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A monkey laughing at back pain

Back Relief in 7 Seconds - the Laugh Down Method

Back pain relief in 7 seconds - including the relief of muscular aches and pains, stiff neck and shoulders, leg cramps, asthma, angina, migraine, stitch and much more - is possible and amazingly simple when you realise that retired, celebrity naturopath Elvis Pavarotti, with over 57 years of experience in profound meditation, nutrition and natural health and healing, has unique tips and protocols which he is happy to share with you for FREE, such as

  • food is important in health and healing, but you can go 30 days without food,

  • and water is 10 times more important, because you can go 3 days without water,

  • and air is 1,400 times more important than water, because you can only go 3 minutes without breathing,

  • and laughing is boosted breathing - 3 times more powerful -

  • so laughing is 42,000 times more powerful than food in health and healing!

Laughing actually IS the best medicine, yet you spend 3 hours a day eating and zero hours a day laughing! That's nuts! So please enjoy the songs on this website and go to the FREE healing sections, such as Laughing Monkey Medicine, to learn how to relieve back, neck and joint pain, ache and discomfort for your little monkeys and big gorillas as you listen.

When you Laugh Down correctly on the correct sound (such as "aw" for cramps, "sah" for neck pain and stiffness or "chuu" for heartbreak) you can heal sooo quickly it seems like a miracle. So if you want to relieve your back pain in 7 seconds right now press the banana button and laugh (or at least chuckle and smile).

Back Relief in 7 Seconds ... and much, much more!

Yes, YOU can get back relief in 7 seconds for FREE for your whole FAMILY, including your big gorilla and your little monkeys. All you need to do is spend a couple of minutes doing the simple, easy training in the BR in 7 Seconds section of this website. Simply press the BANANA BUTTON right now.

But do you want MORE than back relief in 7 seconds? Do you want back relief for a whole day? A week? A year? A lifetime? Then you have come to the best website in the world to do just that. Here's how it works.

Back Relief using the Nine Laws of Nature

You can learn to relax your back straight and your body well yourself, naturally, with a little study and daily practise, transforming your lifestyle to one that suits your body better. You can test for your lifestyle needs by Press Testing points on your abdominal girth.



You see, at the age of 22 I was told that I would end up in a wheelchair by the time I was 40, I am now 69 and I ride a bicycle (not electric), walk, run for fun into the sea, swim, squat and do other exercises every day. Best of all, I have not had back pain since I was 22, except twice when I was moving house and lifted hastily and wrongly. Both times I lay down on my bed and straightened my spine myself in 30-40 minutes. 

That's because I learned how to relax my back straight by the NEW STARTS formula, which I have taught in universities, colleges and private seminars, workshops and classes for over 40 years. 

What you always need to recover from any dis-ease or maintain robust health is a fully rounded, natural health program. This program may be represented by the acronym NEW STARTS. It has nine elements.

  • N

  • E

  • W

  • S

  • T

  • A

  • R

  • T

  • S

Each element relates to an area of natural health.

  • Nutrition

  • Exercise

  • Water

  • Self-Testing

  • Temperance through Substitution

  • Air

  • Rest

  • Trust

  • Sunlight

Each area relates to a Physiological System.

Nutrition = Detoxifying System

Exercise = Muscular System

Water = Skeletal System

Self-Testing or Self-Study = Circulatory System

Temperance = Protective System

Air = Respiratory System

Rest = Adipose System

Trust (in God, not big gorillas or little monkeys) = Expressive System

Sunlight = Reproductive System

Each Physiological System has an organ.

Nutrition = Detoxifying System = Liver

Exercise = Muscular System = Spleen

Water = Skeletal System = Kidney

Self-Testing or Self-Study = Circulatory System = Heart

Temperance = Protective System = Pleura or Peritoneum

Air = Respiratory System = Lung

Rest = Adipose System = Greater Omentum

Trust (in God) = Expression System = Lesser Omentum

Sunlight = Reproductive System = Pericardium

Each Element, Physiological System and Organ relates to a single sound.

Nutrition = Detoxifying System = Liver = zh

Exercise = Muscular System = Spleen = k

Water = Skeletal System = Kidney = j

Self-Testing or Self-Study = Circulatory System = Heart = ch

Temperance = Protective System = 

Air = Respiratory System = Lung = wh

Rest = Adipose System = Greater Omentum =

Trust (in God) = Expression System = p

Sunlight = Reproductive System = Pericardium =


Each Element, Physiological System, Organ and Sound relates to a heading on this website. 

Nutrition = Detoxifying System = Liver = zh = BR Ice Creams

Exercise = Muscular System = Spleen = k = BR Buzzing

Water = Skeletal System = Kidney = j = BR Water

Self-Testing or Self-Study = Circulatory System = Heart = ch = BR Testing

Temperance = Protective System = Pleura = l = BR in 7 Seconds

Air = Respiratory System = Lung = wh = BR Breathing

Rest = Adipose System = Greater Omentum = sh = BR Relaxation

Trust (in God) = Expression System = p = BR Spine Straightening

Sunlight = Reproductive System = Pericardium = th = BR Sunshine

Active (+) and Passive (-)

Detoxifying System = Liver = zh. Buffering System = Gall Bladder = z. That's because the liver receives the nutritional elements and converts them into vitamins and other biochemicals for your body, and your gall bladder simply sends out the bile to break down your food into sizeable chunks for absorbing and sending to your liver.

Muscular System = Spleen = k. Mucosal System = Stomach = g.

Skeletal System = Kidney = j. Urinary System = Bladder = d.

Circulatory System = Heart = ch. Absorptive System = Small Intestine = t.

Protective System = Pleura = l. Nervous System = Brain = n.

Respiratory System = Lung = wh. Eliminative System = Colon = w.

Adipose System = Greater Omentum = sh. Immune System = Lamina Propria = s.

Expression System = Lesser Omentum = p. Lymphatic System = Cisterna Chyli = b.

Reproductive System = Pericardium = th. 

Now you know that you have nine Active (+) and nine Passive (-) Physiological Systems. Each one relates to a line of energy in your body called a "Meridian". This line governs the metabolism of your Physiological Systems and organs, and can be influenced by pressing a massage point, breathing and sound. 

Acupuncture uses needles to do the same, but both acupuncture and acupressure (which is about 70% as effective as acupuncture and may be used at home) lack the ability to influence the line of energy when when the points are inside your body - the internal flows.

Sound, however, penetrates your body so a specific sound can affect a specific flow inside your body, giving you a fully rounded, natural health healing system that you can use at home, for FREE, for you and your family, for the rest of your life - once you know how. And knowing how is on this website in books, which can become a reference library for you and your family for the rest of your life.


The reference books contain 18 charts each, which cover the 18 Physiological Systems. When accompanied by the NEW STARTS program you can give your family God's gift of abundant health for a whole lifetime. So please, if you want this wonderful ability, bookmark this  website and learn and apply it, step by step.

How to Relax your Back Straight

At the age of 22 I was told that I would end up in a wheelchair unless I learned one thing - how to relax my back straight. My chiropractor was right.

I walked out of his office determined to find as many ways to relax your back straight as possible, and one of them gave me back relief in 7 seconds!

In order of importance, these ways include:

1 Music - the Christmas Carol called Christmas Light helps to realign your spine. Yes, it takes 30-40 minutes to do a session, but the time spent is well worth it. Press the BANANA BUTTON to hear it.

2 Exercise - Buzzing helps to realign your spine and is the best exercise that you can do for recovery. Press the BANANA BUTTON to hear it.

3 BOOSTED BREATHING - Laughing Down can give you back relief in 7 seconds. You may have heard it said that laughter is the best medicine. It's quicker to laugh or chuckle than take a pain killing drug. Press the BANANA BUTTON to hear it and do it now.

4 Nature's Champagne - purified, activated water cushions your spine from inside your intervertebral discs. Press the BANANA BUTTON to discover more.

5 Food - the Genesis 1:29 or Vitarian diet eases pain through alkalinity, allowing your spine to move easily into place. Press the BANANA BUTTON for yummy, long-term results.

6 Supersoft Sunshine - keeps your bones strong and healthy. Press the BANANA BUTTON to learn how.

7 Rest - deep meditation eases tension in and around your spine. Press the BANANA BUTTON to learn how.

Pain Gone!

Just opening the airway to breathe the sinus headache dissolved for FREE!

Sinus Headache GoneRadio 2ZB with Susan Leia'Taua
00:00 / 00:37

Pain Relief from Breathing with your Airway Open!

This blind lady relieved her condition quick-smart during the radio show, and can now do it any time of the day or night!

Success from using Breathing TechniqueRadio 2ZB with Susan Leia'Taua
00:00 / 03:09

How to Boost Brain Power, Curb Cramps and Run Better with Breathing

You can boost your energy just by opening your airway using these two tongue positions - the Baby's Natural Tongue Position and the Cramps Relieving Tongue Position

Brain Power, Cramps, Iron Man2SSSFM Canberra Sports Radio with Jim Patterson
00:00 / 06:32

Back Pain Relief Cookbook

In the short term using music, laughing, affirmations and prayer can all help your back. But what about the long term? Do you want herniated, intervertebral discs or fractures in your vertebrae? That would give you back pain for the rest of your life!

So in the long term you need to build your back by boosting its nutrition. You see, when I was 62 years old I had my bone density measured. It was 2% higher than the average Australian 25 year old male's bone density! 

That's right! My message to you is that you can relax your back straight long term by eating a different nutrition, because alkaline foods soothe muscles and acidic foods toxify them, causing back pain. As well, calcium lays down in the bones in an alkaline environment, but in the soft tissues in an acid environment. 

Yes, and acid burns, causing pain!

Now here's the surprise. Some foods that taste acidic - such as oranges and lemons - have an alkaline ash so they are actually surprisingly good for your spine! To get clear about what foods relieve back pain and to be able to prepare them well, you need a good cookbook with plenty of variety. In this way you can feed your big gorilla and little monkeys to keep them out of pain and playing at peak, performance potential for the rest of their lives. 

Look at Novak Djokovic, the number one tennis player in the world for several years. He's much older than the youngsters, but fitter and stronger, because he looks after his body, including his back, with his nutrition.

So because it's Christmas, as a special gift to you, I am giving away the Back Pain Relief Cookbook, normally valued at $77, for $1 right now. It has over 277, tasty, back relief recipes in it, so download it now by pressing the Add to Cart button below.

Cramps Curbed while Swimming

Jeff's cramps dissolved while he was swimming, just by breathing with his tongue forward!

Cramps While SwimmingJeff Henley
00:00 / 00:36

Relaxation and Pain Relief from Breathing

Over the course of many years I taught millions how to open the airway by placing the tongue forward, with an 80% success rate in relieving pain, ache, discomfort, cramps, spasm, stiffness, stress and tension. Here is an edited recording of the first talkback show on radio that I was involved in, giving away this treasured knowledge for FREE.

Relaxation and Pain ReliefRadio 1ZB Auckland with John Cordorey
00:00 / 06:03

The Many Ways to Relax your Back Straight

To realign your spine is quicker and easier than going to the chiropractor, and far less expensive - it's FREE. All of us need to do it to improve our wellbeing at some time in our lives, and often many times. Because it's done with relaxation, even those with rods in their spines can use it to get some relief.

And it can be done in many ways. One way is with music - the Christmas Light Carol. Another way is with Laugh Downs, which are on this website under "Back Relief". Another way is with affirmations held by Affirmation Amplifiers, which are also on this website but not yet available online. Here's one man who did it this way - David Clothier.

"I had Scheuermann's disease, involving a malformation of spinal vertebrae. I attended a seminar and discovered a way to relax my back straight and regrow my body (shoulder and arm area) which had been injured in motor bike races. I was a champion Motocross rider, but I couldn't even hold the bike handle to ride the bike.

I did the technique at home in front of the mirror and got the straightness as shown in the photos above within 7 minutes! I am now riding my bike again, and it's a pure joy to feel that freedom!"

David Clothier, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

A monkey laughing at back pain

Back Relief in 7 Seconds - the Laugh Down Method

Back pain relief in 7 seconds - including the relief of muscular aches and pains, stiff neck and shoulders, leg cramps, asthma, angina, migraine, stitch and much more - is possible and amazingly simple when you realise that retired, celebrity naturopath Elvis Pavarotti, with over 57 years of experience in profound meditation, nutrition and natural health and healing, has unique tips and protocols which he is happy to share with you for FREE, such as

  • food is important in health and healing, but you can go 30 days without food,

  • and water is 10 times more important, because you can go 3 days without water,

  • and air is 1,400 times more important than water, because you can only go 3 minutes without breathing,

  • and laughing is boosted breathing - 3 times more powerful -

  • so laughing is 42,000 times more powerful than food in health and healing!

Laughing actually IS the best medicine, yet you spend 3 hours a day eating and zero hours a day laughing! That's nuts! So please enjoy the songs on this website and go to the FREE healing sections, such as Laughing Monkey Medicine, to learn how to relieve back, neck and joint pain, ache and discomfort for your little monkeys and big gorillas as you listen.

When you Laugh Down correctly on the correct sound (such as "er" for cramps, "sah" for neck pain and stiffness or "chuu" for heartbreak) you can heal sooo quickly it seems like a miracle. So if you want to relieve your back pain in 7 seconds right now press the banana button and laugh (or at least chuckle and smile).

Cramps Relief in 7 Seconds

10 minutes into a 60km bicycle ride I got cramps in my right thigh. While riding I Laughed Down on the sound of "er" with 14 out bursts in one out breath. The cramps disappeared in one out breath! That's less than 7 seconds!

20%-80% of back pain comes from back muscle tension - cramping and spasm. So Laugh Down on the sound of "er" to relieve back pain significantly or completely in 7 seconds. Do it right now or press the banana button, chuckle and smile!

Pain Relief in 7 Seconds

Pain may come from other causes beyond muscle tension, cramps and spasm. Yes, banana skins (the ripe ones with the little, brown freckles) release endorphins, reducing your level of pain. But it takes a while to put them into an ice cream such as Super Memory Ice Cream (on this website) and eat them.


So, for speed, which you want when you are in pain, there are a number of sounds that you can Laugh Down on to relieve the CAUSE back, neck and joint pain and, indeed, many other pains.


Start by relieving your muscular aches and pains using the sound of "er", then continue to

  • "tah" for lower back pain, or

  • "suu" and "see" for addictions to various drugs, 

  • "tuu" for food and love addictions,

  • "ta" as in "hat" for nerve pain,

  • "thah" as in "there" but using "ah" as the vowel for lower back pain caused by compressed intervertebral discs - which usually need a couple of glasses of purified water as well,

  • "thah" as in "thimble" but using "ah" as the vowel to relax your lower back.

  • "thah", then "thah" repeatedly to give traction, then contraction, to your lower back, so that it can gradually realign itself - for example, if you have scoliosis or lordosis,

  • "ther", then "ther" repeatedly to give traction, then contraction, to your mid back to gradually allow it to realign itself - for example, if you have scoliosis or kyphosis of your upper back,

  • "thee", then "thee" repeatedly to give traction, then contraction, to your neck to gradually allow it to realign itself - for example, if you have swan neck or "military spine", 

  • "thee", then "thee" repeatedly to relieve joint pain such as arthritis from inflammation, anywhere in the body. "Ee" is for all joints, and "th" is for your immune system. If, however, you have misaligned joints, then you need to look up the chart on Joints and Laugh Down for the joints for the Left Body, Left Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg, Right Arm, Right Body and Central Body. The more you specify, the quicker the results,

  • "shee" for natural face lift, to firm and tone your face, including your cheeks and jowls and under your eyebrows - do this 14 times 14 to feel the difference in skin tone and smoothness, which takes less than a minute. That's right, in less than one minute you can give yourself a mini-facelift so that you are all refreshed and alive for that romantic date!

  • and much more


You see, each sound re-invigorates a body part, which then responds with healing and recovery, lessening the symptoms of pain, ache, discomfort, cramps, stress, tension, sag, tiredness and fatigue and boosts your energy!

For example, one man had pain below his calves, from varicose veins. You could feel the bubbles as the varicose veins stuck out. So he Laughed Down on "cha", with 14 out bursts on one out breath, and his pain disappeared and his varicose vein bubbles disappeared as well. His skin became smooth to the feeling in one out breath!

And one married couple Laughed Down on "w" - 14 out bursts on one out breath - and their trapezius muscles (from their necks to their shoulders) relaxed by 20%. So they did it a few more times and their trapezius muscles relaxed by 80% within one minute!


Try this yourself! Feel your trapezius muscles, then do the technique that you will learn when you press the banana button and feel your trapezius muscles again, and feel how relaxed they get THAT quickly! Just do it!

So to relieve pain and boost energy for you and your family, at home, for FREE, for the rest of your life, press the banana button right now, chuckle and smile. Laughing is the best medicine!

Back Pain Relief song

This song contains your instructions on how to relieve back pain, joint pain and many other types of pain with breathing. Cheeky Monkey has used this technique over the radio for many years, with an 80% success rate.


It's not as fast as the Laugh Down, and it takes 7 minutes to work, but it's silence may suit you better in some situations. Please listen carefully. Write down the words.

Back Pain Relief Sneak PeekCheeky Monkey
00:00 / 04:12

The song says "Breathe with your tongue in a forward position". This is usually the best one for cramps, and much of back, neck and joint pain is cramping or spasm (sustained cramping) of the muscles).


Tree House

To laugh right now, listen to the first verse of the comedy song called

Toilet Music for Constipated Lovers. 

Click the arrow to play.

For more laughs, including the songs called "No Balls but it's Cricket" and "Is there Sex after Death?" press the BANANA button.

Christmas Light

These songs celebrate the miracle healing that Cheeky Monkey experienced in 1978. To hear what happened and the songs that it inspired, press this BANANA button.

The tune of Christmas Light is by Jesus Christ, the words are from Luke 1 & 2.

The tune of Holy Spirit, Activate and the words of the verses are by Elvis Pavarotti, 

Laughing is Boosted Breathing

Laughing is the best medicine. You can laugh a special laugh to specifically relieve pain, reduce blood sugar, reduce blood pressure, relax your neck and shoulders, ease stress and tension and so much more.


That's because laughing is Boosted Breathing - breathing with sound, and each sound that you make creates a different state of consciousness in your brain, mind and body. For example, the sound of "er" - correctly done with the right position of your tongue - reduces blood pressure whereas the sound of "ah" reduces blood sugar and the sound of "aw" reduces excess fermentation, bloating, wind and gas.


So is crying on the out breath (crying on the in breath is sobbing, which gives you more grief, not less, whereas crying on the out breath releases grief). So this website teaches you to laugh at nothing as well as jokes, because breathing is the basis of natural health and healing as well as singing.

To learn more, please go to the top menu bar and read and PRACTISE the Boosted Breathing techniques in the pages on Laughing Monkey Medicine and many of the pages on this website.


Start now by listening to some of the songs on this website and laughing to lighten your life's burdens. Press the BANANA button now.

For your health, breathing is 14,000 times more important than food!

Do you believe that food is important to your health - both type and quality of food? You're right. 

You can go without food for 30 days. You can go without water for 3 days. So water is 10 times more important for your health than food.

You can go without air for 3 minutes, so breathing correctly is 1,400 times more important for your health than water, and 14,000 times more important than food.

Laughing is boosted breathing, so you can triple the speed of healing, recovery and body regrowth and rejuvenation by laughing. Two months ago I had a zero pain tooth extraction - both during and after the surgery. How? 

I used a technique called Simmering, sustaining it with an Affirmation Angel. The amazingly gentle dentist took only 10 minutes to pull out all three roots, and 20 minutes to clean up the damage and stitch the gum, I had a little bleeding and I had no pain afterwards either. I had had two tooth extractions previously with massive pain, massive pain afterwards and four days of bleeding. 

To learn more about Simmering, press the BANANA button now.

Social Media Laughing is for Beginners

The natural methods that I share on social media are for beginners. Bad Baboon Breathers (20% of the population) will get no results. Good breathers (60% of the population) will get good results. Great breathers (20% of the population) will get great results. All of you need the training on this website, especially from the page called Laughing Monkey Medicine. To do the training, which only takes a few minutes, press the BANANA button now.

The Structure of this Website

On your top Menu Bar you will see Tarzan's Law. This includes your Disclaimer and the business of natural health - how you may relate to others using the information on this website. 

Seven aspects to natural health and rejuvenation

The first natural health and healing heading is Laughing Monkey Massage. This is about your mindset and how you can boost your positive use of it by Simmering. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

The second natural health and healing heading is Back Pain Relief. This is about exercise - mainly Laughing and Shivering for recovery from illness and for rebuilding your health - rejuvenation. To do this press the BANANA button now.

The third natural health and healing heading is Breath Testing. This is about how to test what is going on with your body, so that you can easily correct it - mainly using Laughing. To learn how to test, press the BANANA button now.

The fourth natural health and healing heading is Nature's Champagne. This is about water, which is 10 times more important to your health than food. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

The fifth natural health and healing heading is Laughing Monkey Ice Creams. This is about food, including healthy ice creams like Back Pain Relief Ice Cream, and sauces. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

The sixth natural health and healing heading is Sunshine and Sleep. This is about honouring your diurnal rhythm, including times for love and romance. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

The seventh natural health and healing heading is Laughing Monkey Meditation. This is about enjoying blissful times diving into deep states of consciousness to bring about massive improvements in your mind and body. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

Affirmation Amplifiers

The next heading is Affirmation Amplifiers, which shows you how to get over 40 hours of healing each week, while you sleep. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.


The next heading is Monkey Miracle Healing Books, from which you can buy whole ebooks on how to relieve various ailments such as "Virus! How to Reverse Viral Symptoms in Seven Minutes" and "Fat Freeing Hormones for Constipated Gorillas". To learn more, press the BANANA button now.


Next we have the Blog, which is clearly unfinished and will not be finished for a long time.

The Reflexology charts on it have to be fully detailed and I am putting my energy into writing books which contain programs for recovery from suffering.


This will be answered as questions come in.

Meet the Laughing Team

And have lots of fun! 

About Cheeky Monkey

The author has over 57 years of experience in profound meditation, nutrition and health and healing. Some of his experience is listed here.


If you wish Cheeky Monkey to speak at a meeting  or conference, probably online, please send me a message.


When I have finished setting up the website I will be able to support you more.

Tarzan's Law

The Jurisdiction, Disclaimer, Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and Refunds Policy for this website. If you are a member of the Thought Police press the BANYANA button now to discover that this website is not for you in sooo many ways!

Under this heading you will also discover

  • Our Abusive Behaviour Policy. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • The Seven Secrets of Running a Successful, Natural Health Business. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • Demystifying Doctor Speak. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • Chirpy Chimp Chatter. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • Healers, Natural Healing and Natural Health. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • Where Money Actually Grows. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

Photos and Stories

This list shows you the remarkable concept of body regrowth. That's right, you can see before and after photos of wrinkles disappearing in two days, faces rejuvenating (looking younger) in two days and even old scars filling in significantly in 20 minutes as the skin regrows. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

And yes, you can see a scoliosis (twisted spine) straighten in 2 days and other, remarkable stories. Before-and-after PHOTOS prove that body regrowth, repair, restoration, realignment and rejuvenation  are possible at miracle healing speed. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

You can also hear Cheeky Monkey on radio helping others with the relief of pain, ache and discomfort, including back pain, cramps and spasm, and immobility in 15 minutes using a simple, breathing technique. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

You can also hear  some students of breathing and other, natural methods talking about what worked for them and how well it worked. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

Why you age and deteriorate quickly

Have you noticed that smokers have more wrinkles than non-smokers? They age more quickly.

And have you noticed that some monkeys get more wrinkles more quickly than others even though they don't smoke? In fact, over 30% of the population die by the age of 39. Why?

Bad Baboon Breathing. With every breath you acidify your body, accumulating toxins which damage your cells. And the choice to breathe alkaline is only one breath away!

Four types of breathers

1 Unconsciously Incompetent. You ask them to open their airway and they reply "How?" You ask them to take a big breath and they expand their chests. You ask them if they know how to breathe and they reply "I've been doing it all my life." They don't know that they need training in breathing.

2 Consciously Incompetent. They know they need training but don't know how to stop being "short of breath". They need training in Laughing Monkey Medicine. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

3 Consciously Competent. They know how to breathe well and do it when asked. They need training in specific, breathing techniques, such as the one to conquer your cramps, including leg cramps (running, or sleeping), asthma (cramping of the smooth muscles of your lungs), angina (cramping of your heart muscle), stitch, migraine (cramping of your blood vessel walls) and birth pain (much of which is due to cramps).

4 Unconsciously Competent. They breathe well even when you don't ask them. They need training in specific breathing techniques, such as the one to relieve upper abdominal tension.


There are 14, basic, Buzz Breathing techniques, 14 advanced and 14 x 14 = 196 Seven Element Techniques altogether. For example, you can breathe specifically to rejuvenate your eyes.

As your breathing improves you will move through these four stages - from incompetent, dis-ease filled, stressed out slaves of time, circumstances and other's wants to centred, powerful, laughing monkeys. Firstly, however, let's look at the biology of breathing, so that you know exactly how your body works.

Yes, your lungs are in your chest. BUT most of the muscles that you use to breathe well are in your belly. They are called CORE muscles. You use them to laugh, shit, pee and thrust, hence the song Toilet Music for Constipated Lovers.

If you don't understand the biology of breathing - that is, you think that your lungs are in your chest so chest movement indicates good breathing - go to the page called Muscles of Breathing. Press the BANANA button now.


if you do understand the biology of breathing - that your lungs are in your chest but your main breathing muscles, including your diaphragm, which pulls 75% of your oxygen in, and your abdominal muscles, which push your carbon dioxide out, are abdominal - you go to Laughing Monkey Medicine and learn to laugh. When you laugh your tongue moves forwards naturally, opening your airway, and your abdominal muscles work correctly to push air out of your lungs. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.


Then, because of need, your in breath begins in your abdomen because you use your main breathing muscle - your diaphragm - first and your secondary breathing muscles (intercostals) second.


And then you practise the first  Tongue Positions as given in the videos there. They activate reflexes in your body that make you breathe out more than in, so that you then begin your in breath with your diaphragm. In this way you retrain yourself out of Bad Baboon Breathing and into the natural, God-given use of your physiology that you need to stay well. 

Your Breath Training Pathway

Begin with Laughing Monkey Medicine. Once you have mastered breathing the benefits of natural health and healing with be fully open to you. Even if you've tried a healing modality - such as Reflexology - before and it didn't do much for you, after you correct your breathing it will. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

FREE Massage

Under FREE Massage you learn the simple art of Simmering, which allows you to enjoy FREE massages whenever you want them. 

For those who love God you also learn how to prove scientifically that God exists. This introduces you to the greatest healer that the world has ever known - Jesus Christ - who spend more time healing others than preaching to them!

Yes, he is the "Elephant in the Room" of most courses on healing in this secular world, because his work and influence on the healing arts has been so dramatic but not acknowledged by an increasingly secular society. 

Under this heading you will discover

  • The simple art of Simmering. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • The miracle of music - which activates the Holy Spirit. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • The miracle of prayer healing and how to create such a miracle in your life every day, for example, by enjoying a foot massage by Jesus Christ, or perhaps other, gentle methods of healing such as reflexology. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • Scientific proof that God exists. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • How to prove that God exists when meeting a sincere sceptic. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • Seventh Heaven - the Pathway to Love. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • Three Letters from God showing that God Loves You, God Laughs You and God Breathes through You with every breath that you take. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • Fat freeing hormones and their massage points. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • Creationist biology and weight loss. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • Faith, hope and charity. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • How to pray for Miracle Speed Healing. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • How to Sing Better in Half an Hour. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • How to Sing for the Glory of God. To learn more, press the BANANA button now. 

Back Pain Relief

Under this heading you will discover how to relieve back pain in 7 seconds as well as simple ways to handle 

  • Back Pain Relief quickly

  • Intervertebral Discs. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • Joints. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • Laughing Monkey Massage. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • Back Pain Relief Nutrition. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • Snow Monkey Shivering - Buzzing. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • Buzz Music. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • Howler Monkey Humming. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • Buzzing - how to Burn Fat while you Sleep. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • Toilet Music for Constipated Lovers  -  Cheeky has written over 1,000 songs. Most of them are totally crap! Occasionally, however, one of his songs turns out solid diamonds. Toilet Music? Turn your little shits into bigger ones! Go BANANA!

  • Laughter Party Music. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • Male Chauvinistic Pig (men only comedy album). To learn more, press the BANANA button now. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • I Like Sex with Chocolate (comedy poems). To hear more, press the BANANA button now. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • Vulga Bill's Olympic Letter (jokes). To hear more, press the BANANA button now.

  • Health and Healing Music. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • Environmental Songs. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • Laughing Monkey Medicine. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • Calling - the Secret of Accelerated Healing. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • Rejuvenation Breathing. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • Laugh Down Sound Charts. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • Seven Part Breathing. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • Healing your Past and Future. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • Monkey Mudra Medicine. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • Your 14 Physiological Systems. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • The Muscles of Breathing. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

Laughing Monkey Medicine

Laughing is boosted breathing. Breathing is 14,000 times more powerful than food when it comes to health and healing, recovery and rejuvenation. 

So laugh with your tongue forward and in 14 short out bursts in one out breath. That's right, place the tip of your tongue over your bottom teeth and down into the front gutter between your bottom lip and bottom gum.


This reflex point, when touched (you don't need to press hard, just touch it or the "string" that runs across there) helps to relieve cramps such as asthma, angina, stitch, leg cramps, back spasm, muscular aches and pains, stiff neck and shoulders, high blood pressure, birthing cramps (about 50% of birthing pain), migraines (cramping of the muscles around the blood vessels in the brain) and much more. The root of your tongue sits on your airway, so it's lifted and you can breathe more freely.

Listen closely to discover sooo much more!

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DownsCheeky Monkey
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Doctor Doctor AirCheeky Monkey
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Doctor Doctor AhCheeky Monkey
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Doctor Doctor AirCheeky Monkey
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Doctor Doctor ErCheeky Monkey
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Doctor Doctor EeCheeky Monkey
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Doctor Doctor UuCheeky Monkey
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Musicians aCheeky Monkey
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Doctor Doctor oCheeky Monkey
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Testing - Breath Testing and       Press Testing

Firstly master Breath Testing. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

Secondly master Press Testing. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

Thirdly master Press Testing and the Pathway of Happiness. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

Fourthly master Press Testing and the Pathway of Love. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

Fifth, master Press Testing and the Circle of Wholeness. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

To master Press Testing simply press the points with 1.75 pounds of pressure. Press down but not backwards on the throat hollow. 

If you meet pain, ache and discomfort, or tensions covering those reactions, on the point, realise that you need work on them. Laugh Down on their related sounds. Test again and notice how much more relaxed the points have become.

I was born because my father laughed

During World War II my father went up the Burmese railroad as a prisoner of the Japanese Army. 300,00 went up and 50,000 came back. Dad worked on the bridge over the River Kwai.

He knew when a beating was coming. He removed his glasses a laughed. His laughter kept him centred - in his power. He survived in horrendously cruel conditions.

After nine years of recovery ... and having fun while trying to beget a son ... I was born. I took my first breath, given to me by my father and my mother, for which I thank them.

Breathing is 14,000 times more powerful than food for healing

You can go 30 days without food, but only 3 days without water. So water is far more important for healing than food. 

But you can only go 3 minutes without breathing. So breathing is 1,400 times more powerful than water for healing, and 14,000 times more powerful than food. 

When you boost it with the sound "air" as in "hair" you direct the breathing to achieve the release of pain, ache and discomfort. When you boost it with the sound "ah" as in "Ha!" you can reduce your blood sugar levels. When you boost it with the sound "aw" as in "chord" you can reduce your bloating, wind and gas. And when you boost it with the sound "er" as in "third" you can reduce your blood pressure. And so on. 

So please bookmark these pages and return to them many times so that you learn how to laugh and breathe with the correct Tongue Positions to achieve relief from suffering and a high level of wellness. Especially, read and practise Laughing Monkey Medicine, to understand the power of Boosted Breathing. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

Laughing Monkey Medicine

Remember to put your tongue forward while you hear these jokes, so that when you laugh at the punch line it's real - infectious! And you will then breathe in from your lower belly - correct, diaphragmatic breathing! Laugh Down with 14 out bursts in one out breath.

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Nature's Champagne

Purified water that has been structurally changed to include larger molecular clusters tastes sweeter and heals many body parts much more quickly. So it's called Nature's Champagne!  

You make it by taping the BLUE (-) face of a Sweet Water Angel on the outside of your glass or bottle. Fasting on it works wonders - you get more energy, freshness and aliveness! To find out more, press the BANANA button now.

Laughing Monkey Ice Creams

Funny though it may seem, you can eat 14 mouthfuls of Skin Smoothing Ice Cream and your skin will feel smoother right after those 14 breaths! That's because the vital nourishment that your skin needs has already been partly absorbed because of the power of the way that you breathe. So learn and make these recipes - over 70 of them including Face Lift Ice Cream, Back Pain Relief Ice Cream and Sing Better Ice Cream - and eat your own, home made ice cream for breakfast every morning to boost your nutrition! To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

You can also reduce fat by

  • drinking water. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • going on a Vitarian diet. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • using a Gorilla Monkey diet. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • using miracle herbs from God's Garden, To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • using special supplements. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • and rejuvenating your body so that you look younger, feel younger and sound younger now! To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

Laughing Monkey Medicine

Practise the laughing as given so that you master it. Once you have done that you will excel in self-healing.

Miracle Monkey Healing

You can use affirmations to heal any large or small part of your body, even as small as a hormone or hormone receptor. You just need to get the wording exact, and support it with your full, natural health program. Your full program is given in the relevant book, such as "Fat Freeing Hormones for Constipated Gorillas".

As well, you can use prayer to double your healing speed, because you have friends helping you. In this way you can advance from natural healing speed to miracle healing speed with the help of friends. The exact prayers - such as the prayer for an exact hormone (such as testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, insulin or the happiness hormones serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin and endorphins) are also given in the relevant books.

Books include

  • Virus! How to Reverse Viral Symptoms in 7 Minutes. To learn more, press the BANANA button now. 

  • Fat Freeing Hormones for Constipated Gorillas. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • Toilet Hormones for Constipated Monkeys. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • Laughing Gas for Cancer (COMING SOON). To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • Sing for the Glory of God. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

  • Saved! To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

Laughing Monkey Medicine

Remember to put your tongue forward while you read this joke, so that when you laugh at the punch line it's real - infectious! And you will then breathe in from your lower belly - correct, diaphragmatic breathing!

Blogs for Logs

The information given on your website is vital to your recovery, rebuilding or rejuvenation in health. Such facts as exactly how much water you need to drink, how much time you need to exercise, how often to shit and pee and what foods rejuvenate (or, oppositely, age you) are here for FREE!


So please read and PRACTISE each page of the website. Nothing significant will change in your health unless YOU change it. BE the change you wish to see in your world.

Yes, you can get relief from cramps and many other maladies through laughing using specific sounds. To double their effectiveness use your Tongue Positions.


To get even stronger results, get more specific using the massage points or even biologically specific affirmations. To double the effectiveness of affirmations, use biologically specific prayers. In this journey from general to specific, start with sound, then add a Tongue Position, then massage points, affirmations and prayers.


The information in the Blogs is still being researched. The charts are not finished yet.

LMM3 Sensory Reflexology for your Sensory Organs

LMM4 Sphincter Reflexology 

LMM5 Exocrine Reflexology Chart

LMM6 Organ Reflexology Chart

LMM7 Wrinkle Reflexology for your Hormone Receptors

LMM8 Hormone Reflexology

LMM9 Specialised Tissue Reflexology

LMM10 Tissue Reflexology Chart

LMM12 Fat Frying Mandrills for Transforming Metabolism

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

This website was built by a novice whose monkey mind found it to be a steep, learning curve. So all feedback is good feedback, and Cheeky would appreciate that it also contains suggestions that would improve the website, and tips on how to do that improvement.


He would also love to be forgiven for the mistakes made as he continues to build the website, and for his slow speed in building. He needs to take this one step at a time so that he doesn't bust his boiler.

About Sects and                                     CUS (Computer User's Syndrome)

Long jokes to get you laughing, and the surprise information that shows you how to release the cause of Computer User's Syndrome. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

Laughing Monkey Medicine

Remember to put your tongue forward while you read this joke, so that when you laugh at the punch line it's real - infectious! And you will then breathe in from your lower belly - correct, diaphragmatic breathing!

Meet the Laughing Team

Meet your favourite characters and hear what they have to say about life - including Cheeky Monkey, God (my parrot), Jesus (my Doberman) and Michael the Angel (my computer tutor). To laugh more, press the BANANA button now.

About Cheeky Monkey

Hear the full story about Cheeky, how he started with profound meditation over 57 years ago, continued to nutrition over 52 years ago, went on to massage and other arts of natural healing over 47 years ago and began sharing his knowledge and practical wisdom over 43 years ago. To learn more, press the BANANA button now.

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About Toilet Music for Constipated Lovers

Cheeky Monkey 

Since our first day in business, Toilet Music for Constipated Lovers has been offering our customers the best selection of products at unbeatable prices. Our online store has become synonymous with quality and we ensure a continuous variety of fantastic merchandise along with unique limited edition and seasonal items that fit any budget. Check it out and start shopping today!

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Toilet Music for Constipated Lovers

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