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Chirpy Chimp Chatter - How to Create Catchy Conversation

Boring people monologue. They love the sound of their own voice. You can hardly get a word in edgewise. You feel so overloaded that you hardly take in anything they say.


There are three types. The rude, insensitive, obnoxious and abusive type you want to avoid. The zealous type trying to sell you religion or some weird idea you want to avoid. The anxious type who just doesn't know that constant chatter doesn't make a good, solid relationship you want to avoid, but you can tell him the rules of Catchy Conversation and he will listen and change.


Catchy Conversation - 2,1,0 SECsVAKs

For another monkey to catch your idea you need to converse in 2,1,0 format -- two statements, one question, say nothing - zip the lip. Then you get feedback on how much your friend has comprehended and can continue from there. For example "Hi! Beautiful weather we're having! How are you?"


The next rule of Catchy Conversation is SECs. Use words and phrases that Support, Encourage and Challenge your friend, such as "Great smile! Keep going! Can you smile like that all day!?"


The third rule of Catchy Conversation is VAKs. 56% of people are visually dominant, and need visual words to switch on the receptivity of their cognition, such as "see, watch and picture".


30% are auditory, and need auditory words, such as "hear, sound and tune". And 14% are kinesthetic, needing words such as "feel, touch and warm". For example, "Hi! You look great! I feel that we need to tune into each other soon, so how's lunch?"


In this way your friends will catch the main idea in your conversation quickly and join in the conversation with their ideas. Share the idea of Catchy Conversation with all of your friends and let go of the boring people who just want to monologue.


How to stop the monologue habit and converse with God, Jesus, your Soul and the Holy Spirit

Place your hands into the Intimacy Hand Position. In other words, curl your fingers but not so much that they touch your palm. Stretch your hands right out in front of yours.


Now turn both palms up. This is the hand position for receiving from the Universe, the Higher Power, God or whatever name you wish to give him.


Now turn both palms down. This is the hand position for telling God what to do. "God, stop the rain."

Now turn your left palm up and your right palm down. This is the hand position for speaking with Chatty Conversation with God. Speak with two statements and one question, then zip your lips and listen.


Now turn your left palm down and your right palm up. This is the hand position for listening during Chatty Conversation with God. Listen for a while - he might give you some valuable insights.


Jesus Christ and other people

Use the same hand positions for Jesus Christ and other people, but with your elbows beside you and your forearms horizontal. Take a partner such as your spouse and practise Chatty Conversation with both of you using the hand positions.


Your Soul

Use the same hand positions for Jesus Christ and other people, but with your hands beside you and your elbows back. Practise Chatty Conversation with your Soul.


The Holy Spirit

Use the same hand positions for Jesus Christ and other people, but with your elbows up and your hands behind you. Take a partner such as your spouse and practise Chatty Conversation with both of you using the hand positions.


This position may help to handle what is behind you - your past. With your palms forward you take in so that your remember, with your palms backward you recall.


Left palm backwards and right palm forwards releases the stress of past memories.


Left palm forwards and right palm backwards helps you to recall and work through your past memories.


You might wish to sleep after Sustaining these hand positions with your Sweet Water Prayer Angel. In this way, you can dream out past stress that is influencing your life and decisions right now.


Combine this with Super Memory Ice Cream to clear up many niggling difficulties from trauma in your past.


God, Jesus Christ, your Soul and the Holy Spirit Tongue Positions

There are four Tongue Positions that relate to these Hand Position. Just as you place your hands right out for intimacy with God, you stick your tongue right out for connection with the Universe.


Just as your stick your hands forwards enough to become aware of others, such as Jesus Christ or your spouse, you stick your tongue tip forwards so that it touches the air to breathe for that connection.


Just as your stick your hands beside you to become aware of your Soul, you stick your tongue tip forwards so that it touches your lips to breathe for that connection.


Just as your stick your hands behind you to become your past, you stick your tongue tip behind your teeth to breathe for that connection. Yes, that is the Memory Tongue Position.


Behind your top teeth is for recall. Behind your bottom teeth is to take in information so that you can remember it. Behind both is for connecting your memory with your recall, to rejuvenate your mind and make decisions with the benefit of hindsight.

Three Leadership Styles

The general population is easily led by Carrot and Stick Marketing. You could also call this Reward and Punishment Marketing.


For example, your reward is a job, your punishment is no job. This was used throughout the world to get the general population to be an unpaid part of a genetic experiment, when giving the experimental victims "the jab". The motivation was fear.

Force or coercion was used. God was not involved, because he does not use force or coercion, only attraction. For God to be involved in Carrot and Stick Marketing you have to use the Carrot, not the Stick. You can point out the Stick, created by the monkey's own choices, but you cannot use it coercively. 

For example, I have often taught Back Pain Relief Seminars. I attracted thousands by offering relief from aches, pains, discomforts, low energy, sag and much more. It worked well.

The next form of leadership is Money Exchange Marketing.  You do a job for me, I give you money. For example, I taught ongoing classes in natural health. Those who did their projects of self-care got Yummy bars at the next classes. My client compliance rate jumped dramatically!

A third form of leadership is Inspirational. I suggest that you change your diet to boost your health. Not many follow this, because it is seen to be a Carrot without a Stick.

You can use all three forms of leadership. Different monkeys put their hands in the cookie jar for different attractions.

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