making it much more bioavailable!

Freezing bursts open the cells, giving you a rich, creamy flavour and maximum nutrition! And then you call your children - "Ice Cream for Christmas! Put away your toys first!" They will come running!

Grate your Nuts!

Then sprinkle the grated meal onto your fruit or salad. Remember, you can have a closed fist full of nuts or seeds every day! 

Better still, activate your nuts by soaking them overnight and then throwing away the water. This way you double their bioavailability. This plus grating (when they're dry) gives you amazingly wholesome nutrition!

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