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Laugh Down Sound Charts

The purpose of these charts is to give you the sounds which you can Laugh Down or Tone Down on for speedy self-healing. These simple sounds may be called "Laughing Monkey Mantras" because you can Laugh Down on them to change your metabolism.


1 The sound of "air" is for your sensory organs. Touch the skin of your hands, arms and legs with your fingertips. Then Laugh Down on "air" with 14 outbursts on one out breath. Repeat this 14 times, it will only take a minute. 

Then feel your skin again with your fingertips. Notice how much more sensitive your fingertips have become. Your sense of touch has improved.

2 Feel your lips. Also, squeeze your anus several times. Your lips and anus are sphincter muscles. 


Then Laugh Down on "ah" with 14 outbursts on one out breath. Repeat this 14 times, it will only take a minute.


Then feel your lips again. They will feel fuller. And squeeze your anus again. It will feel stronger. 

3 Feel the tension in your muscles, tendons and ligaments. Then Laugh Down on "aw" with 14 outbursts on one out breath. Repeat this 14 times, it will only take a minute.

Then be feel your muscles, tendons and ligaments again. They are less tense, more relaxed!

Then bend over so that your hands gently touch the ground. Feel the tension in your back. Then Laugh Down on "air", "ah", "aw", "er", "ee",  "uu" (as in "wood" or "could"), "oo", "a" and "o". Feel how "aw" allows you to bend further than any other vowel, because it relaxes your tendons, muscles and ligaments. The short vowel "a" as in "hat" comes in second, because it's for tissues.

4 Be aware of the taste in your clean mouth. Then Laugh Down on "er" with 14 outbursts on one out breath. Repeat this 14 times, it will only take a minute.

Then be aware of your mouth again. Notice that your salivary glands have been more active. That's because they are exocrine glands, which put their juices into the external world, rather than endocrine glands, which put their hormonal juices into the bloodstream.

Then Laugh Down on "er" and press into the top thumb width of your upper abdomen. Feel how it relaxes down, because the pancreas below it, which is an endocrine gland, relaxes down.

Then do the same just above and a thumb width away from the centre of your pubic bone. It also relaxes a lot because your prostate is an endocrine gland.

5 Stretch your body in different directions. For example, how far can you allow your elbow to relax backwards? And your wrist?

Then Laugh Down on "ee" with 14 outbursts on one outbreath. Repeat this 14 times, it will only take a minute. 

Then test your elbows and wrists again. Feel how they relax back further. Then do the Laugh Down while testing them, and feel how they relax back while bending them backwards!

Go one step further. Feel how "chee" relaxes your left wrist back further, and "zhee" relaxes your right wrist back further.  In other words, the more specific the sound, the greater its influence on a specific part of your body. "Ch" is for the left hand, arm and shoulder, and "zh" for the right.

6 Feel your abdomen by pressing in gently. Then Laugh Down on "uu" with 14 outbursts on one outbreath. Feel how your abdomen relaxes more. 

Get more specific. Laugh Down on "tuu" for your small intestine and feel the middle of your abdomen relax down. Then do it on "wuu" for your large intestine and feel the upper triangle of your abdomen relax down. Then do it on "juu" for your kidneys and feel how the small of your back relaxes down. Then do it on "duu" for your bladder and feel how your lower belly relaxes down.

7 Laugh Down on "oo" with 14 outbursts on one out breath. Notice how your hips relax down and forwards. When you get hungry, Laugh Down on "THoo" with 14 outbursts on one out breath. Notice that you then feel satiated. Repeat for 14 times, it only takes a minute. Then you can move on with life without being drawn back by your addictive hunger. Overeating to the point of overload no longer  spoils your life.'

8 Run your hands through your hair. Then Laugh Down on "a" as in "hat" for 14 outbursts on one out breath. 

Then run your hands through your hair again. Feel how it has thickened. That's because "a" is for your tissues.

9 Feel your skin on your face, hands, arms and legs. Then Laugh Down on "o" as in "hot" for 14 outbursts in one out breath. Then feel your skin again. Feel how it has become smoother. That's because "o" is for all surfaces, including your skin, lungs and blood vessels. 

Consonants with Vowels

Consonants combine with vowels to make a more specific healing sound. If you Laugh Down on "wuu" it's for your large intestine. Once is for your anus, twice for your rectum, three times ("wuu, wuu, wuu") for your sigmoid colon, and so on. You can feel the left, lower corner of your torso relax when you Laugh Down on "wuu, wuu, wuu". 

The sound of "wuu" is like "wood", "would", "should", "could". It's not like "rude", "dude" or "nude".

Please look at the following chart. It covers over 70 different, common symptoms just by Laughing Down on the sound of "wuu" one, two, three or more times, up to 14 outbursts on one out breath, then repeating that 14 times. 

The "Pathway" is the pathway of the Large Intestine "Meridian". A "Meridian" is a flow of electromagnetic energy, that you can easily measure with technology that we have had since 1950. Each "Meridian" has 14 "Flows", and their route is indicated on this chart.


Please note that Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is able to handle some of these Flows with acupuncture or acupressure (massaging the point with your fingers, which is about 75% as effective in the hands of a skilled practitioner). Unfortunately TCM cannot handle the internal Flows.


BUT you CAN handle internal flows with sound - with Laugh Downs - so YOU can do better than TCM for many conditions if you learn Laugh Downs and how to SUSTAIN them. It's easy, most little monkeys can do it and YOU can do it for or with your whole family if you wish to develop a superior standard of family health and deliver a superior standard of healing to your loved ones.


Natural Face Lift and Rejuventation

Now use the sound "per" to lift and tone your face and smooth your skin. Simply Laugh Down on the specific number of outbursts on one out breath, repeat  that 14 times, which takes less than a minute, and feel your face again.


If you do this 3-5 times a day - say, when you arise, before breakfast, lunch and dinner, and before you go to bed - you can rejuvenate your face if you look after your diet and exercise programs. Your diet needs to be Vitarian (as in this website) and your exercise is Buzzing for face lift (which is in this website) and you need to start your day with Face Lift Ice Cream or Skin Smoothing Ice Cream. The recipes are in this website. Just press the BANANA BUTTON.

Colours, Consonants and Physiological Systems, Yang

Your Physiological Systems may be nourished by colour and sound. You can sustain the colour nourishment by wearing a one-colour suit or dress all day long, thus seeing the colour most of the time.


Colours, Consonants and Physiological Systems, Yin

Your Physiological Systems may be nourished by colour and sound. You can sustain the colour nourishment by wearing a one-colour suit or dress all day long, thus seeing the colour most of the time.


Physiological Systems, Organs, Indications, Colours and Sounds 

Look at how colours and sounds can also activate or relax each organ, tissue or other body part.  Colours handle whole Physiological Systems. So do the relevant consonants.


And when you combine a consonant with a vowel you get more specific, and therefore more powerful. You get a particular branch of a "Meridian" that governs a part of a Physiological System, such as an organ or part of your skin. There are nine branches and nine, pure vowels. 

For example your Respiratory System responds well to the colour lime and the sound "wh", and when you want to focus on the lungs you add "uu" (as in "wood") to "wh" to get "whuu", which is the exact sound for your Lung Meridian.


Here's another example. When you want to detoxify your body dress completely in purple for your detoxifying system. Do it for a whole day to sustain the detox of your cells.

Of course, fast with a "water bomb" flush on that day, because the toxins need to be eliminated, not recycled.

During that elimination support your lungs, which get rid of 70% of your toxins, and your skin, which gets rid of 20% of your toxins. Use the vowel "o" as in "hot" with relevant consonants to aid the parts of your skin that are struggling the most with the detox response.


Dr Einstein Chuckle's Chart of Laughs: Spinal Blood Vessels

The sound of "Bah" assists your spinal blood vessels. You can do it one, two, three or even 14 times - that is, on 14 out bursts of sound on one out breath. Each number of out bursts of sound on one out breath tell your body where to send its healing energy exactly. Continue to do this until you have mastered how to sustain the healing process while you sleep, which is shown in the book Dr Einstein Chuckle's Book of Laughs: Part 3, Blood Vessels


Einstein Chuckle's Book of Laughs - Part 2: Blood Vessels

This book contains 18 charts relating to18 blood vessel groupings, covering many common symptoms that you may relieve using Laugh Down sounds. You need it for the healing of you and your family, for the rest of your life. So download it now and keep it safe as a ready reference guide to Word Healing for your Blood Vessels.

There are also another nine charts in it with the sounds for small networks of blood vessels, like your pituitary gland. The details of these are not yet researched fully, so there are many spaces where information is missing. Until the research has been done the book will, therefore, only be nominally priced at $1. After that it will probably be $77.

Dr Einstein Chuckle's Chart of Laughs: Spinal Sinews

The sound of "Baw" assists your spinal muscles. You can do it one, two, three or even 14 times - that is, on 14 out bursts of sound on one out breath. Each number of out bursts of sound on one out breath tell your body where to send its healing energy exactly. Continue to do this until you have mastered how to sustain the healing process while you sleep, which is shown in the book Dr Einstein Chuckle's Book of Laughs: Part 3, Sinews


Einstein Chuckle's Book of Laughs - Part 3: Sinews - Muscles, Tendons and Ligaments

This book contains 18 charts relating to18 muscle groupings, covering many common symptoms that you may relieve using Laugh Down sounds. You need it for the healing of you and your family, for the rest of your life. So download it now and keep it safe as a ready reference guide to Word Healing for your Sinews.

Dr Einstein Chuckle's Chart of Laughs: Spinal Joints

The sound of "Bee" assists your spinal joints. You can do it one, two, three or even 14 times - that is, on 14 out bursts of sound on one out breath. Each number of out bursts of sound on one out breath tell your body where to send its healing energy exactly. Continue to do this until you have mastered how to sustain the healing process while you sleep, which is shown in the book Dr Einstein Chuckle's Book of Laughs: Part 5, Joints


Einstein Chuckle's Book of Laughs - Part 5: Joints

This book contains 18 charts relating to 18 sets of joints, covering over 177 different symptoms that you may relieve using Laugh Down sounds. You need it for the healing of you and your family, for the rest of your life. So download it now and keep it safe as a ready reference guide to Word Healing for your Organs.

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Dr Einstein Chuckle's Chart of Laughs: Large Intestine

The sound of "Wuu" assists your large intestine. You can do it one, two, three or even 14 times - that is, on 14 out bursts of sound on one out breath. Each number of out bursts of sound on one out breath tell your body where to send its healing energy exactly. Continue to do this until you have mastered how to sustain the healing process while you sleep, which is shown in the book Dr Einstein Chuckle's Book of Laughs: Part 6, Organs


Einstein Chuckle's Book of Laughs - Part Six: Organs

This book contains 18 charts relating to 18 organs, covering over 177 different symptoms that you may relieve using Laugh Down sounds. You need it for the healing of you and your family, for the rest of your life. So download it now and keep it safe as a ready reference guide to Word Healing for your Organs. 

There are also another nine charts in it with the sounds for small organs, like your tongue. The details of these are not yet researched fully, so there are many spaces where information is missing. Until the research has been done the book will, therefore, only be nominally priced at $1. After that it will probably be $77.

Dr Einstein Chuckle's Chart of Laughs: Right, Facial Skin

The sound of "Sho" assists your right, facial skin. You can do it one, two, three or even 14 times - that is, on 14 out bursts of sound on one out breath. Each number of out bursts of sound on one out breath tell your body where to send its healing energy exactly. Continue to do this until you have mastered how to sustain the healing process while you sleep, which is shown in the book Dr Einstein Chuckle's Book of Laughs: Part 9, Skin


Einstein Chuckle's Book of Laughs - Part Nine: Skin

This book contains 18 charts relating to 18 epithelial surfaces, covering many common symptoms that you may relieve using Laugh Down sounds. You need it for the healing of you and your family, for the rest of your life. So download it now and keep it safe as a ready reference guide to Word Healing for your Skin.

Einstein Chuckle's Book of Laughs - Part Seven: Hormonal Glands

This book contains 18 charts relating to 18 epithelial surfaces, covering over 177 different symptoms that you may relieve using Laugh Down sounds. You need it for the healing of you and your family, for the rest of your life. So download it now and keep it safe as a ready reference guide to Word Healing for your Hormonal Glands.

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Laugh Downs and Joints

Look at which healing sounds activate (+) and relax (-) each set of joints.

Laugh Downs and Bones

Look at which healing sounds activate (+) and relax (-) each set of bones.

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